Daily Domain Sales (4-10/11/12-2015): WEE.com $55,000, FloridaNews.com $3,000

dailyTriple report today with 1 5-figure and 28 4-figure domain name sales.

More Proof That ICANN Is A 2-Face Organization

Sedo Will Now Display The Domain’s Asking Price Directly On The Parking Page

Domain Name Bought For $70, Sold For $20,000

Domain Name Seller’s Remorse

Most Of The $2,500 .Sucks Domains Have Their .Com Available To Register

The Most Awkward Moment At NamesCon

.Sucks Registry Makes $200k+ Selling Domains To Taylor Swift, Apple, Google, Microsoft

I can’t stand these people that think they deserve a domain name just because. “Now check to see what reverse domain name hijacking is or just look at the mirror.”

I Just Hate Moniker

.CLUB Hits 200,000 Domain Name Registrations In Less Than One Year

Sedo’s Commission Increases To About 18% For Europeans Without A VAT Number

Click here to see all the old daily domain sale reports.

To newbies: these prices below are 99% WHOLESALE prices except for some sales at Sedo.

Here are the top domain name sales and auctions from Sedo, Namejet, Snapnames, Go Daddy, Drop Catch and Flippa (please note that a lot of the domain names listed below have not been paid for yet): Sedo Domain Sales:
nisita.com $2,600
us.asia $1,500
lingome.com $1,300

Namejet Domain Auctions:
moneytrade.com $4,100
dngo.com $875

Go Daddy Domain Auctions:

knowmore.com $4,305
floridanews.com $3,000
apexx.com $2,650
adoptable.com $2,200
mediainc.com $1,810
buyinglocal.com $1,083
screenlock.com $1,026
98658.com $1,015
autolynx.com $765
mp3men.com $700
vgin.com $660
avelonline.com $552
russiansleepexperiment.com $515
888912.com $510
fxcentral.com $460
cam360.com $451
qiankuo.com $370
pure-water.com $355
iapv.com $325
hamiltonchamber.org $276
livehamptons.com $255
nfhm.com $245
khty.com $227
fxxw.com $216
uspropres.com $207
59729.com $205
wqjq.com $205
xgfj.com $205
qngt.com $205
pqnd.com $200
sccra.com $185
gyit.com $155
communicationsetc.net $140
turntablerepair.com $121
philadelphiamuaythai.com $113
magicofmidlife.net $106
susitnavalley.com $106
cursosadistanciaonline.com $106
t-rayscience.com $105
ijru.com $101
webiglesia.net $100
santamariarestaurant.com $95
tcssummit.com $90
cloudyandcool.com $86
eqausa.com $85
rpattersonlaw.com $85
ahand.org $85
stealthsurfer.biz $75
qborobooks.com $75
thebalancedcanine.com $75
saidwithcharm.com $75
eaglehose.com $75
firstduefirephotos.com $75
beyondrealityevents.com $75
kona-kohala.org $75
zyvv.com $74
powerinyou.org $70
43591.com $66
fitcorefitness.com $65
edgetechservices.com $65
ijdu.com $63
ijfu.com $63
exvw.com $62
thegreenfamiliesguru.com $60
mansionwedding.com $55
brobible.co $55
qvdz.com $55
xlgv.com $52
88artes.com $45
internetyasw.net $42
relumaskincare.com $42
bluegrassfoodtrucks.org $37
vwvd.com $32
thehydecollection.org $30
latinbox.net $27
hg5927.com $27
islemogren.com $25
hvac-dispatch-software.com $23
collegesearchdatabase.org $17
nailsplus.com $2,550
infographicsonly.com $1,500
zonkies.com $1,350
vidiac.com $898
pya.net $778
gamedaze.com $555
czpc.com $500
597555.com $460
emcomm.org $406
mbile.me $389
maildrops.com $330
morgle.com $325
blogrovr.com $313
jwzy.com $275
qbpc.com $255
htxr.com $227
ebookmeme.com $220
tptd.com $215
onlinefunctiongrapher.com $198
3000k.com $185
dnnq.com $175
join.cc $166
el-au.org $160
dailywicca.com $150
khnu.com $142
grqk.com $136
naturalsleepremedy.com $135
dnnu.com $125
miaminewconstruction.com $115
outdoorretailerhub.com $115
babysleeptonight.com $110
illvapes.com $105
25941.com $99
xtclimo.com $91
pipq.com $85
speedskatingmom.com $85
apexsprings.com $75
paintingsthatheal.com $65
recoveryrocks.com $65
westsidemikvah.com $65
jdyo.com $58
uexs.com $52
svjf.com $48
pdew.com $42
cloudofgames.com $42
babagames.com $42
zkuy.com $42
hnuw.com $38
umlz.com $37
voyage-2005.biz $35
vbvz.com $32
vbxd.com $32
gilbertazhomes.com $30
tpxv.com $27
casselmanriver.org $27
uowk.com $26
foresthomerusticdecorartprints.net $22
perfect-fit.com $20
urban-heritage.com $15
fedup.com $9,600
simkart.com $5,155
directpoint.com $2,330
sportbar.com $1,368
667.org $1,149
sportbars.com $810
protectyourcar.com $675
16897.com $565
bestvapor.com $560
cablepro.com $555
hexago.com $550
1way2god.net $510
miniclipro.org $490
giftx.com $480
youngfrankensteinthemusical.com $461
xkky.com $305
qnyg.com $262
annerobertphotography.com $261
consultem.com $255
u7j.com $255
mlcm.com $240
ftminfo.net $239
dacbr.org $235
greencellfoam.com $226
rxcj.com $210
clarionhotelvegas.com $205
juyu.net $182
taylorlordphotography.com $177
mqrt.com $176
sanantonioluxuryhomes.com $165
tutoringnext.com $162
sivilce.net $155
asaani.com $121
health-nutrition4u.com $115
maxfitnessrgv.com $111
bendchamber.com $106
ugbh.com $103
forrensoil.com $102
ixre.com $100
uaoj.com $93
rvem.com $85
vapq.com $85
microdataproject.org $76
ncappliancerebate.com $75
theazul.com $73
pcju.com $65
ufzm.com $52
wavadeals.com $52
cndgn.com $45
hellbenders.org $45
gviw.com $42
ufgz.com $42
betterspoon.com $35
rwku.com $35
eqve.com $32
postmodernlandscape.com $30
yak4ever.com $25
uhvx.com $22
robotop.com $15

DropCatch Dropped Auctions:

Flippa Domain Auctions:
WEE.com $55,000
Keyboards.net $6,800
Impresa.com $3,350
a.et $2,250
OnlineHelper.com $1,999
MMAEvents.com $1,751
sadly.com $1,650
DigitalGraphic.com $1,499
FixPCs.com $1,000
cruises.to $850
HorrorMovies.net $511
NameBarn.com $400
xre.net $395
PeanutButter.net $355
Medication.io $200


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.

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