45% Of All New gTLD Domain Names Are Registered At Go Daddy (New gTLD Registrar Market Share)

Almost 45% of all New gTLD domain names are registered with Go Daddy, eNom comes second with 8,65%, Network Solutions is third with 8,44%, United Domains is 4th with 7,89% and Name.com is 5th with 3,67% of the registrations.

My sample was a .guru zone file** from the 6th of February when all parts of the world had at least 24 hours since the real general availability started on the 5th of February. The sample had 14814 .guru domain names. The sample includes sunrise, EAP, pre-registrations and live general availability domain name registrations.

Go Daddy, that had a massive 6663 .guru domain name registrations, is one of the most expensive registrars but in fairness it also offers the most pre-registration options despite being a mess.

Go Daddy is also listed first on the Donuts, the .guru registry, registrar accredited list while all the other registrars are listed in alphabetical order.

Maybe the coincidence of the Super Bowl ads with the New gTLD general availability
gave Go Daddy a boost in registrations because the overall domain name market share for Go Daddy sits at 34,33%.

Of course there is less competition than with e.g. .com because only 62 registrars from a total of 1000+ are accredited to offer Donuts new gTLDs.

I have included below the overall domain name market share of the top 10 registrars in the
world. I have added the 2,71% market share from Wild West Domains to Go Daddy. The only top 10 domain name registrar that is missing from the new gTLD list below is Moniker that hasn’t yet signed the 2013 Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) so it is not permitted to offer new gTLD domain name registrations.

What strikes as remarkable are the very low registration number of traditional brand  protection registrars, even after the disappointing sunrise. Maybe other New gTLDs had a few more sunrise registrations like .clothing but still…:
Com Laude (used by Amazon): 20 registrations
CSC Digital Brand Services (used by Apple): 35 registrations
MarkMonitor (used by Microsoft): 80 registrations

Here is the new gTLD domain name registrations:

Domain name Registrar: # of registrations new gTLD %
GoDaddy 6663 44,98%
eNom* 1282 8,65%
Network Solutions* 1251 8,44%
united-domains 1169 7,89%
name.com* 544 3,67%
Tucows* 401 2,71%
Cronon AG 391 2,64%
Key-Systems* 281 1,90%
Register.com* 252 1,70%
1&1 Internet 241 1,63%
Mesh Digital Limited 241 1,63%
101 Domain* 199 1,34%
1API GmbH* 190 1,28%
EuroDNS* 184 1,24%
NETIM 184 1,24%
Easyspace Ltd* 143 0,97%
Internetters Ltd* 137 0,92%
Gandi* 127 0,86%
PDR Ltd 126 0,85%
Marcaria* 96 0,65%
Gransy s.r.o 82 0,55%
MarkMonitor* 80 0,54%
Vautron Rechenzentrum AG 60 0,41%
Dynadot, LLC 54 0,36%
Instra Corporation* 53 0,36%
Openprovider* 41 0,28%
CSC Digital Brand Services* 35 0,24%
Webnames.ca* 34 0,23%
Super Registry Inc.* 31 0,21%
NetNames* 25 0,17%
Com Laude* 20 0,14%
Encirca* 15 0,10%
CCI Reg  SA 14 0,09%
Entorno Digital 12 0,08%
Epik 10 0,07%
IP Mirror* 9 0,06%
Regtime Ltd* 6 0,04%
Secura* 5 0,03%
Register.ca 4 0,03%
SiberName 3 0,02%
COREhub* 2 0,01%
Nameshield* 2 0,01%
NameWeb BVBA* 2 0,01%
SafeNames* 2 0,01%
Inames Co. Ltd 1 0,01%
IP TWINS* 1 0,01%
Lexsynergy* 1 0,01%
Mailclub* 1 0,01%
Melbourne IT* 1 0,01%
Soluciones Corporativas IP, SLU* 1 0,01%
YesNIC* 1 0,01%
Total .GURU Domain Names: 18814

* Registrar provides DPML services.
** Zone files only include domain names with nameservers.


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.

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