The domain name was sold for 700,000 Euro. The equivalent today in USD is $797,825.
The buyer of the domain is as is forwarding to their website.
The service aims to keep all followers up to date with all your current social accounts, see which links are most popular and make you know your audience better.
The seller was probably a domainer as the domain is registered with Uniregistry behind whois privacy.
Links of London would have been the perfect buyer but they didn’t bite.
The domain sold at Sedo.
Sedo is also currently brokering the sale of the domain name
i never knew about AllMyLinks but going to sign up now
Guy who bought last month must be feeling really good.
The seller is SA (, which has a great portfolio of names.
I don’t get their service, put all the social links to one link? But it’s a great sale, no doubt.
It is a very simple service and I don’t see anyone paying for it. So they must mine all the click data and sell it everywhere to make some money.
Now we can spy and sell your Data all in one place!
fake news