Top New gTLD domain name sales of 2017 (,,,

These are the 41 highest selling New gTLD domain names of all 2017. Why 41? Because all 41 domains below were sold for $10,000 or more either by the respective registry or by a domain name investor.

There were 106 5-figure new extension domain sales in 2016. (90 in 2015) This year’s number is a bit disappointing even if you add the Rightside sales that were announced in April 2017 (but are not on the list below) the total is 61 domains. If you were to distribute these Rightside sales over the years then the gap between 2016 and 2017 would be even larger. Overall prices in New gTLD sales are down and so is the volume of sales in 2017.

You can find and search all new extensions domain name sales on Sold.Domains.

Here are the top 41 New gTLD domain name sales from 2017:

Domain Name Price Currency  Date Venue 500000 USD 31/12/2017 Registry sale 300000 USD 12/12/2017 201250 USD 20/3/2017 Sedo 183000 USD 28/2/2017 Rightside 67500 USD 31/12/2017 .Club Easy Payment 67500 USD 31/12/2017 .Club Easy Payment 36676 USD 8/6/2017 GDS 2017 Auction 35838 USD 16/3/2017 eName 33500 USD 28/2/2017 Snapnames
2.XYZ 30606 USD 11/1/2017 West.CN 28000 USD 26/2/2017 Sedo 25000 USD 19/9/2017 Uniregistry 24980 USD 19/9/2017 Uniregistry 22006 USD 8/6/2017 GDS 2017 Auction 20500 USD 21/2/2017 Private 20000 USD 19/2/2017 DomainAgents 19942 USD 16/3/2017 eName 19000 USD 15/5/2017 .Global Registry 18000 USD 31/3/2017 .Club registry 18000 USD 31/3/2017 .Club registry 18000 USD 25/10/2017 Global Registry 18000 USD 31/12/2017 .Club Easy Payment 17605 USD 8/6/2017 GDS 2017 Auction 17000 USD 31/12/2017 .Club Easy Payment 16000 USD 25/5/2017 .Global Registry 15000 USD 7/6/2017 Private 15000 USD 13/9/2017 Webquest 15000 USD 19/9/2017 Uniregistry 13750 USD 5/2/2017 Sedo 12500 USD 11/11/2017 Private 12000 USD 15/5/2017 GoDaddy brokerage 12000 EUR 30/7/2017 MagnumDomains 11736 USD 8/6/2017 GDS 2017 Auction 11467 USD 30/6/2017 Radix Registry 11000 USD 15/9/2017 Private 11000 USD 15/9/2017 Private 10900 USD 15/1/2017 Sedo 10000 USD 29/1/2017 Private 10000 USD 31/3/2017 RegistryGate GmbH 10000 EUR 19/11/2017 Sedo 10000 USD 19/9/2017 Uniregistry

I have removed all the Rightside sales from the list above as these were announced sold in April 2017 (and charted with that date) but most were sold in previous years. (All except for that was sold in February 2017 and was announced separately.) The top sale of the year 2017 was announced on January 23, 2018 but was really sold in 2017. Same applies to the domain name

You can find all New gTLD domain name sales at Sold.Domains together with the all time top 20 New gTLD sales, the latest 25 New gTLD sales and a page where you can search thousands of New gTLD sales.


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the blog in 2012.


  1. Biggest ones were mainly from the registries.

    Some of these I find highly questionable like and for $11k each and all they do is forward to a site.

    Take away registry sales and a few questionable ones and you have about 25-30 sales in a year where (maybe) an investor bought them and resold. Point being these are not good investments unless you own the premium ones and a ton of these were kept by the registries.


    • Hello TLD,
      You hit upon a great point about the SHILL sales that the G regs. are putting out there, so they can Bait Switch to the advantage of their withheld Gs, Its such a scam. JAS
      Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Intelligence Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

  2. great news for new gtld investors.
    thanks for the list

  3. I still think you would have to have an empty skull to spend half a million dollars in cash on But that is just me. And my opinion.

