sells for $57,500 at NameJet

The domain name sold for $57,500 at NameJet today. The auction had 446 bids from 419 bidders. There were 9 bidders with a $10k bid or higher. The domain name was sold as its reserve was met by it’s high bidder. has a 1995 registration date and it appears to have a minisite that looks pretty good.

The domain name sold for $118,888 at NameJet 2 weeks back. The auction had 327 bids from 229 bidders. There were 10 bidders with a $61,088 bid or higher and 2 bidders with a 100k bid or higher. This price put at the 41st place of the top 2012 domain sales.


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the blog in 2012.


  1. Who owns it up to this auction? They seem to employ to spam the hell out of domainers. I mean, a sale is a sale, why do I need to get an email with the link to NameJet *after* the auction is over?

  2. The same sender,, sent other emails about upcoming NameJet auctions previously and about the sale of Liao (?) whatever that Chinese surname was.

  3. trumpet was bought by the seller on 2009-04-30 for $70,486 at NameJet.

    it has been put also on auction at NameJet in 2011 but only reached $65,100 which was bellow reserve.

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