Daily Domain Sales (12-21-2014): Peachy.com $21,810, PornoPizza.com $3,050, EverLife.com $2,425

dailyShould Blogs Post Domain Name Auctions Results That Don’t Meet The Reserve? What do you think?

Sedo’s Top New gTLD Domain Name Sales in 2014 (baltic.cruises, eat.club )

Top 10 Posts In November At OnlineDomain.com: Chick-fil-A, Selling Before Paying, Minds+Machines, BuyDomains, Go Daddy

Namejet Sold Me A Domain, Changed Whois, Refunded The Domain & My Info Is Still Showing On Whois

255 Domains Are Now Live In The NamesCon 2015 & RightOfTheDot Auction (complete list)

I now own the 2 domains name I bought from the 3M Company. I waited for more than 2 months to get them.

I posted some of my 2014 domain name purchases. More coming soon!

Here is a poll with over 435 votes so far: “Are You Renewing Your New gTLD Domains?“.

Click here to see domain sale reports from the past week.

Here are yesterday’s domain sales and auctions from Sedo, Namejet, Snapnames, Go Daddy, Drop Catch and Flippa (please note that a lot of the domain names listed below have not been paid for yet):

Sedo Domain Sales:

Namejet Domain Auctions:
youmove.com $2,000
hdcam.com $1,719
silenced.com $779
sour.net $400

Snapnames Domain Auctions:

Go Daddy Domain Auctions:

peachy.com $21,810
pornopizza.com $3,050
everlife.com $2,425
visit.co $1,525
smartmaker.com $1,035
qualityfoundation.org $1,000
iali.com $930
1manuel.com $897
alanadlarim.com $710
bwtorrents.com $600
nccte.com $563
genb.com $502
live-radio.com $495
hhrboutique.com $449
linhaiusa.com $412
level9design.com $405
clutch22.com $360
meristar.com $360
pg2013.org $338
lsdl.com $321
ddyl.com $305
bestmediafiregames.com $296
gdra.com $280
spotled.com $275
stopbeck.com $273
meetagamer.com $272
cszm.com $265
coinflow.com $257
accrawomen.com $257
preetiandpriya.com $252
uschiandkay.com $245
zysw.com $240
ltls.org $235
joomgroup.com $230
iav123.com $227
adelantogp.com $210
kkhsou.org $203
photoreal.com $190
cznw.com $185
bznw.com $185
manresa.info $185
rgbz.com $180
58190.com $165
timduffy.com $156
shuen-fuh.com $155
fwdp.com $150
daddydrama.com $140
austinstylewatch.com $139
bolmer.com $136
supertudotutoriais.com $130
onlypics.com $127
jonathanslandinggolf.com $126
elartedevivir.com $125
flkinfo.com $125
carpetcleaningsanantonio.com $123
movieworldrankings.com $122
eytanandtheembassy.com $115
thechocolatebardecatur.com $115
djmazz.com $112
dinkinsautoauction.com $107
dek-siam.com $107
gtcu.com $100
newsnetwire.com $100
salfa-web.org $95
silkfly.com $95
godofcarnage.com $91
bestonlinecollegesdegrees.com $91
impactenergies.com $86
green-living-made-easy.com $85
guggfellowsblog.org $85
adibfattal.com $85
mattmillsphoto.com $85
tedxdar.com $85
buckeyestatebaseball.com $85
joshbowmanfan.com $85
littlejoeblues.com $85
oblivionhauntedhouse.com $85
rncksf.com $85
pomdamour.com $85
rcep6.org $84
barrycounty.com $84
lily-cole.org $82
wuchai.com $82
localdealspot.com $80
safelytexting.com $80
webuildyourwebsite.net $80
congresoipralatam.com $80
dvinewine101.com $78
chexvictims.net $77
safewaterfoundation.org $76
madiesolution.com $75
akzw.com $75
buyyo.com $75
pctthruhiker.com $75
tenneseia.com $72
45495.com $72
kentuckypride.com $71
theblackrabbits.com $70
omdental.com $68
n8mni.com $68
carnivaloflight.info $66
stringmaker.com $65
redressinc.org $65
collegenquirer.com $60
maxbi.net $60
dirtydeeds.tv $58
longhuamassage.com $57
neworleanshotelsadvisor.com $56
jualjual.com $55
share4me.com $55
capitolcitysdaschool.org $55
mposters.com $55
nbebasketball.com $55
skimoguls.com $55
mi-mi.com $55
ejhs.com $55
touchstonesart.com $52
eventosppv.com $51
dirasaty.com $50
kathrynjennex.com $50
healthandwellnesscentral.com $48
bendigofamilyhistory.com $47
pjman.com $47
charlottehotelsguide.com $46
etceteramedia.com $46
articleslurp.com $45
dkamagazine.com $45
technologynewspot.com $42
atkins-diet-plan-n-books.com $41
sanctuarybotanicals.com $38
orlandohotelsinfo.com $38
womanknowthyself.com $37
airenti.me $37
pabookstore.net $37
ossahatchee.org $37
wmadvert.com $37
iconultraloungedtla.com $35
gzmglobal.com $35
oiaj.com $35
twifonline.com $33
hindimoviesdirect.com $32
plasticplatesmusic.com $32
embraceliving.net $32
ediejo.com $30
99itv.com $27
suzannetv.com $27
yuvl.com $27
christopherburke.com $25
autoparts4chevy.com $25
plebiscita.com $25
kwuz.com $25
dunfermline-athletic.com $25
xpwo.com $25
aromamuse.com $25
cpcharlottehotel.com $25
modernclothnappies.org $22
zhidy.com $22
meth-knowtheconsequences.org $22
worldvertise.com $22
wcis-corp.com $22
taptofeelgood.com $22
singaporecateringportal.com $22
sgsearchengine.com $22
web5000.com $22
procurers.com $21
egij.com $20
firecareertraining.com $20
skindamage.net $20
pspoint.com $20
tencargarage.com $20
sandiegohotelsadvisor.com $20
shanglala.com $17
mariogames.info $17
ukechordchart.com $17
erikanoeldesign.com $17
mainelandings.org $15
sarahryanblog.com $15
narodowa.com $15
technicalnavigator.com $15
thebluebuggy.com $15
binonabiso.com $15

DropCatch Dropped Auctions:
MartinIca.com $1,350
VerizPn.com $905
Trimension.com $487
MinervaFoundation.com $247
MobileCamSex.com $224
Sound-Horizon.net $170
EcoPrintShow.com $150

Flippa Domain Auctions:
evil.io $500
SendGiftCards.com $455


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.

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