    • That special example of the best of the new at $500k is a bargain to a qualified end user and $1m would not have been anywhere near too much by any means.

      • Hello John,
        The Really Smart investors are buying ( .COM Sub-domains ) Not these repetitive Expensive G alternatives. JAS
        Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Intelligence Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

      • Hello Jeff:

        1. Do you honestly expect people to believe or do you honestly believe smart investors are buying .com “sub-domains” instead? Seriously? You can’t even buy a sub-domain.

        2. I’ve seen some of your stuff. You are intentionally misspelling your own .com in your signature to try to make it look like something you never originally intended for it, are you not? Why do you do that?

      • Hello John
        You must think you are pretty sly, you are not. Who do you represent and how much skin do you have in the G Scam? As far as you cannot buy .COM sub-domains you are right, all you have to do is be a .COM holder and employ the Sub-domain strategy, saving you a ton of money and improving your Traffic. So what else you got Bunky ? JAS
        Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Intelligence Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

      • Hello John,
        Here is our answer to your #2 silly accusation above. It is obvious to us after reading some of your stuff, as you call it, that you are not capable of Multi-Dimensional Thinking. Anyhow there is a third party document link on our Promotional site, you most obviously dont know about. You need to do your homework and check the (Little Known Industry Secret – Link on for the real answer. Good Night and Good Luck. JAS

        Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Intelligence Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

  4. Hello Konstantinos,

    My background comes from a long profession of protecting people from Scams. Here is a basic outline of the current G Scam cycle.
    First as a Reg. of Gs you sacrifice one of your personal stash (a decent believable example) and have an Island account, not associated directly traceable to you, perform a Shill purchase. (Example: most of the above G sales above) . Creating an illusion of desireability, Presto a mind f…ing mirage of demand. This is also called setting the hook. From here on out those who are clever need no more explanation of the Carpetbagging Guise. JAS.

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Intelligence Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

    • Jeff, where I said “misspelling” above, I was loosely using that term to more accurately mean “misformat.” You changed the format of your sig domain from what it originally was, to one that does not even make sense. “Use Biz” does not make sense. But it is easy to determine what the original format intent was because I have seen some of your other domains.

      I won’t bother going into how rambling your comments are. I hope you are not unwell, and I don’t mean that badly the way people normally would. But you really do not seem well at all.

      Do you also realize you have even been using a word you invented for months or perhaps even more than a year, and yet you, the great champion of .com and anti new gTLD guy, have never registered the .com even though it has been available all this time? (You didn’t use your invented word you often use here this time though.)

    • Jeff, what do you mean by “Buying subdomains” ?

  5. Hello John,

    We don’t feel the need to take you seriously, let alone respond to your baseless accusations above. JAS

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Intelligence Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

    • Jeff – there is no “we” standing with you. That is a standard delusion that many people resort to imagining during disagreements. It’s pretty clear if you have been paying attention that it is you who people think is not exactly well, to put it nicely. I’m not trying to be man either, but there comes a time when the only nice thing to do is to say something.

      Regarding my “baseless” accusation, anyone can prove it right this moment. Okay, I just took screen shots before you have a chance to turn whois privacy on or edit to avoid my “baseless accusation” being proven. So my “baseless accusation” is that you have deliberately changed the format of the domain in your sig and “misformatted” or loosely speaking “mispelled” it with regard to your original intent to try to make it look like a better domain than it is. But no matter what you say, “use biz” is simply an awful worthless commercial phrase (I’m doing you a favor by saying that, rather than the opposite), it does not make any sense except in the most “use-less” infinitesimal way, and it was never even your original intent for that domain to begin with.

      And this is proven by…


      Clearly your true original intent had nothing whatsoever to do with the useless and awkward phrase “use biz,” which only makes sense when you apparently had more sense to “use,” and all along your obvious intent was originally geographic and generic as “US eBiz” and “American eBiz.” Frankly, both of those latter two ideas really are much better than “use biz,” but for some reason you changed your mind.

