com / net domains

Trending domain name keywords: coin, crypto, block chain, wallet, ripple, altcoin, currency

The top 10 trending keywords registered in .COM and .NET domain names during the month of December 2017 were published by Verisign, the .com and .net registry.

Crypto related keywords dominate the list like last month: coin, crypto, block chain, wallet, ripple, altcoin, currency.

My experience shows that only 2 or 3 thousand domain registrations are enough to bring a keyword into the top 10.

You can find the list from last month here.

Top 10 Keyword Registration Trends for .COM and .NET in December 2017:



coin crypto
crypto chain
block block
chain corp
blockchain river
wallet press
ripple associates
crypt currency
altcoin mountain
appliance parts

*Note: Each list was developed by examining keyword registration growth relative to the preceding month, such that those keywords with the highest percentage of registration growth are being reported on. This method is used to eliminate commonly registered keywords, such as “online” and “shop,” to provide a true look at monthly trends. In order to be included, a keyword must experience a minimum threshold in registration growth month over month. Qualifying keywords with the highest volume of registrations are then ranked and included in the list.

If you’d like to do your own domain name keyword research, check out Verisign DomainScope, a tool that allows you to enter keywords to see registration trends in .com and .net.


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the blog in 2012.


  1. Reminds me of the CHIPs registration trend. Let’s hope that it lasts longer than that trend did so investors have more time to get out from under their assets with a profitable return. 🙂 (Fingers crossed)

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