
News from Rick Schwartz and Mike Mann

Here are some news that came out over the weekend from Mike Mann and Rick Schwartz.

Rick Schwartz

Rick announced that he will be using as the home of all the videos he has posted in the past few months on Twitter.

Here is what Rick said on the subject 7 years ago:

Personally I wanted to develop Rick.TV. But each time I think of doing it I just refer back to what I just wrote. I don’t own That means much of the fruit of MY labor will end up somewhere else. That’s a bad equation. I even went out and got But without the .com version I just know I will always being running faster than I actually am.

Now I might launch Rick.TV anyways because I do believe in ‘Destinations’ and hopefully I can overcome the hurdle by drawing attention to the difference. When 1-800-MATTRESS came along they had a problem. There were 8 letters in a 7 digit telephone number. So to educate the consumer their slogan was ‘Leave off the last ‘S’ for savings!’ That was enough to do the trick.

Mike Mann

Mike announced that he passed 350,000 domain name registrations in his collection.

Please say that it is quality over quantity but there are a few players in the industry (Huge Domains, GoDaddy, etc.) where quantity works. They may not the the most effective way to do domaining but if you have the man power it might work.

Of course Mike Mann is working alone so that is a whole different game. But I have the feeling that Mike is looking to sell the company and the 350k domains just like he did with Buy Domains and the 500k domains he had there.


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the blog in 2012.


  1. Mike’s domain portfolio will probably never sell, it’s not 2005 anymore.
    Frank’s domain portfolio has a better chance of selling IMO.

    • Konstantinos Zournas

      Frank is not selling cause of the army of brokers he has built.

      • To be fair, Mark didn’t say that Frank was interested in selling his domain portfolio but that his portfolio would have a better chance of selling.

      • Konstantinos Zournas

        I know. Sorry if I wasn’t clear.

      • Yep, Frank doing it smartly. Constant predictable cash flow. While Mine Mann has a lot of names, and some of them are a great. Majority (from quick look i had) is meh. Happy he thinks they are premium, but i think he really going for quantity and not for the most part quality.

      • Konstantinos Zournas

        One of the problems Mike has is that he seems to never dropping any of his domains.

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