      So Jeff, even your imaginary “we” can see the truth of my “baseless accusation” with that concrete proof now.

      As for your invented word alluded to, since you haven’t even used it this time I won’t even bother. But “you’re welcome” that I also never bothered to register the .com of it, too, at least the properly spelled version.

      If you are inclined to cover up the proof about “” (much better, should have stuck with it) vs. “” (much worse, super awkward) and its obvious companion, however, then I can always post the screen shots somewhere for your “we” too.

      “Use the Force” maybe, but not “use biz”…

    • not trying to be mean* (typo, see reply awaiting moderation)

    • Reposted and single typo-corrected reply because two or more links get blocked:

      Jeff – there is no “we” standing with you. That is a standard delusion that many people resort to imagining during disagreements. It’s pretty clear if you have been paying attention that it is you who people think is not exactly well, to put it nicely. I’m not trying to be mean either, but there comes a time when the only nice thing to do is to say something.

      Regarding my “baseless” accusation, anyone can prove it right this moment. Okay, I just took screen shots before you have a chance to turn whois privacy on or edit to avoid my “baseless accusation” being proven. So my “baseless accusation” is that you have deliberately changed the format of the domain in your sig and “misformatted” or loosely speaking “mispelled” it with regard to your original intent to try to make it look like a better domain than it is. But no matter what you say, “use biz” is simply an awful worthless commercial phrase (I’m doing you a favor by saying that, rather than the opposite), it does not make any sense except in the most “use-less” infinitesimal way, and it was never even your original intent for that domain to begin with.

      And this is proven by…

      https : // whoisology . com/


      Clearly your true original intent had nothing whatsoever to do with the useless and awkward phrase “use biz,” which only makes sense when you apparently had more sense to “use,” and all along your obvious intent was originally geographic and generic as “US eBiz” and “American eBiz.” Frankly, both of those latter two ideas really are much better than “use biz,” but for some reason you changed your mind.

      So Jeff, even your imaginary “we” can see the truth of my “baseless accusation” with that concrete proof now.

      As for your invented word alluded to, since you haven’t even used it this time I won’t even bother. But “you’re welcome” that I also never bothered to register the .com of it, too, at least the properly spelled version.

      If you are inclined to cover up the proof about “” (much better, should have stuck with it) vs. “” (much worse, super awkward) and its obvious companion, however, then I can always post the screen shots somewhere for your “we” too.

      “Use the Force” maybe, but not “use biz”…

      • Hello John,

        We think you are coming UNGLUED. Do you realize how silly you sound ? JAS

        Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Intelligence Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

      • Really Jeff? Would that be the imaginary “we” of cyberspace standing with you, or some actual greater than one person who really exist?

      • Hello John

        We are hoping all this ICANN GREED inspired G fiasco, can be healed somehow. We know what its like to be on the losing side. I apologize for the confrontational aspect of this fiasco to you. When you or anyone finds themselves on the wrong side of a financial trade, the best thing to do is cut your losses short and start over again.
        I am not telling you to start over again in the ( .COM Equimoditty platform Asset group), but if you want to be successful in domaining, its the only route that is most plentiful, if you want to remain a Domainer. Good luck. JAS .

        Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Intelligence Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

      • Search your heart, Jeff, use the Biz if you have to; you know it’s true: I am your father. 😉

        Jeff, I’m really rather consistent: .com is still king, and there is nothing about “allowing” some specific new domains to be recognized as great and valuable too, not to mention ccTLDs. Sometimes more than the corresponding .com even, though rare, but this is only on an isolated domain by domain basis, not more broadly in terms of whole TLDs vs. .com.

        Which brings us to your invented word, which at long last you have finally brought out here now. You have used it so many times that it’s a wonder you have never registered the .com since surely you like it so. I could have, so perhaps you can also thank me for not doing that before you. However, I have seen you using different spellings, so you’ll want to review the spelling first. Hint: you’ll want to mirror how the derivative word “commodity” is correctly spelled, or register multiple variants.

