Daily Domain Sales (3-22-2015): Dubliner.com $3,250, CandleJars.com $3,115

dailyDonuts Has Not Increased Domain Name Renewal Fees but there have been many reports about Minds & Machines.

.Ping Was Auctioned Today For $1,501,000 & .SRL For $400,000 (Google lost again)

Go Daddy Aftermarket: “There’s A Name For People Like You” (video)

HA Accepting Domains For A Dallas or New York Auction – Reveils It Sold Luxe.com For $173,000

8 Websites That Already Use A .Green Domain Name

Donuts General Availability Renewal Rate Is About 70%

This is How Tim Culpepper Got Domain.Buzz

Exact Match Domains (EMDs) Are Still A Better & Cheaper Option (“From SEO to SEM”)

I launched the “Deadbeat Buyers Database (DBBDB)”. The first one in is Mr. Henry Porter from London, UK (#1).

Click here to see all the old daily domain sale reports.

To newbies: these prices below are 99% WHOLESALE prices except for some sales at Sedo. Here are the top domain name sales and auctions from Sedo, Namejet, Snapnames, Go Daddy, Drop Catch and Flippa (please note that a lot of the domain names listed below have not been paid for yet):

Sedo Domain Sales:

Namejet Domain Auctions:
denvermarijuanadirectory.com $500
mexicotelevision.com $310

Go Daddy Domain Auctions:

candlejars.com $3,115
revistacyd.com $2,607
fxtx.com $2,026
ynyc.com $1,050
taxsecrets.com $1,005
officialphoraclothing.com $932
ppchits.com $812
tao-market.com $739
petsmarts.com $735
getmdhealthcare.com $610
acanta.com $510
spawnlabs.com $510
51850.com $504
dulceamor.com $503
myguildhost.com $455
tlsm.com $400
northbayroofing.com $371
maconcountyga.org $354
andrewschambercommerce.com $346
alexalexander.com $263
progressconservative.com $255
sambucanyc.com $255
optimarkets.com $230
boldacademy.com $225
mp3cloud.com $220
filmlinks4u.com $213
blueescapes.com $210
vgoc.org $205
uuphone.com $202
getjumpingstilts.com $200
brettswebsite.com $170
cfczone.org $160
greencharterschools.org $160
kwhours.com $155
uxto.com $151
collingwoodenglish.com $149
spiritual-learning.com $132
sortingwithstyle.com $124
ctiz.com $120
fraservalleyrealestate.com $119
keyhosting.com $110
windowsforumz.com $110
elizabethdane.com $105
28463.com $105
partygourmet.com $104
funcoloringideas.com $102
filmcompletstreaming.com $102
concertartist.info $100
myhouserenovation.com $100
van1004.com $97
wedvite.com $97
bostongreenscene.net $95
heartlandoutdoorsman.com $93
dadecommunityfoundation.org $92
randijames.com $90
natscience.com $85
ruddertowneusa.com $85
buscaplus.com $80
uspolohome.com $77
firstgoldexploration.com $75
ip3seminars.com $75
henrybeguelinusa.com $75
texasbiggameawards.com $75
beit-alfa.com $75
abspipes.com $75
gohomeward.com $75
studio-rauque.com $72
mivillanofavorito2.com $71
constructiontradeschools.org $67
internationalmastersoffineart.com $67
raysesg.com $65
memelinks.com $65
sasasunakku.com $65
yachtexhibit.com $63
voyance-consult.net $62
abvihalfmoonbay.com $62
cellphonespytools.com $62
americanopportunitytaxcredit.com $62
xvsi.com $62
nzey.com $61
iifrodeo.com $57
quacor.com $57
1913flood.com $52
internetpiggybankloans.com $52
encrop.net $50
thehauntedbarn.us $49
centexhuntclub.com $45
passdate.com $42
realradio.org $42
lshm.net $40
exercisetraininglog.com $39
fiym.com $37
animal-emergency-center.com $37
lapazpatio.com $32
qlxi.com $32
life-insurance-rating.com $32
cprstudyguide.com $32
2bossvega.com $30
wheresthemoneyinla.com $27
indihop.com $23
investorsuccesstactics.com $22
greenworksconsulting.com $22
tattoo-art-school.com $22
kitchenwh.com $22
ovxg.com $22
onelinkpcs.com $20
wholesalepoloshirts.net $15
3dgamearena.com $15
belvoirhousinghistory.com $15

DropCatch Dropped Auctions:
MySofa.com $1,909
Mrfan.com $1,604

Flippa Domain Auctions:
dubliner.com $3,250
travellergroup.com $200


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.

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