Daily Domain Sales (9-6-2014): VisitRome.com $16,000, mzh.com $10,750, ganna.com $10k

dailyI have closed 3 deals lately and I revealed the first domain name yesterday. It was sold for $4,000 and you can read about it here.

Mark from DomainPicks.com has been skipping a lot of his daily posts lately. And when he does write the post there is little commentary. I guess he is cheating domain names with his music. Or was it the other way around the whole time? I need my daily fix, Mark. ( Yes, I know you are also having problems with your satellite internet.)

VisitRome.com was sold for $16,000 at Flippa by Eric Borgos. He had actually sold it a few years back for $37,000 and financed it: payments of $750-$2,000 month over several years. The buyer paid for the first 3 years, then stopped.

Linux.info was sold at Snapnames at $487. From what I know “Linux” is a trademark, isn’t it?

What do you think of the new daily post? Click here to see this week’s reports.

Here are yesterday’s domain sales and auctions:

Sedo Domain Sales:

Namejet Domain Auctions:
smartshopper.com $7,200
dhcc.com $5,001
palowireless.com $890
universallighting.com $793
6y5.com $513
mountholly.info $493
childtop.com $132

Snapnames Domain Auctions:
golfvision.com $576
linux.info $487
rezen.com $355

Go Daddy Expired Domain Auctions:

mzh.com $10,750
ganna.com $10,000
nails.org $3,059
safadinhoz.com $2,550
glasswear.com $2,025
zgrz.com $1,475
polksbdc.org $1,125
tango-project.org $1,000
cruzeirohomo.com $999
nutrirdiet.com $998
gatinhoz.com $961
gafuturenow.org $860
onlineinsurances.com $787
sunncomm.com $761
ahumado.com $750
vfwonthehill.org $710
paehealthcollab.com $660
smashingshare.com $580
fishexpert.com $565
spectrumthunderbolt.com $550
sportsballs.com $547
godonnybrook.com $520
denoneu.com $497
mycontractphones.com $496
liaojing.com $444
saltedcaramel.com $404
womenofuspsa.com $400
dilithium.com $398
wuqa.com $333
fanwallpapers.com $328
1stbarcelonahotels.com $315
allbillspaidapartmentsindallas… $297
exercisehealth.com $295
creative-pakistan.com $266
robertkbrown.com $256
fabulousdesign.net $247
triadtrucks.com $230
93156.com $220
lotterygold.com $200
quailridgegolfcountryclub.com $200
kitchendesignimages.com $197
rentalsrentals.net $182
wgad.com $180
saltedcaramels.com $176
leclub-fcc.org $175
04678.com $163
olgt.com $160
linedancerinc.com $155
2hellobeautiful.com $155
cdjuarezaqui.com $155
closebargains.com $155
directorycomet.com $152
carnivalcreative.com $150
thailotterygame.com $141
lupoporno.ws $138
onlinecourierquotes.com $137
queromacho.com $134
orangecountycaliforniarealesta… $127
dprj.com $125
allmarblerestoration.com $123
icecreamwoman.com $121
dundermifflinpaper.biz $120
acimgather.org $116
pacesol.com $116
sanitariumgames.com $114
animesost.info $110
redrockhotclub.com $106
themepartymall.com $106
technionteams.net $105
bel-aireprincess.com $105
insraq.me $105
sylarsarmy.com $105
raisingmightyarrows.com $101
montessoricountry.com $101
bankruptcylawlasvegas.com $101
shuva-israel.com $99
classroomsuperheroes.com $95
waterfrontlivingmd.com $95
kbtn.com $95
purevaping.com $94
hdyd.com $93
etaps-conf.org $92
tonyspage.com $85
edunonline.com $85
ccgsinc.net $84
trucknmow.com $82
metal-guide.com $80
dogzone.org $80
ouok.com $80
phonefling.com $78
insightempire.com $76
zfjb.com $75
waterwomanproject.org $75
beatlestributecruise.com $75
desiq.org $75
taamchina.com $75
womenshealthandfitness.org $72
kjkg.com $71
lunchboxx.com $71
tacticallifesaver.org $70
artdisasters.com $70
nowthatstrailer.com $66
tech-freek.com $65
ledome-aruba.com $65
chrisware.com $65
hookahgenie.com $65
hootinan.com $65
officialmacarthurairport.com $60
thejudgesvinegarroon.com $60
ufcp.com $60
hotelflightcar.com $60
eatgogi.com $57
banningstagecoachdays.com $57
mygreekstory.com $55
turnaroundcentral.com $55
newenglandreggae.com $55
jgwf.com $55
energymiserbuildingproducts.co… $55
ehomesuccess.com $55
randomactsofdata.com $55
prolirica.com $54
lovecharlie.com $52
abclibrosymas.com $50
alresco.com $47
sportsfanxl.com $47
goworkbc.com $46
lostinsunshine.com $45
jailbreakiphone4sdevices.com $45
peterdenahy.com $45
pet-snacks.com $45
ifmv.com $45
pdvn.com $43
gamesyeah.com $42
dawenba.com $42
kartinihotel.com $42
macsoldiers.com $40
claxonsbbq.com $40
sandwichoperahouse.com $40
seniorsmatching.com $40
flipxinsure.com $38
corinamackay.com $37
productionconnection.com $37
aaronleesmovingandstorage.com $37
adirondackguru.com $37
flyemhighrockets.com $35
empireplushroom.com $35
42197.com $35
yuthok.net $35
vtru.com $35
myoxine.com $32
gregoryjonesart.com $32
magallanesnoduerme.com $32
iac-on-encarta.com $32
advancedroofingsys.com $32
hobby-motors.com $32
dawgsiniceland.com $32
worldautismorganisation.org $31
falloutbunkers.com $30
grayowl.org $27
mosquitocoast.net $27
hotwebcamgirl.net $27
always-be-healthy.com $27
strengthofarose.com $27
gabrieliphotography.com $27
megan-writes.com $25
abrightphotography.com $25
stopcellular.com $25
khmerpage.info $22
financial-post.com $22
traveltoasia.org $22
hhmm.us $22
ayannakholmeslaw.com $22
goatmother.com $22
uf-eday.com $22
divj.com $20
mybraggbag.com $20
karao-ke.com $20
vbbonline.org $20
alolita.com $20
littlemonkeyphotography.com $20
qlwebik.info $20
lovestylefree.com $17
ashlingphotography.com $17
sunsportsme.com $17
firstvirginiabank.com $17
laborers132.com $17
neuronarrative.com $15
sdquarter.com $15
vongia.com $15
freeproxysites.biz $15
wasialife.com $15
techspacia.com $15
radical-academies.com $15

DropCatch Dropped Auctions:
NengLian.com $709
Zgj.net $511
HochZeitsVideo.com $410
2safe.com $409
628999.com $330
EshouJi.com $309
SushiQui.com $277
209555.com $268
JJHL.com $223
XinGfUsHuo.com $192
GalleryNikole.com $171
GreenTulip.com $154
Optipharma.com $104

Flippa Domain Auctions:
VisitRome.com $16,000
CareProducts.com $635


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.


  1. Linux.info was sold at Snapnames at $487. From what I know “Linux” is a trademark, isn’t it?

    haha. Now Linux.info is listed in the upcoming auctions at sedo with a reserve of 1000 – 4999. If you check sedo’s active auction list, you will see several trademarks.

  2. Linux.info $5149 current bid at sedo great domains

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