Daily Domain Sales (9-20-2014): 88bet.com $4,500, lally.com $2,466, PrivateOffers.com $1,500

dailyI have a fever and a case of “too many lost Go Daddy auctions” today. I tried 3 domains and lost all 3 auctions. I guess my bidding was too sensible for Go Daddy. Well anyway…

I had some problems with registry and registrar pricing problems with .Website, .Host and .Press. I may have lost a domain or not. I guess I will find out tomorrow.

A new report on ‘New gTLD registrar marker share’ attacks .xyz and Network Solutions on there opportunistic marketing tactics.

Click here to see domain sale reports from the past week.

Here are yesterday’s domain sales and auctions:

Sedo Domain Sales:

Namejet Domain Auctions:
lally.com $2,466
perspective.net $405
nprt.com $270

Snapnames Domain Auctions:
arizonacriminallawyers.com $316
oblp.com $140

Go Daddy Expired Domain Auctions:

88bet.com $4,500
streambot.com $1,964
shopbags.com $825
thepursuitaesthetic.com $766
tcdaysinn.com $709
kisporn.com $661
licco.com $515
jonathanlee.com $485
haku9x.com $422
yaysports.com $411
minecraftgameplay.org $407
tbwablog.com $360
magicalhypnotist.com $355
readingpost.com $350
scrapapp.com $316
pokercashgame.com $307
dirigohealth.com $280
greensolutionscop16.com $280
amra-intl.org $270
euip.com $270
greengablesmotel.com $255
scentuellepatch.com $215
thecharlestondailynews.com $205
flickwit.net $205
feverfest.com $202
apartamentociudadamuralladacar… $201
danielmowery.com $200
countyconnection.net $194
orbitevents.com $170
milwtimes.com $156
enlvs.com $151
businessbrokerdirectory.com $150
62nsdc.com $145
charmmotel.com $137
ripbmx.com $135
midnightthinktank.com $134
spotandfriends.com $130
weeklyindependent.com $130
zeee.org $125
directorslive.com $125
hawaiiangardenscity.org $122
futbolenvivohd.com $118
treadmillguide.com $116
servicedriven.org $115
monasseattle.com $115
wrmjce.org $113
ourserviceworld.org $112
jupiter2002.com $111
butterfieldnews.com $110
cu-seeme.net $110
nationalrealtorsdirectory.com $105
cupcakerecipe.net $105
dearauntnettie.com $105
iup.me $105
communitypatent.net $104
voicesunited.com $101
freewoodworkingprojectsplans.c… $96
lounuer.org $92
lawschoolcompanion.com $90
ben10benten.com $90
bumperfix.com $87
compareyourclicks.com $86
aaftriad.org $85
pinoytechnologies.com $85
oddtale.com $81
learning-through-play.com $81
bluechipenergy.org $80
videomicroscopy.com $80
dirigohealth.net $77
newcat.org $75
kusnierczyk.com $75
baltimoreconsignment.com $75
mitindohouse.org $75
parisfan.org $75
metrainc.com $75
portaldoscontos.com $72
wakeupnowbusiness.org $72
lwhq.com $72
mellowmagazine.com $70
smokeapp.com $67
rqwb.com $66
qfpost.com $65
fiepcolombia.org $62
aycrimescene.com $60
apptemple.com $60
pbrla.com $60
quickandlegal.com $60
retirementanswers.com $60
hotrodhavoc.com $59
onestudiodanceandyoga.com $58
24227.com $58
cutebabynames4u.com $58
thechaosmonitor.com $57
bjandollies.com $55
cellcountry.com $55
ironmouth.com $55
octavealliance.org $53
craftyfolk.org $52
laxtweets.com $50
keyreview.com $50
northiowaonline.com $49
porking.info $47
wiredcpu.com $47
solicitorsnightmare.com $44
enterspacetickets.com $42
garagedigital.net $42
denverinmarijuana.com $42
iso-qs9000.net $42
dirigohealth.org $41
judian.co $40
stilwebyazilim.com $40
unite2013.com $40
111667.com $38
dekorasyon2014.com $37
gaysin.com $37
yukaa.com $35
azraelonline.com $34
31284.com $33
kenhtieudung.com $32
boudoirdefille.com $32
fcreative.net $32
heirloomhk.com $30
sectorlearning.com $30
allgowild.com $30
graftoncanoeandkayak.com $27
zoneutile.com $27
royaltonlimo.com $27
thelifeandstyleguild.com $27
trading-masters.com $27
igotmedical.com $27
mtolivehop.org $27
insureterm.com $27
radardetectorbenny.info $27
crisisalternatives.com $25
addabusiness.com $25
going-to.net $25
ctfamilytoday.com $25
eatlightning.com $25
globetpartners.com $25
cueat.com $25
enewsmonitor.com $25
libr3.org $22
heart-soul-music.com $22
tech-homes.net $22
mylungga.com $22
craftspiritweekchicago.com $22
razorwyreband.com $22
legalaidlawyer.org $22
slowfooddelmarva.org $22
tedxciit.com $22
3024ad.com $22
canadavisaexpert.com $22
wqez.com $22
onestopboats.com $22
countertopsphoenix.net $22
hdwidescreenwallpapers.net $22
prajituridecasa.net $22
kinokipsie.info $22
whatsapp-hack.com $22
mappinglatino.com $20
snokey.com $20
studerex.com $17
vliy.com $17
hbahcco.org $17
shseis.net $17
wisecounselonline.com $17
replicauseful.com $17
seoreview.org $17
mnmc.org $17
bablove.com $17
wondermunchies.com $15
socialwebmanagement.com $15
3-ccustom.com $15
jimkalb.com $15
romania-worldwide.info $15
txpcm.info $15
thewhinery.com $15

DropCatch Dropped Auctions:
Hg557.com $1,110
VUUM.com $1,021
Hg320.com $1,010
55695.com $523
Platial.com $421
WordpressTemplate.com $254
Nunix.com $125
BilsChina.com $114

Flippa Domain Auctions:
PrivateOffers.com $1,500
LaptopRating.com $285
OnlineStorage.com $6,001 (reserve not met)


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.


  1. Some real good sensible domain names on this list.
    apartamentociudadamuralladacar and so on. A .com i guess.
    Wish i would have seen this up for auction, what a steal at $201.
    I like these easy to remember domains.

  2. Godaddy auctions are rampant with shill bidders, many times I get second chance notice because top bidder did not pay. What does this tell you, that you are all over paying, godaddy knows this, their own reps admit that usernames would be best, but there are many that are bidding off disposable accounts, and moving onto the next one if they do not sell the name before they have to pay, or what not.

    • I know what they are doing. Go Daddy has the stupidest system on expired domains and people are exploiting it.
      I just didn’t try to prove it.
      I am thinking of doing a test myself in the next 10 days and prove it once and for all. This is the time to end this bullshit.

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