Daily Domain Sales (11-07-2014): 6474.com $8,100, zakladysportowe.pl 5,000 EUR

dailyI now have people that “like” my domains. Someone left a “like” comment on my domain name recordable.com. Who are these people?

Moniker introduced some new security features but I can’t find them in my account and it is too late anyway. R.I.P. Moniker.

Realtors are sharing their thoughts on the new .realtor extension.

This keeps happening to me lately. I won a domain at Go Daddy Auctions on the 3rd of November. I went to pay for it yesterday but I couldn’t find it. I did a whois check to see if it was renewed and guess what? It was transferred at Name.com on the 4th. Thank god I am following my own advice and pay Go Daddy auctions 2 days after the auction ends. Otherwise I would be waiting for a $630 refund for days. This happened to me again. I don’t know if this is the usual or I am just unlucky. Probably the usual…

The domainers have spoken: 66% Of Domainers Are Buying New gTLD Domain Names. The poll had over 500 votes.

Here is my latest poll: “Are You Renewing Your New gTLD Domains?“. You can vote here if you want:

[cardoza_wp_poll id=7]


Click here to see domain sale reports from the past week.

Here are yesterday’s domain sales and auctions from Sedo, Namejet, Snapnames, Go Daddy, Drop Catch and Flippa:

Sedo Domain Sales:
zakladysportowe.pl 5,000 EUR
billigflüg.de 1,500 EUR
mediaplanetgroup.com $1,250

Namejet Domain Auctions:

Snapnames Domain Auctions:

Go Daddy Expired Domain Auctions:

6474.com $8,100
ourownarea.com $1,336
bestoftukif.com $1,302
nixty.com $1,300
ukescort.com $1,141
parenttalktoday.com $1,025
justforjewelryonline.com $531
ivotes.com $518
androidin.net $461
volarequasigratis.com $407
kwikkarusa.com $407
zvan.com $366
viprentacar.com $344
deep-fryers.com $325
deadlyserious.com $315
virginiacriminallawyers.com $313
idea-sellers.com $250
joyner-atv-utv.com $250
trochoi-vui.com $246
zrak.com $235
kansascriminallawyers.com $206
theadbuzz.com $201
dramautubes.com $192
ginashomemade.com $190
iloveagoodmystery.com $181
rutanomada.com $160
splashtt.com $155
democracysouth.org $151
eventosvillatoscana.com $150
selfhelpcenters.com $140
fos-society.com $140
26symbols.com $140
passionthemovie.com $139
bestgem.com $133
colourex.com $133
alabamacriminallawyers.com $131
tehabi.com $130
libertylegalfoundation.org $130
compostbucket.com $125
missouricriminallawyers.com $121
mchenryonline.com $120
conservativeblogger.com $120
mainelyphotos.com $120
asia-tourist.com $120
lrkr.com $110
imperialapplianceplaza.com $108
snezy.com $106
kcats.com $105
illinoiscriminallawyers.com $105
arkansascriminallawyers.com $105
lindabella.com $105
frontierforex.com $105
fastpimp.com $105
grommetmachine.com $105
qefr.com $105
majorgate.com $105
azixa.com $105
broaderminds.com $105
salems-jewelry.com $101
jointinsurance.com $101
hollywoodilluminati.com $101
delawarecriminallawyers.com $101
printcore.com $101
kentuckycriminallawyers.com $101
utahcriminallawyers.com $101
devotedtosmallville.com $100
yousho.com $100
tylercard.com $100
themm.com $100
webdesigntutorials.net $100
dynta.com $100
mainecriminallawyers.com $100
blogcultural.com $100
ckbd.com $98
kilbey-kennedy.com $91
ccbmx.com $86
tnbq.com $85
thailotteryviptips.com $80
damebiraju.net $80
deluxads.com $77
sexymotoss.com $77
yogatap.com $75
madamegeisha.com $73
trendshirt.com $70
knjz.com $70
saznajmo.com $70
rkwt.com $67
xkqm.com $65
licensedagents.com $64
allseasonsroofingltd.com $62
stephenespinosa.com $62
cookingsummercamp.com $60
shopscholar.com $60
profitwithloyalty.com $60
solomon-hotel.com $59
oklahomacriminallawyers.com $58
betacomm.com $56
servicewall.com $55
pokerkonyvek.com $55
kahatowita.com $55
freshsense.net $55
xrle.com $55
hawaiicriminallawyers.com $54
tennesseecriminallawyers.com $50
recyclenowphiladelphia.org $50
idahocriminallawyers.com $49
karatecsk.com $45
nautilusns.com $45
variadas.com $41
umkcbeta.com $40
travelersforopenland.com $40
pershingmuseum.com $40
connecttohelp.com $38
louisianacriminallawyers.com $38
nebraskacriminallawyers.com $38
zfup.com $37
leominsterforsale.com $37
birunimotorbikes.com $37
fundacioprahu.org $37
heemtuin.org $35
ultramobilepcs.com $35
creativehealthinstitute.us $35
noir-interior.com $33
jeffwallacephotography.com $32
pppgames.com $32
jishka.com $32
vdgx.com $32
gxqe.com $32
ugxd.com $32
cibcongress.com $32
cvlz.com $32
indianrove.com $30
tee-shirtking.com $30
idowebmarketing.com $30
mygulfcoastlinks.com $30
dvgx.com $30
reo-listings.com $27
summercookingclasses.com $27
armanortheast.org $27
zvup.com $27
fzvp.com $27
ekreptileshow.com $27
kqvv.com $27
ojxj.com $27
qobh.com $27
pzvs.com $27
onsealines.com $27
hvxp.com $27
hxvt.com $27
todayshomeimprovement.com $25
tellurideweddingguide.com $25
rottweileronline.net $25
tinhmotdem.us $25
iowacouponing.com $25
ogas.org $25
photophilos.com $22
newmexicocriminallawyers.com $22
webvideolist.com $22
alaskacriminallawyers.com $22
southcarolinacriminallawyers.c… $22
hvxn.com $22
rpxu.com $22
0arab.com $22
cxyu.com $22
unjz.com $22
newhampshirecriminallawyers.co… $22
ixgk.com $22
goqv.com $22
nxuf.com $22
oncologyrecruiters.com $22
mangiabistro.com $22
qwuo.com $22
ixkp.com $22
vrjv.com $22
rimrepairphiladelphia.com $22
otxk.com $22
rhodeislandcriminallawyers.com $22
madmundo.tv $22
oxkf.com $22
uzfh.com $22
ixvh.com $22
zqez.com $22
northdakotacriminallawyers.com $22
pnzv.com $22
westvirginiacriminallawyers.co… $22
nakary-resort.com $22
garnerauctioneer.com $22
oxgv.com $22
ogxk.com $22
ngosonline.com $20
metal-windows.net $20
americansweeper.com $20
imyexi.com $20
chichui.com $17
hsrslaw.com $17
southdakotacriminallawyers.com $17
montanacriminallawyers.com $17
wyomingcriminallawyers.com $17
vwxj.com $17
businesslinkdirectory.info $15
fake.cc $15

DropCatch Dropped Auctions:
Abiye.net $1,185
ChuanmEi.net $1,133
Settima.com $705
Roanna.com $660
SafeConsulting.com $475
DtOnline.com $329
TypoVizion.com $188
Nzpfga.com $150
Cmint.com $134
DciExpo.com $120
Camping4less.com $101

Flippa Domain Auctions:


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.


  1. Though it wasn’t me who “liked” it, I really like Recordable.com…

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