Daily Domain Sales (11-26-2014): Converted.com $19,000, MedicalMarijuanaCafe.com $2,025

dailyHappy thanksgiving to all!

And for your entertainment… These are 2 different reactions from buyers on the same day to similar $6,000 domain name quotes that I send out:

“Thats absurd, stop emailing me.”

” Dear Konstantinos Zournas,
Thank you very much for your offer.
However I cannot take this offer as it is much higher than my expectations.
I would be interested in a domain only as a private person, not for doing any business.
Thank you for your effort and understanding.
Best regards, ”

8 New TLDs released over 160,000 collision domain names today. Most of the names are gibberish or premium priced but you never know…

New gTLD 1st Day Domains: .Click 3779, .Help 1909, .Property 1490, .Gent 1277, .Hosting 1197, .Diet 787.

Uniregistry now accepts paypal as a payment option. Paypal was a deal breaker for me up to now.

Here is my latest poll with over 380 votes so far: “Are You Renewing Your New gTLD Domains?“.

Click here to see domain sale reports from the past week.

Here are yesterday’s domain sales and auctions from Sedo, Namejet, Snapnames, Go Daddy, Drop Catch and Flippa:

Sedo Domain Sales:
converted.com $19,000

Namejet Domain Auctions:
loanmortgage.com $1,011
nmro.com $788
businessromania.com $160

Snapnames Domain Auctions:

Go Daddy Expired Domain Auctions:

medicalmarijuanacafe.com $2,025
medicalmarijuanaplants.com $1,136
pingo.org $1,025
celluway.com $866
navos.com $787
illumiwave.com $595
ziiosoft.com $415
yourweightlossjourney.com $362
bloglily.com $330
cloudtour.com $310
seedatuva.com $308
ismal.net $306
stoptheftaa.org $305
gildasclubdelval.org $305
couponbeezy.com $302
birdsdivecenter.com $285
artistfamous.com $280
kidsclocks.com $257
purposedlyreinvented.com $252
billy-unger.com $250
zhaokaifang.com $250
lybot.com $215
tourdurouge.org $207
cutieheartbreakers.com $205
salonmenu.com $205
rawlight.com $201
forecastingclouds.com $200
ghlm.com $190
timetogive.com $180
dietaecia.com $162
beaduniquemag.com $156
diabetessitestore.com $156
kachinglepremium.com $151
zmncam.com $147
loadingstudios.com $146
israelfr.com $145
fphw.com $140
zonafitnessclubs.com $135
advantageplasticsurgery.com $130
tykl.com $125
rgey.com $123
shopula.com $121
oyegirl.com $121
hornfamily.com $120
franchiseresale.com $120
widescale.com $117
livesportstv.net $117
hanafantasyflowers.net $116
csshook.com $110
directorycollectible.com $110
flash-website-template.com $106
virili.com $105
tilegroutvancouver.com $105
domaindropper.com $105
modicadesign.com $105
lakereamstownhomes.com $105
waterfountainsandrelaxation.co… $105
jolaks.com $105
socstock.com $105
firestormhits.com $105
hotelaromacafe.com $105
getcomet.com $105
thecorporatejesters.com $105
wineexpedition.com $105
sleepinnairtex.com $105
fundinguys.com $105
indulgeinindy.com $105
rebeccaellisonblog.com $105
sensationallyseasonal.com $105
perfectworldmoney.com $105
animalmate.com $105
mossporn.com $104
stonesagateamethyst.com $103
chocolated.com $102
fafsagrants.com $102
schoolofdreams.com $102
medlinktransit.com $102
discoverizabal.com $102
thefavourshoppe.com $101
bluewatersoftware.com $100
discountdesignerrugs.com $100
seoextreme.com $100
brunofattoriniandpartners.com $100
sf1999.com $100
fashionofindian.com $98
valotte.com $97
satiria.com $95
whiteelephantvintage.com $90
chefronduprat.com $87
nighthardsex.com $85
bnkq.com $85
businessarchitechs.com $85
upvideogame.com $82
forexprofitsystem.info $82
startlivinghealthier.com $80
stmartinstmaarten.com $77
ping-studios.com $77
gadgetshunger.com $77
blessingstudio.com $75
clemmonscourier.com $75
lakeozarkspeedway.com $75
relatip.com $75
messageworld.com $74
tennisforitaly.com $73
mediadubai.com $70
518506.com $68
aakmm.com $65
peqww.com $65
pqfq.com $65
shaohun.com $63
krugmandebate.com $60
paxrn.com $57
eringriffinjewelry.com $56
americaexpat.com $55
xetructuyen.com $55
creativemotivationalspeaker.co… $55
energyjacket.com $55
kaiatwork.com $55
thedumberman.com $55
healthwagon.org $52
ericheights.com $50
wpmap.com $50
boars.info $47
ywya.com $45
neworleanssaintsjerseysus.org $45
careerdevelopment.info $43
zenitmusic.com $42
modus3.us $42
beautiful-shoes.com $40
snides.com $40
southmiamifarmersmarket.com $40
mvxx.com $40
internetauction.net $40
interracialfamily.org $40
worstsunglassesbrand.com $40
webarting.com $38
garciatruckaccidentlawyer.com $38
porelano.net $38
oixu.com $38
part-time-data-entry-jobs.com $37
hg88k.com $37
otwashingmachineparts.info $37
eotdac.com $36
awakeandinspired.com $35
theconstitutionalisttoday.com $35
oynh.com $35
defendmarylandmarriage.com $32
eric-z.com $32
origami-owl.com $32
fgdu.com $32
suburbantribe.net $32
ramblingconspiracybullshit.com $32
elsalvadorexpat.com $30
ana-chora.com $30
hollywoodhockey.com $30
hayleymehmet.com $30
cookathome.co $28
houseofhearinginc.net $27
sanddchemicals.com $27
campmt.com $27
purpleinkcustomdesigns.com $27
aacc8.com $27
suspus.net $27
cgxa.com $26
zsdu.com $24
shovepro.com $24
sistersoliveoil.com $23
free-flash-websites.com $22
gaziantepevdenevetasimacilik.o… $22
hanksyankees.com $22
power9solutions.com $22
ycih.com $21
tuscanyvacationrental.com $20
seattle-hotels-search.com $20
improvingtoday.com $20
keystoenglish.com $17
coolmathgames.me $17
anaxos-houses.com $17
beatles.tv $17
cooksballoonery.net $17
lcblake.com $17
ilawncare.com $15
bitcoinworldbank.com $15

DropCatch Dropped Auctions:
9Hui.com $904
Qhqjx.com $763
IXBC.com $481
SIKT.com $388
CanadaSchoolOfEnergy.com $195
MyFreyja.com $105
NoPubesTgp.com $105
RiverMain.com $100

Flippa Domain Auctions:
mBUN.com $106
cuz.com $23,000 (reserve not met)


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.


  1. Interesting, converted is perhaps one of the few ‘past tense’ names that possibly work?

  2. converted.com had a nice deal, can be used for some kinda software maybe, thnx for the info though.

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