Daily Domain Sales (10-09-2014): Fixed.com $40,000, UniqueHotels.com $6,107

dailyI closed another sale today for a .org this time and for $6k. Another European buyer. 4th in a row. This is becoming a trend.

Today Moniker send an email to all customers. The email was rather patronizing. This is “How To Check If Any Of Your Domains Have Been Stolen From Moniker”.

.NYC launched on Wednesday. It didn’t get the results some people were expecting and people that registered .nyc domains didn’t have good taste. I am now analyzing the first zone file after the general availability to see who bought what and how many.

Click here to see domain sale reports from the past week.

Here are yesterday’s domain sales and auctions:

Sedo Domain Sales:
fixed.com $40,000

Namejet Domain Auctions:
mending.com $1,443
lupp.com $986
topeye.com $732
caav.com $676

Snapnames Domain Auctions:

Go Daddy Expired Domain Auctions:

uniquehotels.com $6,107
icestone.biz $1,125
ideazincdesign.com $867
petpillow.com $545
makegrowgather.com $515
jx0.com $501
drugdevelopmentalliance.org $470
buytorchlight.com $451
awsem.com $450
fitnessmatters.com $407
androidappsfreedownloads.com $355
dallasgames.com $355
bosombuddies.org $338
shepherdis.com $329
500555.com $301
socialmediaforkids.com $295
hatchchiles.com $266
mymio.com $260
hitchcreative.com $256
stinkatnothing.com $255
insanity-squared.com $226
59187.com $220
localrealestatepros.com $215
temse.com $215
fearfactorcasting.com $207
articlejoe.com $201
gogirlwebdesigns.com $200
movietrain.net $200
findthatpatent.com $175
aprongroup.com $170
felj.com $170
tennesseeoutdoorfurnace.net $167
bestfreeblackberryapps.com $161
creative-reporter.com $160
companiesiniceland.com $155
classyclothing.com $155
floridastartups.com $155
latinopundit.com $155
newsofthenorth.net $152
holisticroads.com $150
photo-print-on-canvas.com $145
indobis.org $134
sikhgurudwarasj.org $132
zbgt.com $128
clab2013.com $128
goellnitz.org $125
miainternational.com $120
biopharmatoday.com $116
qmalls.com $115
7090.cc $110
pbm3.com $108
pixelfive.com $105
drugdevelopmentalliance.com $105
vyyl.com $105
thewhips.com $105
jmjdesigns.com $105
zombiemariachis.com $105
creamvintage.com $105
mobileurology.com $105
coffeequip.com $105
navidate.com $105
thetroth.com $103
craftmagnets.com $102
completecomforthc.com $102
athensgreenway.com $100
ghsu.com $100
xvnv.com $100
radioengage.com $97
bdrglass.com $97
dropofpop.com $96
gamepreneurs.com $95
olliephonics.com $95
modernsuperstitions.com $95
lightingcultivator.org $92
monaco-ironman.com $91
usamericanfreedom.com $89
banneradsblueprint.com $86
horwoodpublishing.net $85
boston-bankruptcylawyer.com $85
iyfr.com $81
familiadelasalsa.com $80
dyqo.com $75
beebepublications.com $75
workingkansans.com $75
keithltowsend.com $72
yourcrap.com $70
pcgq.com $70
bmpq.com $69
haryanaraj.com $67
seannelson.net $67
articleray.com $65
vohg.com $65
favoritethingz.com $65
tullerschool.com $65
cfop.biz $63
j-stroup.com $60
yandalo.com $60
regrit.com $60
udecide.org $60
kendinciz.com $58
kidswearplus.com $56
agenerator.com $55
accordionman.net $55
cowq.com $55
jamilakitchen.com $55
clickistanbul.com $55
glutenfreecharleston.com $52
starsinsideedge.com $51
sweetrickey.com $50
eekv.com $50
cpns2014.com $48
realestate-agents.com $47
bestnewslinks.info $45
tarpitbar.com $43
orangeclassified.com $42
tbikansas.org $41
video-audio-converter.com $40
damien.net $40
smallhomeloan.com $38
tripinsurancequotes.com $38
myquickstudio.com $37
vacanta-grecia.com $37
sewinj.com $37
nettoyageuniversel.com $37
trbovlje.com $37
haitianmizik.com $35
meditation-training.com $35
samblackman.org $35
adambeachfilminstitute.com $35
radikaldubkolektiv.net $32
makeabetterworldfoundation.com $32
mojono.com $32
hoteltorolabayview.com $32
1688dvd.com $32
spanishspeakinginstitute.com $30
qbitsystems.com $30
kiemthe2.com $30
ebyj.com $30
profitpathz.com $30
radiohabbo.com $29
careerdoors.com $28
entourent.net $27
puzv.com $27
howtomakeagreatresume.com $27
azmazes.com $27
berat.info $27
landscapesacramentodesigner.co… $27
vxfi.com $27
h-at-h.com $27
depasse-toi.com $27
alivenutritionclub.com $27
zumbi808.com $27
liquidimageproductions.com $27
casasavoia.org $27
blattodea.net $27
cfkv.com $26
beepollenpills.com $25
cardsandgiftsonline.com $25
littlebigscreen.com $25
yuaw.com $25
craftwood-srwood.com $24
lacledumot.com $22
crudebehavior.net $22
subjungle.com $22
alphafarm.org $22
weightlosstrue.com $22
canyonski.net $22
aoiy.com $21
geekofguns.com $20
bjvd.com $20
ekjg.com $20
kvhj.com $20
newyork-hotels.us $20
theamericanpatriotsparty.com $17
glforex.com $17
shuitea.com $17
amocatcafe.com $17
clipuk.com $17
infoincrement.com $17
lonebuffalostudio.com $15
ebvj.com $15
ebyq.com $15
finanzasatualcance.com $15
placeforbloggers.com $15

DropCatch Dropped Auctions:
LasVegasLimousine.com $4,000
Ledit.com $866
Kaffeebohnen.com $345
RedRosePublishing.com $345
CitIsCope.com $290
MarshfieldWI.com $210
SapLink.com $104

Flippa Domain Auctions:
MortgageRate.net $3,053
ecommerce.io $2,050
HealthyYogurt.com $600
resources.eu.com $250
Halifax.com $205,000 (reserve not met)
DessertRecipes.com $28,000 (reserve not met)
kitchens.net $6,000 (reserve not met)


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.


  1. wow. congrats. looks like u and ur company are in a good wave. well done

  2. icestone.biz – $1,125 domain expired LOL

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