Rick Schwartz’s 10 lessons in domaining

Rick Schwartz has been tweeting non-stop in the past few days providing very important tips and lessons about domain names.

Here are Rick Schwartz’s 10 lessons in domaining so far:

Lesson 1: If you give a price, YOU LOSE!!

Lesson 2: If you give a counter-offer just cuz they made an offer, YOU LOSE!!

Lesson 3: Don’t negotiate. That’s when you turn it into a conversation.

Lesson 4: Don’t do REASONABLE, Don’t do CURIOUS

Lesson 5: Don’t wet your pants.

Lesson 6: Don’t be sucked in by BS and shiny object chasers.

Lesson 7. A #DomainName value is Fluid. Don’t be anxious to price a unique asset.

Lesson 8. Sales is about buying. Buy shit, get shit.

Lesson 9: Invest in dotcom.

Lesson 10: #DomainNames that are easy to spell are easier to sell

I made the post today but I don’t know yet how many lessons there will be. He keeps adding more! 🙂

Rick also talked about his sale of the domain name GoBet.com for $850,000 and his refusal to set a price for 18 months!

To read Rick Schwartz’s individual tweets on the 10 lessons above and to read future lessons you can follow him on Twitter.


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.


  1. Rick is a visioner.It takes guts to get to his level of negotiation .It is not impossible,just say no and just hold your ground.
    I like Rick for being vocal and he is top of my favorite domain investors. Hate him or love him,he bares it all out.


  2. Finally— patience patience patience

    in short-Let them come to you

    Lesson 9: Invest in dotcom. As I said many times, if all the domainers just not reg the dot whatever- then the dot com will rise in value. I called those domainers regging dot whatever domain terrorists….

  3. Rick was and is a born salesman, learning from him is a gem and reading what he wrote on his blog and now in his Twists is a masterclass in stupidity for those who do not understand him, many of us can never be up to him and neither he proposes it himself, each one is different, no two are alike, if they are not twins from birth.

  4. Hello Konstantinos,
    We are forecasting a record year ahead for (.COM Equimoditty Platform Assets) The massive Migration from inferior extensions to the (.COM Equimoditty Platform Asset class) will be very evident till 2025 and beyond. In other words get your shit together, so you can enjoy this massive repricing spiral upwards. JAS 1/16/21
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider

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