Hello, this is my first post. Welcome to my new domain name blog. The name of the blog is “Online Domain”. The blog website is located at OnlineDomain.com. My name is Konstantinos Zournas and I …
Google new spam policy: Expired domain abuse
Google announced the March 2024 core update that they claim is designed to improve the quality of Search by showing less content that feels like it was made to attract clicks, and more content that people find useful. They also shared that Google has new spam policies to better handle …
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Buyer of Cofounders .com shares his thought process
Ladies and gentlemen this is Rick Schwartz
7 things Jordan Fried learned about domains (Owner of NFT.com and PuertoRico.com)
Mike Mann says GoDaddy domain appraisals are a total scam and a racket
Upcoming changes to Dan.com
GoDaddy and DAN want to move towards a simplified Aftermarket experience so they are announcing three upcoming changes to Dan.com. 1. Payout Currency Selection Starting on July 5th, you can choose a preferred payout currency in your payout settings. This enables payouts in either US Dollars (USD), Great British Pounds …
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Dan.com landers are now available on Afternic
DAN: Import Lease to Own (LTO) transactions with a 10% commission
7 things Jordan Fried learned about domains (Owner of NFT.com and PuertoRico.com)
Liquid market report Q4 2022: $11.4M in Escrow.com sales