Daily Domain Sales (12-06-2014): Puriffer.com $6,601, MarijuanaPills.com $3,745

dailyIf anyone has send me an email in the past few months and has not received a reply please email me again. The email was probably caught by the anti-spam software. Thanks.

Chinese Domaining Masterclass By TLD Registry At NamesCon 2015

Domaining Europe 2015 Will Be Held In Valencia, Spain on 23-25 April, 2015. I know it is a bit early but is anyone going? Let me know.

I published my renewals/drops report from October: My 476 Domain Name Renewals And 49 Drops (9.3%)

Here is my latest poll with over 400 votes so far: “Are You Renewing Your New gTLD Domains?“.

Click here to see domain sale reports from the past week.

Here are yesterday’s domain sales and auctions from Sedo, Namejet, Snapnames, Go Daddy, Drop Catch and Flippa:

Sedo Domain Sales:

Namejet Domain Auctions:
marijuanapills.com $3,745
deflation.org $787

Snapnames Domain Auctions:

Go Daddy Domain Auctions:

puriffer.com $6,601
microwire.com $1,200
sodomia.com $1,142
glowbug.com $761
pdfscissors.com $670
getcarspecs.com $527
universitapost.co $510
myadtpulse.com $505
roachfiend.com $410
cygene.com $405
candlegrove.com $397
primerocolombia.com $370
kidrocket.org $365
fictionarts.com $330
smartregion.org $323
jacobsonhouse.com $308
twistedblogs.com $300
restorativejusticecolorado.org $282
73615.com $280
jynn.com $280
businesslistingfree.com $280
blackpurl.net $276
okcautohailrepair.com $255
ladypartsauto.com $228
zomdai.com $226
thaimarine.com $225
loubei.com $215
spartachurchofchrist.com $215
theworldfamousathens.com $215
sexblogzilla.com $210
bigeasyportland.com $205
jjhg.com $205
lacuchara.com $205
wavelabs.com $204
socialbuzzer.com $185
trcx.com $185
inmatepay.com $170
teachnotpreach.com $166
retrogreen.com $161
scrubcouture.com $160
badgefactory.com $146
radiogaalkacyo.net $146
qccvans.com $137
lumennote.com $130
alg-a.com $129
chicagosuburbapartments.com $125
nexus451.com $125
evollt.com $122
trafficroundup.com $121
benicenterprises.com $118
ngpharma.com $115
topfreedatingsites.net $111
qualitytracker.com $106
girldatingtips.com $105
thelocalsgohere.com $105
p2psearcher.com $102
mspnews.net $100
imsaid.com $97
aitools.org $96
embajadacanada.org $95
jsmakeup.com $95
knappstore.com $93
javocalmusic.com $92
reality-male.com $91
logbookresearch.com $91
phukettouristguide.com $90
nmotionfitnessllc.com $90
josephhallbransonelvis.com $85
srcrehab.com $80
tforex.net $80
createiphoneringtones.com $80
kaplyinc.com $80
minipocketrockets.net $80
jasonallenband.net $80
carnivalseattle.com $77
virtuallyorganized.com $75
qxrg.com $73
qwgn.com $73
yrqk.com $73
qxpb.com $73
gwaliacareandsupport.com $72
autolendernow.com $72
horizonsmt.org $71
uqis.com $70
zfpq.com $68
embajadadetrinidadytobago.com $65
yrmq.com $65
rqwn.com $65
pqnj.com $65
zwnq.com $65
xqrn.com $65
pwqm.com $65
yrtq.com $65
tqkl.com $65
yrqb.com $65
exservers.com $65
jzpq.com $65
xtpq.com $65
qnwc.com $65
yqpn.com $65
tqzr.com $65
qwbr.com $64
qyfp.com $64
qkwf.com $64
xqkn.com $64
qpxr.com $60
pqxg.com $60
yrqj.com $60
qyfn.com $60
themarmonteleague.com $60
univsystems.com $59
robot6.com $56
fucars.com $55
vandishshop.com $55
manutddiehardfans.com $54
qkyf.com $53
diveandtravelexpo.com $52
tuyendungnhanluc.com $52
netcertify.com $50
quantumpicture.com $50
gnumblr.com $50
phunuplus.net $50
verifybet.com $50
yqrg.com $48
mqyk.com $48
weike44.com $47
ghettodriveby.com $47
2-8.net $45
luxurybusla.com $45
twosmilesonehope.com $45
advercarzing.com $45
paidsurveysources.com $42
fiestamexicana909.com $42
ogilvyargentina.com $41
worldpyroolympics.com $41
npmudaipur.com $40
bzyu.com $40
filehostingreview.com $38
netverdix.com $37
dvdusstore.com $37
getbehindjesus.net $36
greenwordsgrowing.com $35
top100site.net $35
xrlv.com $35
mimediaholdings.com $34
sb8.net $33
geishagirlsescorts.com $30
goldandsilvernow.com $29
whitehorsetuc.org $27
myrsscreator.com $25
scienceandreligionbooks.org $25
thefreebiesworld.com $25
cuqz.com $24
inciarco.com $24
misplacedsequins.com $24
blaknblutv.com $24
qxbi.com $24
cxug.com $22
financenewskey.com $22
edbookphoto.com $22
whwv.com $22
photoboothstars.com $22
fvvt.com $22
sharewareplus.com $20
dqaw.com $18
yjvq.com $17
uqky.com $17
uqkx.com $17
uzgw.com $17
uqkz.com $17
vkcx.com $17
newshira.com $17
oqtz.com $17
zujq.com $17
xqvt.com $17
westaple.co $15
sterrenwacht.com $15
onepropertysource.com $15
pornatrix.com $15
edwin.me $15
haitianheritagemonth.net $15

DropCatch Dropped Auctions:
Posnania.com $1500
biorobots.com $965
NNDP.com $355
MediateCaOnline.net $184
pbxe.com $161
lliq.com $154
wangcaitong.com $151

Flippa Domain Auctions:
Wheelbug.com $157
tafe.info $120
iCopters.com $100


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.

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