      • Hello John,

        I know how to spell Commodity, having been a licensed commodity broker. Its just that for twenty years I have seen extension after extension come out and none have been close to the superior (.COM equimoditty Platform asset Class) and to encourage people to gamble on any other extension being as successful is an illusion that has cost lots of domainers pain. I refuse to encorage or extend this illusion , thats all. JAS

        Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Intelligence Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

      • Okay, well in a really convoluted sort of way reminiscent of a late 60’s or early 70’s album cover, we may just be getting somewhere. Indulge my curiosity if you will:

        How many years are you planning on using the made up word “equimoditty”? Do you think it will ever catch on? Do you think it is easy to spell? Why do you not spell it in harmony with what it is obviously derived from, i.e., as “equimmodity,” i.e. obviously an amalgamation of “equity” and “commodity”? And the greatest question of all:

        Why have you never bothered to register either spelling in .com if you use it so much and obviously therefore consider it such a good invented word to be using at all? That sure is a “.com oddity” – both the invention and that you’ve never registered it.

        These questions arise as you continue to use this odd word formation.

        Also, by the way, you’re not exactly a good “listener,” Jeff. I’ve been saying all along including there that it is only about specific other domains, not whole TLDs.

      • Hello John,
        We are both right, according to our user preferences. Some International users We have negotiated with prefer Others may prefer, its All up to a Users Preference and branding needs. The Multi-dimensional and Universal qualities of this Six letter two word Powerhouse, make it a Branding Paradigm. JAS

        Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Intelligence Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

  6. Nice to see new gTLDs in the 5 & 6 figure sales crowd 🙂 – Expecting even more big sales for for new gTLDs in 2018 🙂

  7. For John (Polar Bear)
    Copy of article, he was to lazy to read before he started spewing untruths :

    Area e-biz consultant: There’s gold in that alphabet /

    By Nancy Pfister – Staff Writer
    Aug 7, 2000, 12:00am EDT Updated Aug 6, 2000, 9:00pm

    ORLANDO — What’s in a name? Maybe $6 million.

    Maybe more.

    That’s the plan as laid out by The Contract Group International of Columbus, Ohio, which plans to auction the domain name Aug. 9.

    The opening bids: $5 million to $10 million, about $1 million per letter.

    “ went for $7 million. A man bought it for $100,000 a few years ago, bought it as an investment. People thought he was nuts,” says Abner Weintraub, the e-business consultant in Orlando hired for strategy planning.

    In fact, it was a former Disney executive, Jake Winebaum, who bought it. Says Winebaum, the founder of eCompanies, “Your brand name is your 800 number, your address, your marketing call to action, and if consumers can’t remember how to spell it, or the name is too generic, it’s going to make a huge difference.”

    The ease of remembering makes it a very viable domain name, says Scott Levitt, an Orlando man who has sold several domain names himself.

    “You hear it one time and it’s easy to remember and spell, which has a lot of value,” Levitt says.

    Weintraub says isn’t as a specific name as, although both sites could sell anything from soda to a computer system. But screams “U.S.” and will become an American icon, he predicts. The winner of the name also can play with the word “use” as an action for people to use the business, he says.

    A company could be built around the name, but it’s far more likely for an existing company to change its name, Weintraub says. He thinks the winner of the auction will find the Web site address so valuable that the company’s name will be changed, even if the company is already well-branded, like Microsoft or Coca-Cola. “Bidders are discussing changing the company’s entire name because they feel so strongly that it’s the direction the economy is moving toward.”

    About 30 countries have registered to bid, Weintraub says.

    “Others feel like US is so American that it would be kind of a sin for it to fall into the hands of non-Americans,” he says.

    But the auction will be open to everyone.

    “We can’t exclude anyone,” Weintraub says. “To exclude foreign companies would be making a political statement and tick someone off.”

