6 new gTLDs determined not to be geographic while 3 new gTLDs are determined as geographic

The Geographic Names Panel has determined that 6 new gTLD strings do not fall within the criteria for a geographic name contained in the Applicant Guidebook Section

The 6 strings with the applicant names and their prioritization numbers are:
IST, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (808)
FRL, Metaregistrar B.V. (818)
ZULU, Top Level Domain Holdings Limited (899)
RYUKYU, BusinessRalliart inc. (1259)
SCOT, Dot Scot Registry Limited (1453)
VEGAS, Dot Vegas, Inc. (1504)

The Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality has also an application for the string ISTANBUL with Prioritization Number 866.
There is no application for the string .LasVegas.

The Geographic Names Panel has determined that 3 strings fall within the criteria for a geographic name contained in the Applicant Guidebook Section The applicants were contacted to provide documentation of support/non-objection per Section of the Applicant Guidebook.

The 3 strings with the applicant names and their prioritization numbers are:
BAR, United TLD Holdco Ltd. (1689)
BAR, Punto 2012 Sociedad Anonima Promotora de Inversion de Capital Variable (230)
TUI, TUI AG (721)


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.

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