Daily Domain Sales (9-11-2014): idai.com $31,500, StreamCast.com $6,553

dailyGo Daddy sold netpets.org for $7,875? Have people lost their minds? How much traffic do they think this will have? The domain was owned by NetPets, Inc. from California that let it expire. Netpets.com is also expired and will be auctioned in a couple of weeks at Go Daddy. How much will that be sold for? $20,000+?

Namejet sold idai.com for $31,500 and Dropcatch sold StreamCast.com for $6,553.

If you missed it here are the results of the Sedo numeric auction.

Click here to see domain sale reports from the past week.

Here are yesterday’s domain sales and auctions:

Sedo Domain Sales:
bitcoinoption.com $1,600 USD
goal.rs 1,300 EUR

Namejet Domain Auctions:
idai.com $31,500
financialmatters.com $807
gnf.net $763
dreamfoundation.com $724
rarecollectibles.com $303
l8w.com $298
crlo.com $200

Snapnames Domain Auctions:
pornbusiness.com $666
wepoker.com $625
bqp.net $535
pokerway.com $529
teenbooty.com $232

Go Daddy Expired Domain Auctions:

netpets.org $7,875
salestore.com $2,750
ericpeterson.com $2,025
digitalchicktv.com $1,825
jesusween.com $1,370
250friv.com $990
washingtonasparagus.com $811
classicalmidiconnection.com $751
canshop.com $564
kidswealth.com $510
the100.com $510
sciencealerts.com $461
pinemountainjamboree.com $455
huye.net $398
technewstoday.com $372
kzic.com $320
wgrnradio.com $315
organicgardenarticles.com $310
freedomofeducation.net $310
grassrootsnaturalmarket.net $306
raptorconcepts.com $305
2798.net $285
diunderground.com $255
mightymcpilgrim.com $250
whenthesaints.org $238
curiositycreative.com $225
mapeed.com $210
steelmagnoliamusic.com $206
nuoidaytre.com $203
ceecenc.org $201
aidvillageclinics.org $201
housekeepingneeded.com $190
tulipthedog.com $185
l9e.com $182
focusmag.info $180
aladems.net $175
thailandwiki.com $171
cellargate.com $165
daututaichinh.com $156
csc-candelaria.com $155
akashanpathways.com $155
cohoctonny.com $155
nb88.com $138
rebeccajordan-young.com $135
fashiontick.com $135
traditioninnovation.org $126
f1-grandprixhistory.net $125
cybertrains.org $125
msfaacmh.org $125
webtaj.com $121
tndla.org $119
stpaulspot.com $115
azchadhomes.com $110
iphone-wallpapers.net $110
euskaltube.com $106
beewebco.com $105
allwellbeing.com $105
alabasterpublishing.com $105
csempe.info $103
websitelists.info $100
eastmountainsouth.com $100
braintasiabooks.com $100
ingyenelviheto.net $100
duriosoft.com $95
hambledonhouse.com $93
pepperwatkins.com $93
odyscope.com $91
7bpeople.com $90
vinegain.com $90
weeonesmag.com $89
glenmatlock.com $85
families-project.com $85
polen-tschechien-kontakt.info $80
islandiasportfishing.com $80
rkjr.com $80
cutupcollective.com $80
aammantequera.org $79
oglas1.com $77
37dc.com $75
nerdz-laserie.com $75
inter-net-marketing.biz $75
hippocampo.com $75
doublecsteakhouse.com $70
katekotler.com $70
vvld.com $70
healthycupcakes.com $69
specialtyautotransportlogistic… $67
nwqy.com $65
centoteatri.com $65
unearththepossibilities.com $64
98347.com $61
almuqatila.com $60
ehju.com $60
ken-spa.com $55
egyptlivehelpkids.org $55
90143.com $55
vlideshow.com $55
jaguarwright.com $55
bnisingapore.com $52
unlockcell.net $52
jpinspectionservice.com $50
muli.me $50
