club domains

.Club All Time Top 10 Domain Name Sales

.Club has sold 346 domains for a total of $1,477,084. According to Sold.Domains .club is the New gTLD extension with the most domain name sales.

Many domains have not been reported from the .club registry either because of an NDA or the domains were part of a bulk deal. There are been several bulk deals especially to Chinese domain buyers. There have been 346 reported sold .club domains.

Here are some interesting stats from the 346 sold domains:

  • 346 Reported Sold .Club Domains
  • $1,477,084 Total Sales Revenue
  • Average Sales Price: $4,269
  • Mean Sales Price: $2,000
  • 24 5-Figure Sales
  • 245 4-Figure Sales
  • 77 3-Figure Sales

243 of the total 346 (70%) domain sales were done in 2015.

151 of the domains were sold at Sedo while 46 domains were sold at GoDaddy.

Here are the top 10 .club domain name sales from Sold.Domains:

Domain Name Price Date Venue
Wine.Club $140,000 13/1/2015 NamesCon 2015/RightOfTheDot
Vegas.Club $100,000 13/1/2015 Right Of The Dot
Coffee.Club $100,000 1/11/2014 TRAFFIC MIAMI 2014
C.Club $50,000 5/11/2015
VIP.Club $40,000 31/10/2015 Registry Direct
Eat.Club $20,000 26/6/2014 Sedo
The.Club $19,000 31/10/2015 RightOfTheDot
English.Club $17,500 3/7/2014 Sedo
Weed.Club $16,000 13/1/2015 NamesCon 2015/RightOfTheDot
MJ.Club $15,000 31/10/2015 Registry Direct

About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the blog in 2012.


  1. sold as well so that needs to be corrected. I am proud to be a part of .club’s most successful aftermarket sales and those sales have really helped new and existing TLD sales as a whole for the industry.

  2. What ever happen to march 2 .club auction?

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