How Much Did .XYZ Sell The Domain Name ABC.XYZ To Google For?

abc-xyz-googleYesterday Google announced that it is creating a new holding company, called Alphabet and the new website is using the domain name

The domain name was sold by the XYZ registry to Google for an undisclosed amount of money. The domain was sold sometime after the 30th of July, 2015 and before the 4th of August according to domain name whois history.

The domain name was part of the 100 domains that were reserved (according to ICANN rules) by the XYZ registry for its own promotion and usage.

Also, it seems that Google bought the domain name for $3,800. An active New gTLD investor, called Dan Yadgar, said in the forum that he sold the domain name at last week. He thinks he sold it too cheap because he didn’t know it was Google buying the domain name.

How much do you think the domain name ABC.XYZ was sold to google for?

I reached out to the XYZ registry with some questions regarding the deal but they told me that they can’t comment on this in any way.

Sold.Domains is reporting (in the all time top 10 sales) that 9 New gTLD domain names have been sold for 6 figures or more in the past 1,5 year since the New gTLD program started.

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About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the blog in 2012.


  1. Konstantinos, you know that Daniel Negari is a great businessman. Saying that, you should consider an option that he (XYZ Registry) actually paid Google to get and use (for PR) the domain name ABC.XYZ. It is a guaranteed income from the newbie domainers who registered at least 10k .xyz domain names within 24 hours.

    • That could not happen simply because Negari did not know that google was creating this company before they contacted him. If the company was previously known I admin that could happen.

      • Good point, google wouldnt have told him about the use and show their hand. Otherwise he would for sure would given it for free. I think its somewhere between 50-100k

  2. is no doubt one of the best. Xyz domains. I will suggest he sold it for a premium probably in the high five figure

  3. I think it’s 50k to 100k. Since it was a reserved domain held by the registry. And, any inquiry on reserved domains could be seen as coming from big corporations. And, if xyz registry not guessed it’s coming from Google they may have guessed it as coming from ABC network. And, both are big players.

  4. “There may not have been a Google-sized paycheck for Google declined to comment. Negari wouldn’t disclose any specific financial details about the sale, citing a non-disclosure agreement, only saying that Google/Alphabet will pay him $8 annually to retain ownership of the site.”

  5. I think it was an agreement for PR Marketing

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