Efty sent out a tweet saying that Efty for-sale domain name landing pages reached more than 1.4 million visitors in September. Here is the tweet: Did you know: Efty For-Sale landing pages reached more than …
Read More »Top 10 domain articles in September: Uniregistry, Topcoin & George Minardos, .Build, Michael Cyger, Rick Schwartz
September was a very busy month with a lot of important articles. The most popular articles were about Uniregistry, Topcoin and George Minardos, Michael Cyger, Rick Schwartz, Undeveloped, .Build, .Shop, .NYC and some other subjects. …
Read More »Join the .US town hall meeting and help shape the future of the .US extension
Neustar, the .US registry, is hosting a live town hall forum on Wednesday to discuss the United States’ country code Top-Level Domain, .US. Anyone can join the .US town hall meeting and help shape the …
Read More »Funniest domain name story of the month! wtf@wtf.wtf (???)
This is one of the funniest stories I have heard in the past few months! Imagine this: You are having issues with your email and then out of anger you try to send an email …
Read More »Was the $41.5 million price tag for .Shop domains worth it?
.Shop domain names turn one year old and as .shop celebrates its first anniversary, we take a look if the $41.5 million price tag paid by the registry was really worth it. It seems that …
Read More »Websites still don’t recognize all New gTLD email addresses
Today, the Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG) released two reports aimed at measuring the state of popular browsers and websites and their ability to handle all domain names – including new, longer, or non-Latin top-level …
Read More »Google starts using HTTPS Strict Transport Security (HSTS) for all its 45 TLDs
Google announced that they want the internet more secure and because of that they have added another tool in their toolbox, the HTTPS Strict Transport Security (HSTS) preload list. The HSTS preload list is built …
Read More »A fundamental mistake in domain name investing
This is a fundamental mistake in domain name investing and even experienced domainers do this mistake even without realizing it. Some people think that the simple the fact of owning many domain names will sooner …
Read More »I had a failed domain purchase at Afternic & DomCollect, Sedo, New Ventures Services, Web.com are involved
I bought a .com domain name for $1,500 using the BIN price at Afternic on the 28th of August. The domain name was then refunded 2 days later with little to no explanation as to …
Read More »Mike Mann sells 7 domains in August for $124,188 (Buys LinkedTin.com for $10)
Mike Mann reported selling 7 domain names in August for a total of $124,188. Mike had 5 5-figure sales and another 1 sale very close to $10k. Highest reported sale was NorthLife.com that sold for $32,500. …
Google new spam policy: Expired domain abuse
Google announced the March 2024 core update that they claim is designed to improve the quality of Search by showing less content that feels like it was made to attract clicks, and more content that people find useful. They also shared that Google has new spam policies to better handle …
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Buyer of Cofounders .com shares his thought process
Ladies and gentlemen this is Rick Schwartz
7 things Jordan Fried learned about domains (Owner of NFT.com and PuertoRico.com)
Mike Mann says GoDaddy domain appraisals are a total scam and a racket
Upcoming changes to Dan.com
GoDaddy and DAN want to move towards a simplified Aftermarket experience so they are announcing three upcoming changes to Dan.com. 1. Payout Currency Selection Starting on July 5th, you can choose a preferred payout currency in your payout settings. This enables payouts in either US Dollars (USD), Great British Pounds …
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Dan.com landers are now available on Afternic
DAN: Import Lease to Own (LTO) transactions with a 10% commission
7 things Jordan Fried learned about domains (Owner of NFT.com and PuertoRico.com)
Liquid market report Q4 2022: $11.4M in Escrow.com sales