100 .Info Domain Name Sales In 10 Years For $330,000+

gtldsI am listing today 100 .info domain names that I have sold in the past 10 years.

I started buying .info domains in Land rush 2 back in July 2002.

At that time I spend maybe $7,000 buying more than 50 great .info domains such as buy.info, england.info, arts.info and athens.info. Some of these first domains I have sold and some I still own. My first 2 sales from these domains got me about $14k so I paid for my investment and started buying more domains by reinvesting the funds.

A lot of the domain names have been hidden because of confidentiality agreements, so I don’t reveal certain parts of my strategy and various other reasons. Sorry for this. A lot of the domains were sold through Sedo, so if you search the Sedo domain name sales reports you will probably find half of the hidden domains listed there.

So here are my 100 .info domain name sales for each year since 2003 and up to 2013 (number of domain names sold each year).

2003 (2)
england.info $10,400
arts.info $4,000

2004 (5)
*******.info €1,500 (noun)
********.info €1,000 (noun)
*********.info €825 (noun)
****.info €565 (4-letter)
***********.info €475 (noun)

2005 (7)
******.info $4,950 (last name)
***.info €3,000 (3-letter)
*******.info $650 (2 word)
*****.info €500 (first name)
*********.info €500 (2 word adult)
***************.info €450 (2 word)
****************.info €350 (2 word)

2006 (10)
***.info €5,000 (3-letter)
****.info €4,000 (first name)
*******.info €2,000 (2 word geo)
*********.info €1,500 (first name)
*************.info €1,250 (2 word)
*********.info €1,100 (noun)
********.info €1,000 (noun)
*******.info €795 (noun)
***.info €500 (3-letter)
*******.info €370 (noun)

2007 (14)
****.info €18,500 (noun)
***************.info €4,000 (2 word)
********.info €3,722 (2 word)
*********.info €3,500 (noun)
***.info €3,000 (3-letter)
******.info €2,500 (2 word)
************.info €2,408 (2 word geo)
*******.info €2,000 (adjective)
***.info €2,000 (3-letter)
*******.info €1,500 (2 word)
********.info €1,465 (noun)
*****.info €1,390 (adjective)
*********.info €800 (noun)
*********.info €800 (2 word)

2008 (17)
tvp.info €14,000
nap.info €9,000
********.info €6,000 (noun)
******.info €3,500 (adjective)
************.info €3,500 (2 word gambling)
********.info €2,000 (noun)
**********.info $1,770 (noun)
********.info $1,500 (first name)
********.info €1,250 (2 word)
********.info €1,250 (2 word)
********.info €1,100 (adult 2 word)
*********.info €1,100 (2 word)
*********.info €1,055 (adjective)
******.info €1,000 (2 word)
************.info €1,000 (2 word)
*****.info €1,000 (adjective)
******.info €964 (noun)

2009 (8)
depot.info €2,250
**********.info €2,000 (last name)
**********s.info €1,977 (noun)
*************.info $1,471 (2 word)
******-******.info €1,219 (2 word + hyphen)
*****.info €1,100 (last name)
free******.info €1,000 (2 word free gambling)
biggame.info €990

2010 (6)
kpn.info €15,000
siena.info €3,500
***.info €2,500 (3-letter)
****.info €2,200 (4-letter)
gentleman.info €2,000
***************.info $1,500 (2 word)

2011 (16)
etp.info €8,690
donate.info $4,000
theory.info €3,010
ori.info €3,000
genus.info €3,000
wicked.info €2,500
sexcams.info €2,350
redrock.info €2,234
londonescort.info €2,000
londonescorts.info €2,000
sexcam.info €1,800
verve.info €1,800
minerals.info €1,400
disorder.info €1,049
henne.info €1,000
nickname.info €1,000

2012 (8)
radiology.info $8,040
revision.info €4,000
legion.info $4,000
creatives.info $2,622
thecity.info €2,000
jth.info €2,000
*****.info €1,200 (last name)
TeddyBears.info $1,040

2013 (6)
Witness.info $4,000
items.info €3,800
RealTime.info €3,000
********.info €3,000 (adjective)
authentic.info $2,040
intersection.info $2,000

Actually there are exactly 99 domains listed above with a total sales revenue of over $330,000. The conversion from Euro to dollars was estimated.

The average .info domain name price is $3,333 and the median price is $2,570.

Sales from 2014 have not been included. And I have a list of over 30 .info domain names that I remember selling but I don’t remember when and for how much. A lot were for 4 figures. These are buried deep in my paypal or bank account probably that I didn’t search to compile this list above. I have only included sales that I found in my Sedo and escrow.com accounts. I have also sold a few to fellow domainers and in small bulk deals that I don’t include here. And no sales were included were the funds were send directly to my bank account, using a contract. So I would estimate that my total .info sales volume is at about $500k.

Some interesting facts about the sales above. At least one domain from the list above has dropped since the sale. Now owned by another domainer I know. I have caught a couple too after they dropped. A couple of domains were involved in UDRP complaints before AND after sales! Only about 20% of the domains are owned by US registrants. I can write more details on these sales in your interested. Let me know.

Here are the 5-figure sales from the list above:
****.info $18,500
kpn.info €15,000
tvp.info €14,000
england.info $10,400
nap.info €9,000
etp.info €8,690

This is the first of a series of articles reporting my domain name sales in the past few years. A lot of people were asking for this so I am just getting started with .info. .Us, .Biz and .net will follow and I will end with .org and then .com.

Oh, and if anyone has any doubts that this list is not correct or it is fictional then please let me know what sale you don’t believe so I send you a screenshot from Sedo or Escrow.com and my bank account. (I get a lot of these people whenever I post sales.)


