
Andrew Rosener goes on a domain name selling spree

Andrew Rosener, domain broker and CEO of Media Options, announced 5 big domain name sales today.

Before doing so he talked about working while on vacations:

“The best part about the domain industry is we make money even when we are on vacation! The internet never sleeps. Its a gift & a curse. The gift is precious: Freedom & Flexibility. But comes with a curse or cost: You can work from anywhere, but you HAVE TO work from everywhere!”

Here are the 5 domain name sales:

  1. “Sold & transferred today: congrats to on a great acquisition and big upgrade!”
    (They are using
  2. “Another 3 Letter .com we sold today is . Don’t know who the buyer is, but congrats on the acquisition of an incredible domain name! Literally HUNDREDS of companies out there who would love to & should own but now they never will…”
  3. “Terrific brand & ultra premium .com domain name – SOLD! So many end users and all of them except ONE haggled over the price. All said it was too expensive. Nobody wanted to reach in their pocket. Now they will find out how expensive it is to rebrand…”
  4. “Well that was a quick flip! Our recently acquired has now been SOLD via @Sedo to – yet another startup upgrading to the .com cuz in the end there is no replacement. If you are not on your best version .COM, soon you won’t matter!”
  5. “Oops! Almost forgot one, just sold ! The hemp & cannabis market are BOOMING! CBD & THC coming to a town near you! Just remember: ALL ROADS LEAD TO DOMAIN NAMES. You want what we got? #fuckyoupayme

Unfortunately he didn’t share the sales prices.

He sure doesn’t like to sit long on inventory. I have written before that Drew has said that he has a 12% portfolio turnaround. That is huge for the domaining industry.


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the blog in 2012.


  1. Congratulations to Andrew / MediaOptions

    I own little similar name compare to his sales mentioned in above message.

    EZKA (.)com


  2. Congrats Andrew, I believe “” would have been sold with the highest price bid than rest of others listed above.

  3. Won’t be surprised the total domain sales is easy 7 figures. He prices well and mentioned $250k as a price he likes to set on some of his domains while some domainers buckle when they get $50k offers.Easy 7 figures for the total 5 names he sold.

    You need to have guts and go high in your premium domain names.Once sold its gone and you have to replace with another.

    Congrats to Andrew and thanks for reporting Konstatinos.

  4. Very motivational when you see domain speculators making sales. I bet all were was sold for $50K+

  5. 12% is huge. People usually have 2-3%
    Meanwhile, I just read that has been sold too.

    • It is easy to do, just buy good quality domains and lower the price to get sales (or even auction some off).

      People can have whatever sell through rate they like, what counts is price.

  6. Hello Konstantinos,
    As you and our many followers know, We are no strangers to timely,timing. The Dow Jones Top is already in, as we predicted some time ago, Before it happened. The current underlying Market Fundamentals are being propped up artificially by highly manipulated Corporate Buyback Market Manipulation Tactics. Extreme Caution is advised. JAS 7-6-18
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Intelligence Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master)

  7. Just curious – what type of professional in any business writes “#fuckyoupayme ” ? and please save the arrogant replies.

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