oregontango.com $50
raikyn.com $50
homewo.com $50
thebottin.com $50
buckheaddentalimages.com $48
olumsuzask.com $45
ehealthplanners.com $44
toropazzo.com $42
rival3d.com $42
nextpdf.net $42
rapidcontactlenses.com $42
watsonjimmerson.com $41
ficit.org $40
familybeacon.com $40
salv.us $40
52124.com $40
bestcarinsurance.info $40
justjosh.org $40
repuce.com $38
techzonecom.com $38
mvnb.com $38
nvmg.com $37
aueonline.com $37
freestockicons.com $35
cafemills.org $35
britanniaarmsaptos.com $35
5brr.com $35
norcb.net $35
medbn.com $35
htxe.com $35
badgesofhonor5k.com $34
icontechnology.us $32
mainehunters.info $32
aikia.org $32
propertysuggestion.com $32
claytonforus.com $32
vpzo.com $32
trickat.com $31
stereoconnection.com $31
qsdu.com $31
pizzaitaly.net $30
wellspringhomecare.org $30
eaglenationalmint.com $30
hireoutmycar.com $30
lawbreeze.net $28
dualcow.com $27
jgku.com $27
piquito.com $27
costaricarealestateescazu.com $27
ganardinerovip.com $27
igy-mandalina.com $27
elihornby.com $27
xffv.com $27
xbvv.com $27
nbeq.com $27
babaloud.com $27
brasilsulmexico.com $26
chromeclassics.com $25
theeyelessowl.net $25
templeuvup.org $25
broadbandsecurity.org $25
kiteagent.com $22
homeatl.com $22
oyfb.com $22
cashmereandtweed.com $22
rgmis.com $22
moodle4free.com $22
tschechien-kontakt.info $22
ngvy.com $22
singaporeaninlondon.net $22
avincistudio.com $22
makingmoneymakingmusic.com $22
nwenergyassociation.org $22
ipegem.com $22
iset2014.com $22
joker-park.com $20
maozilla.com $20
healthnetltd.com $20
sagrantinonews.com $20
giaonhan.net $20
garooki.com $20
oucw.com $19
writersontheinside.com $17
turboinvoicer.com $17
bdsdayofaction.net $17
umsuenviro.com $17
athleticsafterdark.com $17
running-foodie.com $17
womanhoodbyadiva.com $17
rallyforjobs.org $17
section1502.com $17
owxl.com $17
usbtablet.com $17
lwyo.com $17
anesthesiauniverse.com $17
maxblogpressplugins.com $17
xabarar.org $15
kotakinabalumassage.com $15
handsies.com $15
socialbookmarkwebsite.com $15
diyinternetmarketing.com $15
kenhhaihuoc.com $15
limosinsantabarbara.com $15
moneyearningmethods.net $15
siucra.net $15
frostnixon.com $15
brooshasolar.com $15
adventuresofmommynme.com $15

DropCatch Dropped Auctions:
StreamCast.com $6,553
HerMex.com $913
Owis.com $850
SexyGranny.com $849
Cssez.com $490
103000.com $312
88474.com $103
98569.com $224
Bewaesserung.com $193
BinateC.com $144
Cangchi.com $261
CDZB.com $324
CheNonceAu-Education.com $221
Crystop.com $363
ErgoZone.com $146
LudlowPress.com $156
Mapforce.com $303
MedIrox.com $424
Megahertz.net $104
NanoProfessor.net $162
OmniVit.com $303
PanMax.com $370
Power-Hitachi.com $174
QuickFatLoss.com $201
SkinLux.com $100
SmHolding.com $131
StudyMax.com $370
Telefonseelsorge.com $169
TeleTekst.com $371
TheTrialLawyer.com $200
XiaonAi.com $234
XiaOnie.com $243
YouxueWang.com $309

Flippa Domain Auctions:
ClickThis.com $2,050
SiteKing.com $1,100
skioo.com $200
ecommerceshops.com $115


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.


  1. IDAI.com sale for $31k is overpaid IMO because the buyer is reseller and I wonder when and at what price he will sell this domain for…

    Some crazy acquisitions with no proper research and money thrown away.

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