Daily Domain Sales (9-19-2014): DormRoom.com $12,450, 1934.com $7,099, Market.info $7,000

dailywebsidebuilder.com sold for $355 at Go Daddy auctions. Are you kidding me? Does anyone check the spelling of domain names? These prices are ridiculous at Go Daddy. And if these misspellings are sold for this kind of money then you can imagine for much good names are sold for.

A new report on ‘New gTLD registrar marker share’ attacks .xyz and Network Solutions on there opportunistic marketing tactics.

Click here to see domain sale reports from the past week.

Here are yesterday’s domain sales and auctions:

Sedo Domain Sales:
mercatos.com 5,000 EUR
oilid.com $3,500
studentloangeeks.com $2,000
meeting.info $1,050
icondomains.com $1,000

Namejet Domain Auctions:
dormroom.com $12,450
ouj.com $10,100
1934.com $7,099
coloradoproperties.com $4,132
beachbums.com $3,385
h15.com $1,500
downtownartwalk.com $1,006
td4.com $800
airsanitizers.com $610
toat.com $521
fetishshop.com $511
mko.net $509
liy.net $503
oeam.com $360
collaborating.net $160
minisite.org $80
filthyjobs.com $69

Snapnames Domain Auctions:

Go Daddy Expired Domain Auctions:

encorebridal.com $1,275
thebosh.com $1,275
bankingadda.com $897
loomisgroup.com $524
urlg.us $496
raptor.org $457
igargoyle.com $435
monthlydevelopments.org $412
myqf.com $407
noslivresajusteprix.com $375
websidebuilder.com $355
kelotel.com $330
yepthat.com $325
ankeena.com $316
cabinsplusmore.com $310
pinkandredribbon.com $305
chicagoaccidentinjurylawyer.co… $280
marijuanadirectories.com $225
stovetec.net $222
crahealth.org $220
appbeacon.com $215
carbondetox.org $210
zenit-camera.com $206
dozenkids.com $205
redcrosslife.org $205
findlawyerdb.com $205
fordmodelsfashion.com $205
theosmblog.com $205
jamesmotorcompany.com $203
facesofbeauty.org $180
improvd.com $177
626555.com $172
xxwb.com $160
mercowart.com $155
910moms.com $155
pervalidus.net $151
100date.com $150
empressof.me $145
ibginc.org $141
7156.cc $140
cetakkalender.com $140
knowledge-download.com $138
unionistas.org $135
thefilmconnection.org $130
instant-web-site-tools.com $126
alkalmiruha.com $125
coc.cc $124
joslindubai.com $114
formove.com $111
cityofmercedes.net $110
greenhomeowner.com $107
shallowcreekranch.com $104
somaliradio.net $102
togrool.com $101
timothykurek.com $101
shearerelegance.com $95
fortworth-criminallawyer.com $95
ankeenanetworks.com $95
thereisnothere.org $95
tideol.com $91
ijewelrydirectory.com $85
seoposicionamientoweb.com $85
vegpa.net $85
bucksbluessociety.com $85
viveganando.net $82
belectricground.com $81
hirta.com $80
ballsweekly.net $78
ifcgp.org $75
beauty-exports.com $75
gordianinc.com $75
mthomasdesign.com $73
fishandcross.com $72
brassroots.org $70
bcaatlanta.org $70
getweightlossdiet.com $70
xpfp.com $67
ankeena.org $65
marlengas.com $65
novel012.com $65
knockoutgreg.com $65
ben10cargames.org $64
xtraorbit360.com $62
kylq.com $61
xpfw.com $61
madhealth.net $60
yogasanga.net $60
iovm.com $60
55684.com $57
websitedesign-miltonkeynes.com $55
forcepest.com $55
artperk.org $55
torrentradar.org $55
digigraphicsusa.com $55
warriorwrestling.org $52
venueloungeny.com $52
marijuanaoils.org $50
floridavacation.tv $50
palmbeach-dentist.com $50
letstalktradeshows.com $50
arsenaltv.com $47
3swebdesign.com $47
thebankersclub.com $45
32146.com $42
dcproductsreview.com $41
dontbe.com $40
sfroundup.com $40
philadelphia-naacp.org $40
paternostercontracting.com $37
itranslatorjobs.com $37
niccisniftyeats.com $37
cool-bar-stools.com $35
wizardofvw.com $35
hypnosiscenterusa.com $35
lonescouting.com $32
hauntednightmares.com $32
foodfitnessfashion.com $30
artofanderson.com $30
tietry.com $30
aworldanthem.org $30
lotgod.com $30
mtschophouse.com $30
vizrt.tv $29
ctscinc.com $27
tu-celular.com $27
ovlm.com $27
geekstir.com $25
rebornwebsets.com $24
myrtlebeachmovingboxes.com $22
minecraftserverhostingfree.com $22
topbusinessdirectory.org $21
collaborative-group.com $20
smartduino.com $20
intlalum.com $20
microphoneheaven.com $20
afaxin.com $20
orrapin.com $20
helpmesoft.com $20
womenxone.com $20
davidcastles.com $20
manutd4all.com $17
greyskycoffee.com $17
walkmssocal.org $17
thoughtsunlimited.com $15
amplyfy.me $15
allkidney.com $15
anwords.com $15
maxshare.biz $15
sugia.org $15

DropCatch Dropped Auctions:
Esc-Alger.com $271
Cangchi.com $181
21968.com $155

Flippa Domain Auctions:
market.info $7,000
prn.xxx $1,100
vf9.com $250


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.

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