Minds + Machines Gains $8.4 Million By Losing .Book, .Cloud, .Dog, .Site, .Style New gTLDs

MindsAndMachinesMinds + Machines Group Limited (AIM:MMX) announced that following the recent series of private auctions, the Company has gained, in aggregate, cash of approximately $8.4 million through withdrawing its applications on .book, .cloud, .dog, .site, and .style. The cash to the Group is net of auction fees and includes refunds that the Company receives from ICANN for withdrawing applications.

Cash and cash equivalents within the Group currently stand at approximately $42.24 million (approximately £26 million).

The Company anticipates the auction rounds for the remaining 20 contested applications in which MMX has an interest will be completed by the end of Q1 2015. The Board expects many of these will be resolved through the private auction process.

Fred Krueger, Chairman of Minds + Machines commented:

We are once again highly satisfied with the outcome of this latest auction round. Our focus continues to be on building a Group of exceptional value both in the terms of the assets we acquire and how we then monetise them. We look forward to resolving the remaining 20 contested applications in which we have an interest by focusing in only on those where we believe we can deliver real value and to ensuring we have the most appropriate services, products and distribution channels in place to best capture market share through our portfolio of top level domains.

Sold Domains

About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.


  1. Gravy train will be over soon, then they might have to actually sell some domains.

    • The truth is that M+M and Rightside have not sold a lot of domains.
      Except from .London but that does not belong to M+M.

      • Yes, the real business would be getting the stock up, and cashing out on the shares. I don’t like any of their early domain releases, they don’t have the staying power when going up against some of the newer releases. Out with the Old, bring on the new.

  2. A new definition of ‘easy money’. Amazing that so few partook.

  3. congrats M+M … i liked .Cloud, and .Style extensions, .cloud can be used by cloud based applications and other companies.

  4. They actually lost the these new gtld auctions!

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