16 .XYZ Domain Names Sell For $379,376 At West.cn (9.xyz, xx.xyz)

xyz-logo-purpleThe XYZ registry auctioned off 16 .xyz domain names at West.cn. The auction ended today and all 16 .xyz domains were sold for a total of $379,376 USD.

The auction included short domains like xx.xyz and yy.xyz as well as numerics such as 9.xyz and 22.xyz. The top selling domain name was 9.xyz that sold for more than $175k. This sale surpassed 6.xyz that was sold for $125k in November.

Here are the complete auction results:

Domain CNY USD
yy.xyz 250000 $38.583
87.xyz 100000 $15.433
884.xyz 4700 $725
pz.xyz 54000 $8.334
6n.xyz 22500 $3.472
zz.xyz 114000 $17.594
yyy.xyz 40000 $6.173
xx.xyz 385000 $59.417
118.xyz 50000 $7.717
xxx.xyz 43000 $6.636
zzz.xyz 39000 $6.019
189.xyz 22500 $3.472
987.xyz 26500 $4.090
9.xyz 1135000 $175.166
22.xyz 172000 $26.545
2458200 $379.376

You can see all New gTLD domain name sales at Sold.Domains.


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.


  1. Although I disapprove of the .XYZ registry and don’t trust the CEO farther than I could throw him, when it comes to .XYZ itself I’m merely luke warm. Within China, the TLD seems to be having a fair bit of success. Whether that will hold true in the coming years nobody knows.

    But the registry got its foot in the door early in China, throwing its $1 domains into the crowd like cheap candy, getting itself featured prominently on the menu (alongside .TOP, .WANG, and the rest) just in time for this feeding frenzy of Chinese speculation we’ve been seeing during the past year.

    Registry sales like these aren’t always indicative of domainer sales. And the .XYZ registry has a well documented history of under-the-table dealings to inflate its numbers. But it’s at least possible that there are real buyers and actual market demand (at the moment) behind these prices. After all, we’ve recently seen big sales to China from other nTLD registries like .CLUB and .TOP. So it would be surprising if .XYZ were left out of the buyouts.

  2. And lets say that abx.xyz google re-brand didnt hurt either. This seemed to be the main changing point for xyz, if before it was crap that was painted in gold, its like we found a real golden particle among the pile. modern day alchemy.

  3. Kostantinos, why is there no NameCon post happening ?!?! we are 3 weeks away and we dont know who is coming. lets start organizing it, and what is better way then ask people to talk in the post plus maybe plan a drinks or/and dinner on Sat 9th.

  4. What we know:

    * Non-Coms in China are starting to sell with numeric and letter combinations.
    * Keywords in Com are gaining traction in China.

    What we don’t know:

    * When will the non-Com keywords gain traction in China?

    • The following keywords will stand ahead in the race for number one according to all that I am reading….Dubai, Cam and Solar. These seem to be sold on the market daily and alwas bring solid money! I understand all of these are future huge markets but how do we find other domains like these before they are the rage? ? ?

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