Q4 Liquid Domains Market: China gains market share

GGRG Brokerage Consulting and Giuseppe Graziano published the 4th quarter Liquid Domains Market Overview partnering with Estibot’s parent company Intelium and ShortNames.com.

This report is focused on 2016 Q4 and presents key statistics of the domains that are considered liquid in the domain name aftermarket.

There are separate sections for each liquid domain name category: LL.com, LLL.com, LLLL.com, LN.com / NL.com, NN.com, NNN.com, NNNN.com and NNNNN.com.

The report provides the percentage of domain name ownership of major regions (US, Europe, China, Rest Of the World), development percentage, turnover and public sales volume.

You can download the complete 12-page report here: http://ggrg.com/industry-report/

Here are some important points from the executive summary:

    China continued to gain significant market share in the last quarter of 2016. Chinese registrants were the only net gainers, with
    owners of the US, Europe and rest of the world (ROW) losing approximately 10% of their share. The biggest ownership change
    came from 4L .com domains, with China adding over 45,000 domains, circa 10% of the category.
    While China is leading the market with over 50% of the registrations in 2N, 3N, 4N and 5N .com, US is still the market leader for 2L
    and 3L .com domains, the two most developed categories. This suggests that, while Chinese investors are clearly leading the
    investor demand, US companies are still the ultimate end user of liquid domain names.
    Disclosed sales increased 12% to 5,455 domains sold, and total sales volume increased 7.7% to $5.48M. Transactions of top tier
    domains typically remain undisclosed: with the exception of HG.com (rumored to have sold for $3,770,000 to a Chinese company),
    there was no recorded transaction of LL, NN and NNN .com in Q4.
    The uncertain geopolitical outlook suggests that end users might be less willing to invest large amounts of money in marketing and
    new product launches, which could explain the decrease in the development index.
    For the first half of Q1 2017 we forecast a further decrease in investor demand due to 1) the slow period around Chinese New Year
    and 2) the increased activity in bitcoins, an investment alternative to domain names for Chinese buyers.
    In terms of market opportunities, LN & NL domains still appear to us undervalued because their retail price is quite low in relation
    to their scarcity (520 domains) and high development index (27.31%).

You can download the complete 12-page report here: http://ggrg.com/industry-report/

(OnlineDomain.com is a media partner of the Liquid Domains Market Overview.)


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.

One comment

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