
Buying a $3,000 per year New Domain and not registering the .COM for $10? Good luck!

Some people really don’t have a clue as it comes to domain names. Not a clue! And they will probably need all the luck in the world to get the right domain for the right price.

I noticed a couple of tweets from the .Cars registry and Shayan Rostam yesterday about the rate of .cars domains being adopted as primary URLs.

The registry gave an example of a company moving from a .TV domain to a .Cars domain. This company just moved their website from to .

cars-tweet1So they chose to move from a .TV to a .Cars domain. That doesn’t sound so strange as The Sunday Drive is a TV show about cars. Although the .TV domain would work just as well if not better.

I don’t know who made the choice to switch domains but obviously he/she knows nothing about domain names and doesn’t care or know about renewals.

So the show moved from a cheap .TV domain name to a $3,000 per year .Cars domain name. And while they did that, they ignored the corresponding .com domain name that is sitting there available for anyone to register for $10: SundayDriveCars.com. (I bet the domain gets registered within 30 minutes of when this article is posted!)

But this is only one part of the problem.

The TV show is actually called ‘The Sunday Drive’ so they will probably have to buy as well for another $3k per year. (BTW TheSundayDriveCars.com is also available for $10.)

Then I checked and found that the exact match .com domain TheSundayDrive.com is available for sale for $2,295 at HugeDomains.com. (It was registered in 2014 while the .tv was registered in 2010.) The domain name is worth less than a one year renewal of the .Cars domain.

Finally SundayDrive.com is for sale on Afternic.com and GoDaddy.com for $10,999. It is owned by NameFind (a GoDaddy company) and was purchased by GoDaddy from Mike Berkens and Worldwide Media Inc last year. I wrote an article 2 days ago on how you can get a discount on a domain owned by NameFind and GoDaddy. It is pretty easy to get a 25% discount and even a 40% discount or more. So a purchase price between $6,600 and $8,250 would be easy to achieve. (minimum offer is $5,499) That is less than 3 years of the .Cars renewals.

So it appears that The Sunday Drive is going to need a lot of luck with this thing called the internet and domain names. Unless of course they think they are a TV show and don’t care about a website. I guess they don’t care judging from their website looks and the many errors it gives. But if they don’t care about their website why pay $3,000 per year in renewals for a domain name?


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.


  1. Very amusing indeed..

    I would agree.. clueless, ignorant or ill informed

    Sadly all of the above.

    Anyway.. as long as they like their new name. It’s their problem to deal with moving forward.

  2. I don’t think they understand the $3K annual fee to well, there is no reason for a domain to cost $3K annually, as the work to maintain a piece of binary code has no real world link of $3K.

  3. Hello Konstantinos,

    Considering the SEM crowds massive brainwashing, by the advertising industries, efforts to cover up Traffic Rustling inside the SEM Model and its crippling effect on all SEM participants, this is hardly surprising.

    Most Google Ad-sense advertisers are drinking Google Kool-Aid and going with the mentality that other extensions other than the Strategic .COM Profit Centers are just as good, as long as they use Google Ad-sense Marketing. You will find that 99% of all Google Ad Marketing Agencies are Clueless about the superior Marketing Strategies that All .COM Profit Centers embody. They got it wrong thirty years ago and continue their flawed Marketing Strategies to this day. They still don’t get that they lose their clients valuable Rustled Traffic within the Google Traffic Rustling Maze (Up to 45% Leakage) . Actually losing as much Traffic as they gain in the Google Ad System. Utterly Amazing to us that this is still being used by most Uneducated Online Advertising Agencies. If their Online website owners knew the truth of the matter, they would be Furious.
    There are two recipes for Online Business Failures: 1. NOT owning a .COM Profit Center 2. Using the Google SEM Platform

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) Former ( Rockefeller I.B.E.C. Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed C.B.O.E. Commodity Hedge Strategist) ( Domain Master http://WWW.UseBiz.com)

  4. Welcome to crazy town !

  5. Most people who don’t understand domains are unwilling to spend enough. The other kind of clueless – the kind that spends extravagantly and wastefully without pausing to think – is better for the industry, I suppose. Can’t help shaking my head, all the same.

  6. sundaydrive.cars = one ugly ass domain, $3000 per year for that is nuts! The president on the company’s direct email is right on the about us page. Did you reach out and ask him why such a crazy decision?

  7. The realization is going to set in when they find out how much email gets sent to sundaydrivecars.com instead of sundaydrive.cars (and yes, as predicted, it was registered upon publication).

    I have a few .coms that match ccTLD/gTLDs in the same way and some of the misdirected email is downright scary…financial documents, passport copies, you name it. Immediately deleted of course; I don’t even want to forward it given the risk of being accused of something nefarious.

    It’s going to take a *very* long time for folks to not instinctively .com as the TLD in email.

    • Yes, SUNDAYDRIVECARS.COM was registered at Uniregistry and is behind whois privacy. 🙂

      I tested this email problem too for a single domain and found lot’s of emails are misdirected. I forwarded a few but I am stopping now.

  8. Hello Konstantinos,

    The SEM Traffic Stealing Cartels, have a massive lineup of well paid supporters in their efforts to hide the pervasiveness of the SEM Ponzi scheme. ICANN has been paid very well in introducing the New TLDs ( Cartel Enabling Devices ) . ICANNs position on the front of the stage has always been well framed as introducing the New TLDs as fulfilling the need for more competitive choices for small business owners. The real reality is the new TLDs have created an extension of the SEM Cartels ability to crush Competition inside the SEM Platforms Digital Rustling Maze.

    Bottom Line : Googles glaring Anti-Competitive Stranglehold is standing in the way of Maximum Online Business Expansion. ICANN and Google and SEM Platform Models all doubled down and spent massive amounts of hush money on lobbying the Government for ICANNs private succession. The last thing they wanted was Congressional Control and hearings. They knew , their Backstage negotiations in a Congressional hearing would be quite Disruptive in exposing the Mass Fraud thats holding down Online Business Expansion. Getting the picture? The economies who set free, Online Business Expansion from the Bondage of Search Engine Marketings Restrictive Anti-competitive Stranglehold will be the Global Leaders.

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master ) (UseBiz.com)

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