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.


  1. Nothing I like more than reading about domain sales! Thanks for sharing and looking forward to the rest of the series.

  2. Any luck with the long-forgotten .mobi?

  3. Congrats on the .info sales. I don’t believe I have ever received an offer on a .info for more than $100 so less than 1% of my portfolio is .info. Just curious how you handle NDA requests i.e. increase sales price, don’t allow them under a certain price, etc.

  4. Great series! Looking forward to it!……..

  5. Any estimate on the percentage of those sales by venue / method? Passive / active outreach … Sedo / Forums / GoDaddy / et al.

    I’d be curious about the distribution.

    • About 25 of the 99 are through escrow.com.
      Most of the others were sold through Sedo. But I have almost stopped using it in the past 1-2 years.

      If you include the others that are not listed here I have sold them in any possible way.
      Godaddy domain buy service, Network solutions certified offer service, all forums etc.
      Now that I think of it, I must have sold a couple at Afternic that I didn’t check. Actually old afternic records must be gone so no point in that.

      All are passive outreach (landing page or email though whois) except for england.info that it was sold at auction and I had contacted several possible buyers. It paid off.

    • Joseph – I apologize about this comment being off subject, however, your recent posts on NP regarding Flippa is “spot on”…. You explained and presented the issue in an orderly and methodical manner and I only hope your constructive criticism is addressed properly…..Well said, well done!

  6. Thank you for you posts-im curious what you think might be the next great TDL over the next 5 years- re .me .xyz ect? Thank you. John

    • The next great TLD? My answer is none!
      No new gTLD will come close to even .us or .biz in number of registrations.
      In terms of sales… Sales will be divided among the new gTLDs.
      So if you are into New gTLDs, buy the best and cheapest you can find.
      Don’t buy 2nd tier domains in a new gTLD that is doing some good sales.
      .Club is doing very good but almost all sales are registry sales.

      BTW .me is actually a ccTLD and around for some years now and .xyz is well… crap.

      • Yep, i totally agree. Awesome article by the way. Even local gtlds have only certain utlitily. I dont think we will see any global trend setters, new gtlds will certainly make .com even more valuable.

        From your perspective, how do you feel sales of .info have changed over the years? Not just more or less, but more of how buyers behaved (more willing / less wiling) and in demand/supply side. Did you think you should have hold on longer on any of the prices?
        How did .info sales are different from .biz /org/ net. Harder or easier?

      • I don’t think that sales have changed a lot over the years.
        I have refused a lot of offers too. Even for 5-figures.

        .org and .info are a bit different but both are easier than .biz. I don’t have many .net.

      • It looks like you stopped selling anything under 1k at some point ,and then anything under 2k over last few years. Can you elaborate on your thinking of why that the case?

      • I am glad you noticed.
        It doesn’t make sense financially to me to sell under 1k.
        A single transaction costs me about $500. Bank fees, currency exchange fees, accountant, my time handling the sale and preparing tax documents, taxes etc…
        I prefer to drop sub $100 domains. I have mentioned this in my renewal/drop reports. See here.

        And in general average domain name price is well above 2k. I don’t like selling too cheap.

  7. Congratulations Konstantinos. Your this post is inspiring. When we see numbers like these, it inspires all of your readers to learn domaining and do well too. Most of us domainers don’t publish which domain and how much we sold them for. We should start sharing some information, so that it inspires others also. Do well. All the best.

  8. Congrats Konstantinos 🙂

    Thanks for sharing in detail about your .info sales as that’s really informative and helpful. Some impressive sales like kpn.info €15,000, tvp.info €14,000 and etp.info €8,690.

    I have less than 10 .info domains and never made a single sale. Btw, would you like to share how many approx .info domains you currently own?

  9. nice .info sales!! good evidence that .info is a major TLD player and should not be underestimates. I have bought a few LLL.infos on forums in the past year and you’ve encouraged me to keep them 🙂

  10. Nice to see a useful post again on a domain blog, after months of copy and past from press releases made by all you bloggers. No offense of course, it seems this is the new trend in domaining journalism. So thank you sincerely for this new useful post.

    Maybe be domain investors could re-start the discussion about how to improve the domain industry, re-starting from where the discussion was stopped, about 1 year ago.. Do you remember? The main issues were: how we can force parking platforms to start:

    1) keeping out google from their business model

    2) offering financing/leasing options to the prospect buyers (see for instance the landing pages offered ? by aftermarket.com….), so that they can start immediately to reasoning about the possibility of buying the domain they want in installments (yes, I know, you can do it through escrow.com, ecop, escrow hill, but that is a completely different offer: the prospect have to know immediately that he can buy in installments, with a trusted step by step online procedure etc. Can you imagine how it would be our economy without all the offers out there to buy everything in installments from an house to a smartphone, from a personal jet to a short vacation, from a car to a notebook, from a wedding cerimony to a bridal dress, from a plot of land to a shop sign etc.?

    All those payment in installments options are VERY WELL PROMOTED OFFLINE…. Do you know what are the parking platforms that let the prospect buyer to know immediately he can buy in installments? Epik? We all know the story behind them… Aftermarket? I don’t know if they accept the average domain investor.. Any other?

  11. I like these the most:
    ****, *****, ********,
    Brilliant, why didn’t I register these domains ?

  12. Love these type of write -ups! Thanks a lot for sharing these sales with us. I only hold 2 .info’s in a 400 name portfolio but I knew there were always plenty of .info sales in the x,xxx range. KPN is a large telco from the Netherlands (my home country) and I see they were most the buyer of the .info from you. Nice 🙂

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