    Hillary Bressler, president of .Com Marketing of Winter Park, thinks a starting bid of $5 million to $10 million seems high. Levitt thinks the company will be able to fetch $10 million, but as a final bid. And he predicts it will go to one of the top 50 to 100 e-companies.

    As for the price? The selling price of a domain name is often in the eye of the beholder, Levitt says. A list of domain names for sale on show the asking price for at $250,000, while is $500,000. “It’s ridiculous. What’s the difference between Orlandohouse and Orlandohome that can make it twice as much?” Bressler says.

    Maybe competition, says Weintraub. “Some of the large players may bid high to keep it out of the hands of competitors or foreign interests.” Weintraub says. Or maybe a feel for investments. After all, a speculator may buy the name to resell it. Says Weintraub, “We ain’t seen nothin’ yet.”

  8. Earth to Jeff:

    Thank you for providing an interesting throwback to August 7, 2000 ( which only serves to prove exactly what I said – that you changed the original format and intent of the domain from (wait for it) (just as I wrote) to the (makes no sense phrase)

    • Hello John,

      Granted ( ) may not make sense to you, but it has garnered lots of interest from many well known Tech Cos. JAS

      Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Intelligence Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

      • Well Jeff so you say, but talk is cheap, as is side-stepping how you’ve just been owned by your own hand. And I’m still waiting for word about “equimoditty” a little further up.

      • Of course John, you are right about or can both be played with , thats what makes it a totally unique Strategic letter phrase. Its exactly why Google/Alphabet has been through our site over the last 5 years 15 times, and is using a cover company like (Mark Monitor.) to make offers at our table. JAS

        Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Intelligence Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

      • “Been through” your site 15 times in 5 years is rather vague, and too infrequent for crawling. No idea what you mean there.

        However, let me give you some friendly advice: “eBiz” is a very dated term, long past it’s prime. If “” or any variant were available now I wouldn’t even register it. I’ve already dropped similar domains before. Unless you can show me some compelling reason why Google would have the slightest interest, I will suggest what appears to be a far more likely reality in terms of who is interested if it’s true some entity or parties have been trying to buy it by hiding behind Mark Monitor: Redox Brands, for Biz Detergent and their various “Biz” products.

  9. Hello John,

    You seem possessed with our Strategic Game Changing ( ) which don’t you like again ?, you keep flipflopping from one rant to another? JAS

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Intelligence Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

    • Okay Jeff, well, I tried. To be nice that is, but you know they say about “no good deed…” Hate to say it, but that’s either the bizarre tactic of someone sadly possessed of certain mental issues, perhaps including delusions of grandeur about Google, or on the flip side the play acting of someone who has realized all along that the company behind “Biz” brand products is probably the real suitor for the domain, hence the flip flop from “US eBiz” to the otherwise also bizarre “Use Biz” to begin with, if what you say about Mark Monitor is true. In any event, I think we’re done here now, so take the last word if you wish, and I won’t say any more unless it seems warranted. Adios.

      • Adios John,

        A word to the wise =

        (Its always easiest, to criticize something you cannot have ) JAS

        Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Intelligence Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

      • Do you really not believe I have said what I mean and meant what I say, Jeff? Both and are horrible, and I truly would not register it if it was available now, unless and only unless I wanted to use it as an end user, which I most certainly wouldn’t. I might have registered it years ago, but not any more. is certainly still valuable even though the term is dated, but that’s about it for “eBiz” before the “.” itself is not even resolving, which says a lot. The rest of the matter has already been covered. Do yourself a favor and negotiate an acceptable agreement with what is most probably the entity mentioned.

        Jeff, I’m sure I’m not alone in thinking you do appear to have some very serious problems. I feel bad for you and I have certainly seen what you are exhibiting before, it’s nothing new.

        If you are willing to consider questioning your beliefs about this domain, however, then I would challenge you to come up with even the slightest credible and convincing reason why a company like Google would be interested in this domain, either as “use biz” or as “US ebiz.” And you still have not answered about “equimoditty” though I have seen you already using a differing spelling elsewhere since this.

