Daily Domain Sales (12-19-2014): IYX.com $23,103, RAH.com 17,000 EUR

dailyJust wanted to let EVERYBODY know that threats are taken very seriously. Just that.

Top 10 Posts In November At OnlineDomain.com: Chick-fil-A, Selling Before Paying, Minds+Machines, BuyDomains, Go Daddy

Namejet Sold Me A Domain, Changed Whois, Refunded The Domain & My Info Is Still Showing On Whois

255 Domains Are Now Live In The NamesCon 2015 & RightOfTheDot Auction (complete list)

Greece Gets Its 1st ICANN Accredited Registrar: Papaki.gr.

Sedo’s Top 10 Highest Domain Name Sales in 2014 (MM.com, True.com, Malls.com)

I now own the 2 domains name I bought from the 3M Company. I waited for more than 2 months to get them.

I posted some of my 2014 domain name purchases. More coming soon!

Here is a poll with over 435 votes so far: “Are You Renewing Your New gTLD Domains?“.

Click here to see domain sale reports from the past week.

Here are yesterday’s domain sales and auctions from Sedo, Namejet, Snapnames, Go Daddy, Drop Catch and Flippa:

Sedo Domain Sales:
rah.com 17,000 EUR
putsa.eu 1,500 EUR

Namejet Domain Auctions:
iyx.com $23,103
zuv.com $9,501
uxy.com $8,991
eij.com $8,679
xoq.com $6,947
photographs.net $3,400
tomn.com $545

Snapnames Domain Auctions:

Go Daddy Domain Auctions:

gtfo.com $12,250
bestcard.com $6,000
holidaypaydayloans.net $2,702
spikey.com $2,010
tonight.tv $1,186
leoperu.com $1,079
gan.cc $1,001
top10bestfitnesstrackers.com $903
businessclassified.com $898
uaejob.com $835
responsivetest.com $700
agemedia.com $504
ayio.com $450
thetaxaccountantfirm.com $406
afscc.org $382
hackwifi.com $315
tranarchism.com $315
63998.com $281
houseofhighlights.com $265
downwardspiralintothevortex.co… $262
youthandfamilyinstitute.org $255
gunbiddler.com $255
connectcharter.net $231
omglife.com $224
artninjas.com $219
218333.com $217
sdarot.ws $216
aprilswilson.com $184
riftstore.com $175
thumbwrestlingfederation.com $173
minimalistinteriordesign.org $170
socialmedia1.com $161
portlandcleaners.com $160
koshertown.com $158
airtickets-india.com $156
debthelplive.com $155
jmhomes.com $155
zdjz.com $155
visibletheory.com $155
jimmacmillan.net $145
toneoflove.com $137
strategraphic.com $135
garageblog.net $125
malindikenya.com $124
ytfn.com $123
internetpokergames.com $121
erguven.com $119
azcra.org $115
kxjl.com $112
n2n2.com $110
startutors.com $106
starthereny.com $105
ditadifulmine.com $105
re-invent.net $105
rudyroots.org $104
kidsavvy.com $102
zanybandz.com $101
livebookmarktraffic.com $101
bestexhaust.com $96
magnocongreso2013.com $94
mybuyer.com $88
sabaya.org $87
balltdedguru.com $86
foodiesarsenal.com $86
dubaisme100rankings.com $85
flookie.net $85
mommatraumablog.com $85
istanblog.com $85
datexinc.com $85
photographerscolumbus.com $85
delhi-satta.com $85
obamaballotchallenge.com $85
breakfastatsaks.com $85
modemaster.com $85
5bcrossfit.com $85
gocbse.com $85
naciremadream.com $85
videoconverttool.com $85
carevet.net $85
traumafirstaide.com $85
sheepish.biz $85
zizzazz.com $85
sportingconnections.com $85
sugarderby.com $85
alqaedadoesntexist.com $81
highspeedinternetalternatives…. $80
allhypnosisdownloads.com $80
cybiocare.com $80
saffronnj.com $80
scanmar-yachts.com $80
pinoyblogosphere.com $80
04590.com $78
xpoy.com $78
pasadenarose.com $75
jofan.net $75
marchemcfi.com $75
vibratorsformen.com $74
vieclambanthoigian.biz $72
driedporcinimushrooms.com $71
nomythfitness.com $70
marinfish.org $70
pauloalto.com $66
zydamax.com $66
frontdir.com $66
telefondinlemeyazilimi.com $66
borntowatch.com $65
integratedmedexperts.com $60
drcq.com $60
commentarypage.com $56
gzvnbc.com $56
dogweb.org $55
nevadalawfoundation.org $55
just4wow.com $55
capecodbike.com $55
audiomixer.info $53
artboy.info $52
apartados.com $50
littlegreenfoosballs.com $50
speakthink.com $48
elinorflowers.com $45
flowcarber.com $45
fleetfoxes.org $45
dumbtattooclub.com $45
toplinedomains.com $42
sexyandbeauty.us $42
musicgames.us $42
alliancetrucker.com $42
nypeacewalk.org $40
glinttech.com $38
noidapackers.com $37
levantevinson.com $37
ecosystemmarketplace.net $37
emanueleincremona.biz $35
regionalbest.com $33
zbyo.com $33
zkla.com $32
singaporeeventportal.com $30
vtfn.com $27
m608.com $27
foothillcov.org $27
phukettropicalresort.com $27
ianbullphotography.com $27
mojodvjetnik.info $27
vbly.com $27
zokd.com $27
sekspornosuizle.com $26
artsandculturentx.com $26
teranow.com $25
pasiaboat.net $25
expresartemexico.com $25
vieillemarde.com $24
photographyforsocialchange.org $22
hrr-paris.com $22
recruitcollegegrads.com $22
romneywasright.com $22
hvrha.com $22
stassociates.net $22
conquestforever.com $22
milliondollarrelationships.com $22
forgottenkodama.com $22
southerncountrysouthflorida.or… $20
thepackonline.com $19
adultpersonals100.com $17
fivepassions.com $17
ecqj.com $17
mvxg.com $17
ozlh.com $17
ixbq.com $17
iqhj.com $17
gypsyartistrymakeup.com $17
cuyq.com $17
eypq.com $17
joebloggsblog.net $17
rgvv.com $17
tqya.com $17
owhq.com $17
clashofclanshacknosurvey.net $17
pcacb.org $15
ampersandco.com $15
cz5.org $15
suescaletta.com $15
libroylectura.org $15
learnweb101.com $15
purplenakedladies.com $15

DropCatch Dropped Auctions:
SkyTec.com $3,750
PalmOs.com $851
LypoSpheric.com $762
MicoLogia.net $341
Templategets.com $320
TrainGuard.com $253
Hg8586.com $200
LessNet.com $164

Flippa Domain Auctions:
Obese.net $532
newgosip.com $350
rabbitmail.com $201
BeardShapes.com $165
rides.com $30,000 (reserve not met)
Cortisol.com $10,000 (reserve not met)


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.


  1. Buyer got a great reseller price for RAH.com, triple premium LLL.com and semi pronounceable… if this is an end user they got themselves one heck of a deal!

  2. Is the Secret Domain Society making threats again?

  3. Don’t let them scare you, no one can make you register a .xyz !!

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