Eric Lyon from Namepros needs help

I don’t know much about the Harvey hurricane flooding but I do know that Eric Lyon needs our help.

He has probably lost his house, vehicles and everything else including furniture, electronics, etc.

There is a GoFundMe fundraiser where you can donate money to help Eric and his family:

Eric Lyon has written a lot of updates on his Facebook account. Here are a few of them:

“Thanks to everyone that asked if we (Amanda Lyon and I) are safe here on the west side of Houston, Texas (Katy, Texas Line). Regrettably, I am unable to mark us safe yet since there is still another 3+ days of hurricane/tropical storm bands headed towards our area.

Overnight while we were sleeping a lot of locals were hit with flood waters and tornados that devastated their homes. My heart goes out to them and their families.

The current forecast is indicating that the worst is yet to come for this area between Sunday and Tuesday.

We live in a middle-class neighborhood that happens to be upstream from a higher tax bracketed neighborhood. Last night the army core of engineers/local government closed the flood gates to help protect the downstream community from being flooded. Sadly, that means the water for our middle-class neighborhood will rise and more homes will be flooded/destroyed here before it’s over.

We’re ready for the worst case scenario and will be fine, I’m sure. I just can’t click the “Marked Safe” button you guys keep sending until after Tue. or until the storm changes course again.

Be safe out there everyone and stay off the roads unless it’s a genuine emergency that you need to go out.

From our family to yours, we wish everyone a safe hurricane Harvey experience.”

We just got rescued,we lost everything in 6 foot of water, house, cars, everything. As soon as we get to safety and settled, ill update again.

Thanks everyone for your kind words. I am now able to type up an official update (As follows): Note: The national guard never came back for us last night. Last night when I took a nap (Around 3:30am) to regain some energy, I woke up to the generator being manually shut down (Around 5am) by my father-inlaw due to flood waters rising to the power outlets inside. Doing so helped prevent anyone from being electrocuted or a fire starting. Once daylight came, we placed a few calls and a family friend with a jet-ski sprung into action and organized a rescue operation which consisted of the following: 1) We evacuated the flooded house through the back gate into a church parking lot where he had a truck waiting for us, This truck took us 1 mile to impassable waters where we found a couple that owned a flat-bottom boat. They assisted us by making 2 trips to take us all another 2 miles where we met up with national guard and civilians transporting to shelters. Our family friend had his wife meet us there and we were then transported again by truck another 5 miles to their home, where we waited for my brother-inlaw to arrive. Once he arrived, we reloaded the belongings we managed to save slung over our shoulders, on our backs, and whatever we could carry (Including 2 dogs). He transported us to his house out of danger, where we are starting to work on settling in now. 30 minutes after we got out of the house and while in transit to safety, we got word that 2 flood gates/dams had just broke, sending tons of water down stream. This water may or may not have raised the flood level on our homes and vehicles (Which are already destroyed anyways). I’ll be attaching 2 pictures below of what our house looked like across the street prior to evacuation and I’m sure you can imagine how deep in the water they might be now. We are thankful that we all made it our prior to the dams breaking and that we are all alive. The material things we lost (Houses, vehicles, electronics, etc.) can eventually (Slowly) be replaced over the years, so I’m trying not to stress too much over it (Which is easier said than done). My heart goes out to the thousands of people still trapped in attics, on their roof, in the cold flood waters, and aimlessly searching empty flooded streets in looking for help. Below are the two pictures.
the water isn’t supposed to go down for 30 days or longer and we are unsure at the moment what address we’ll be at yet. I’ll let you know. Thank you so much for your prayers.
“I deeply appreciate everyone’s concern and prayers in these dark times for all those who suffered loses. It won’t be easy bouncing back, but it will happen eventually. All we can do is hold our heads up high and keep pushing forward. Regardless what tomorrow or next month brings, we’ll always know how much those around us wished us safe passage. Thank you so much!
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About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the blog in 2012.


  1. Eric is a stellar guy and it’s unfortunate this is happening. He and his family could use our support.

  2. Thanks for writing about this, Konstantinos. Hopefully this post brings some more of us with cups to bail water. When the 4th largest city in the USA becomes a giant lake, it’s going to take a lot of people lending a hand.

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