        Jeff, you need to realize that your ways of thinking could be harming you without you even realizing it. But I have dealt with such before and know you will almost certainly only continue to double down.

      • Hello John,

        You are a prime example of our phrase = (Its always easiest, to criticize something you cannot have ) JAS

        We sort of chuckle, when people ask, (Isn’t the meteoric rise in ( .COM Equimoditty Platform assets) nearly over? Our answer is,
        this is a multi-generational Assets Rollout. When we sell for a record sale, we will be buying quality ( .Com Equimoditty Platform assets) into a lifetimes future. JAS

        Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Intelligence Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

      • Jeff, does this “we” even exist? Who exactly is part of this “we”? I’m being honest about how I feel about your domain and not criticizing, try to believe it. I’m also just as big a proponent of .com as anyone, try to see that. Me regarding rare examples like to be valuable in no way detracts or subtracts from that.

        Jeff, there is no delicate way to say that you appear to need help and have one or more genuine psychological disorders, unless your long term persona is just an act. I recommend you get evaluated for the following possibilities:

        1. Paranoid personality disorder
        2. Schizoaffective disorder (high functioning)
        3. Schizophrenia (high functioning)

        If you are for real in what you do, however, then I feel bad for you and wish you the best.

  10. John i like you cause your a proponent of .us, but sometimes you have a big head.
    Schneider you give a lot of good information but imo people are put off because you post too repetitively borderline spamming that may make people turned off by not what you say but by the cryptic way you say it. I wouldn’t be surprised if your some type of artificial intelligence:) imo biggest value is directly related to .

    Sometimes it is difficult to explain things in few words, thats wherei t may get complicated and misunderstood or not understood at all.

    p.s. i like this onlinedomain blog because it is one of the few that are sincere.

    • The top four unpaid goog results for a search on are the domain itself followed by entries for “Biz Stain Fighter.”

    • P.S. And sometimes the only kind thing to do is to say something, no matter how unpleasant or how much one would even rather not, and sometimes the only way it can well be done is to be blunt and to the point. It’s exponentially far easier to not say something.

    • P.P.S. The entire first page of results is devoted to “Biz” products after the single entry for itself.

      • Hello John,

        You sure are investing a lot of time criticizing (UseBiz,com or, We think you are coming UNGLUED. Do you realize how silly you sound ? JAS

        Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Intelligence Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

      • If that’s not just an act and you really mean any of that then you are simply delusional and doubling down on delusional thinking, Jeff. Not the first time I’ve encountered that and I guess doubtful it’s the last.

  11. Hello John,

    Since We have been aware of you, You have told people closer to the real facts they are wrong and you are of course right. This is a character defect you need to question? We are Closer to the real facts than your accusations are. JAS

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Intelligence Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

    • Hello John,
      Where did you disappear to ? You have had enough of losing in our debate ? By the way your jealousy concerning ( or is about to explode, when We release this Headline on Linked-In = ( or , The Mother of All Tax Shelters ) Watch for it this week-end. JAS

      Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Intelligence Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

  12. Hello Konstantinos,

    ” The Truth Matters – It’s everything. It’s your Integrity ”

    The Domaining Industry is full of ( Trust lost ) victims, because of putting certain Sponsors of their Blogs interests over their readerships best interests. Any Domaining Blog that chooses to Censor Comments,Raises a Red Flag. To your great credit Konstantinosl, your Blog allows all comments as valuable sources of evaluating open avenues to truth. Kudos Konstantinosl

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Intelligence Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master)

  13. Hello Konstantinos,

    While We are on the subject of ( Extension Branding ). Here is a question ? What do All the Worlds Most Recognizable and powerful BRANDS all Cumulatively have in common ?
    ANSWER = (( The powerful .COM Branding HANDLE ))
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Intelligence Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)
    (Domain Master )

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