Daily Domain Sales (11-17-2014): App.nl 18,500 EUR, eNetwork.com $15,500, Sexykini.com 9,000

dailyCompany bought 3 domain names from 2 cybersquatters: 3M Company and Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. Read about this shocking news here!

I noticed today that DavenportLyons.com sold at DropCatch.com for $271. The domain was once owned by the UK law firm Davenport Lyons that entered into administration on 25 April 2014. Davenport Lyons had been accused of trying to extort money from people for alleged copyright infringement. The law firm had accused up to 25,000 people of downloading material such as computer games, music and even pornography that the computer users allegedly know nothing about. This has led to a barrage of complaints against the law firm and investigations by organisations such as Which?.

Minds + Machines and the registrar Hexonet mistakenly priced a lot of premium domains cheap, so those domains were sold at standard/low prices. Now they are asking thousands of dollars for premium renewals.

Here is my latest poll with over 300 votes so far: “Are You Renewing Your New gTLD Domains?“. You can vote here if you want:

[cardoza_wp_poll id=7]


Click here to see domain sale reports from the past week.

Here are yesterday’s domain sales and auctions from Sedo, Namejet, Snapnames, Go Daddy, Drop Catch and Flippa:

Sedo Domain Sales:
app.nl 18,500 EUR
sexykini.com 9,000
bachelorarbeit.de 3,500 EUR
letizia.de 2,380 EUR
gaoe.com 2,000
einstiegsgehalt.de 1,900 EUR
qaonline.com 1,500 GBP
nepos.com 1,400

Namejet Domain Auctions:
enetwork.com $15,500
boutiques.net $1,101
pause.net $602
8zk.com $593
cannabisadviser.com $499
6080.net $365
geodeluxe.com $81
bolts.org $80
healthinsurancequotation.com $69

Snapnames Domain Auctions:
gamingpros.com $629
sunblue.com $603

Go Daddy Expired Domain Auctions:

interest.net $3,997
quickies.com $2,050
vtechsquad.com $1,375
expensr.com $1,075
jpx.org $1,025
acunu.org $910
adwe.com $835
zipautorepairshops.com $672
mesnotices.net $662
vastdata.com $657
childcount.org $611
arcbcc.org $456
vcustomer.com $435
kencolemanshow.com $422
nickstraffictricks.com $405
artietraum.com $400
dcpartyrentals.com $373
a5b.com $355
quilttrendsmag.com $355
7awel.com $355
woolieewe.com $330
dermarolling.com $315
mesnotices.org $296
choinka.com $281
cydiablog.com $260
risingfeenix.com $255
girlzdestruct.com $230
partyrentalusa.com $227
amcrin.com $220
linkslister.com $220
goappstack.com $206
77620.com $205
albanian-tourism.com $201
elperrito.com $196
posterlovers.com $156
fasterpregnancy.com $155
inyourwater.org $155
loanratebusters.com $155
creamymilk.com $155
82387.com $155
houstonbookarts.org $154
malesexualhealth.com $145
travisinstitute.org $144
la-u.net $139
18691.com $137
roxmpls.com $133
vulturesociety.org $125
thedx.org $125
fonegigsblog.com $120
delphinediawdiallo.com $115
hudsonrec.net $115
mile-end-media.com $112
cienciadeti.com $107
ballboyshop.com $105
cleanfreshair.com $105
botanicalslimmingstore.com $105
splicewebdesign.com $105
recetasmexico.com $105
thebibleexplorer.com $105
elian.me $105
cambodianmasters.org $105
fortables.com $105
6613.cc $101
thunderaproductions.com $100
nashcarlton.com $100
tiafp.org $98
ziplib.com $90
pharmacynearme.com $87
theredwhiteboston.com $81
waterwaywildlife.com $80
cv-games.com $80
paspeedway.com $78
solbergphotography.com $75
pdfdom.com $72
cascadestudy.org $71
storiebookcafe.com $70
circuitmasterselectric.com $67
getfastvalue.com $65
xnzt.com $62
genjuridico.com $61
fluaway.com $60
thewhalehunt.com $57
theluckybox.com $55
hobbydecoupage.com $55
ventanawildernesscampground.co… $55
shadowmtnlabs.com $55
getfitowasso.com $53
sdc.cc $51
lescasinosenligne.org $50
felinebridal.com $47
truthseekerscast.com $47
izhibo8.com $45
trollphysics.info $45
energyrecoverytechnologiesllc…. $42
bodykitsclub.com $42
gazo1.net $40
agjewelerssupply.com $38
gatorsplus.com $38
sport-fotbal.com $37
startplaygames.com $37
booking-raindogs.com $35
carnationsoft.com $35
spiderman-web.com $35
sanmarcosfeed.com $34
staico.com $32
gdocs.mobi $31
peecock.com $30
kaleme.net $30
afasld.org $30
spideystore.com $30
cpvz.com $28
denicek.net $27
vskx.com $27
redemorena.com $27
vixk.com $27
excellentnature.net $27
ongodsside.com $27
1stlanguage.com $25
beaute.co $25
motorcycle-web.com $25
traffic-plus.com $25
ixkb.com $23
gpqe.com $23
anovelpath.com $22
fvxj.com $22
findingwindom.com $22
xubw.com $22
peoplefirs.com $22
burnandearn.com $22
zxoh.com $22
womento.com $22
99×99.com $22
polarfive.com $22
iloveswcoast.com $22
wcdem2013.org $22
uflh.com $20
tipsandtrickshouse.com $20
moro.biz $20
greenecentral.com $20
canadianenterprises.org $20
pebq.com $20
prideofnewark.org $20
wft.cc $17
otxz.com $17
kvxb.com $17
vkfq.com $17
fvzj.com $17
fhzv.com $17
fvwz.com $17
fvxg.com $17
fwxv.com $17
jkvq.com $17
fwzv.com $17

DropCatch Dropped Auctions:
Premi.com $870
MIBY.com $810
GdTravel.com $753
Arrix.com $675
Understand-A-Bull.com $410
HelioSa.com $281
DavenportLyons.com $271

Flippa Domain Auctions:
JamaicaTickets.com $160


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.

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