Daily Domain Sales (12-30-2014): QDE.com $9,900, Text.org $5,012

dailyHappy new year to everybody!

I couldn’t help but post probably the funniest domain I have seen this year: MagicAss.com. It is on auction (currently @ $12) ending in 2 days at Flippa. Anyone interested in some magic?

Here is some food for thought as we enter 2015: Have Buyers Stopped Making Serious Offers?

2014 ends with one of the best .org domains I have seen auctioned: Text.org was sold at Flippa for $5,012.

Here are my 13 ways to make Go Daddy auctions better.

A Go Daddy rep replied and gave a solution to 1 of the problems: email support. The other 12 problems (plus the ones written in the comments) remain.

Go Daddy is trying to stop blogs from reporting auction results.I noticed that the other day when all my watched domains at Go Daddy were gone. You can read about here by Joseph Peterson.

I will post below the auction prices a few hours before auctions ended just to mess with the people that complained to Go Daddy. Do they prefer I post these instead of the final prices? Be my guest. They should probably be complaining to Go Daddy about shill bidders and why people are allowed to renew their domains after the auctions have ended and winning bidders have paid.

64 new domains have been added in the NamesCon 2015 and RightOfTheDot auction (318 Domains Total).

Read this post, “Just The Fax Ma’am, Just The Fax”, and enjoy the holidays.

I posted all my .NET domain name sales from the past 10 years. You can see these here.

My Comments On The Verisign “.COM Vs New gTLDs” Stats

I posted some of my 2014 domain name purchases. More coming soon!

Here is a poll with over 440 votes so far: “Are You Renewing Your New gTLD Domains?“.

Click here to see domain sale reports from the past week.

Here are yesterday’s domain sales and auctions from Sedo, Namejet, Snapnames, Go Daddy, Drop Catch and Flippa (please note that a lot of the domain names listed below have not been paid for yet):

Sedo Domain Sales:
qde.com $9,900
mapd.com $5,000
sippycups.com $3,800
codecore.com $1,750
tatuajes.es 1,500 EUR
noproblem.me 1,000 EUR

Namejet Domain Auctions:
mj1.com $1,019

Snapnames Domain Auctions:


 Domain Name  Current Price
nighty.org $524
bl2.com $504
thelovelacemovie.com $405
comsale.com $401
uo8.com $349
ir7.com $338
gtasquad.com $304
udgla.com $255
91529.com $236
thespaceattompkins.org $225
iisdrs.org $210
qkpc.com $210
mrft.com $205
rpgq.com $205
mqsh.com $205
npzw.com $205
71180.com $205
nationalaed.org $204
payhelp.com $175
wedding-photos.com $127
02850.com $121
jmextensions.com $115
disposer.org $115
quans.com $107
urlfanx.com $106
neoupa.org $105
easytileclean.com $105
84321.com $93
readchristina.com $85
annecain-art.com $85
archrehab.com $85
tchadvision.com $85
philaloan.com $85
cascadeadventures.com $85
cpd-ce.com $85
lcdtvs.info $85
g-sistah.com $80
files4design.com $76
tgolcott.com $72
wnypolonia.com $72
video-hawaii.com $66
waysauto.com $65
hotelsbarcelone.com $65
asiasell.com $65
silhouette718.com $64
bakanphotography.com $62
sanalvadi.com $60
ubih.com $60
themanorhousehotel.com $56
vids24.com $56
digidas.com $55
luminitadobrescu.com $50
ebsc2013.com $50
tercy.com $47
auditoriociudaddeleon.net $46
secondattention.org $40
discoverwhy.com $40
kustyle.com $40
pnpsolution.com $37
pighumor.com $37
oswegofriends.com $37
internetbusinessdegrees.net $35
wisdomforhome.com $35
kayapa.com $34
arabkol.com $34
efhy.com $33
3388k.com $32
villiersterracelondon.com $30
pinkneck.com $30
topmobi.us $27
kfcantigua.com $27
123sk.com $27
uckz.com $27
jjux.com $27
26pay.com $27
sleepporn.com $26
mtpot.com $25
ohjy.com $25
hatq.org $23
joygoround.com $22
shijiegou.com $22
yinggeng.com $22
honestconf.com $22
ihlq.com $22
zaki.org $20
visualstories.com $20
howtogetlonghair.com $20
illinois-dui-defense.com $20
nikynik.com $20
strictlycassette.com $20
akqb.com $20
uwte.com $20
esubject.com $20
pakas.com $18
erotikfilmizle.com $18
wcdfoundation.org $17
convie.org $17
africansexworkeralliance.org $17
fortpeckjournal.org $17
classicporndvd.com $17
engaginginteractions.com $17
swissparadisepattaya.com $17
mysnowmobilestore.com $17
falapa.com $17
floza.com $17
sumoreference.com $17
elporno.com $17
123wg.com $17
cameasy.com $17
yusmaplegarden.com $17
scfx.org $15
contrapreneur.com $15
vikido.com $15
474747.net $15
livinghomes.us $15
coldsmokeguiding.com $15
huntersjourneymagazine.com $15
livedocuments.net $15
x-deal.com $15
cpdce.net $15
dabhaus.com $15
cozycooler.com $15
naturiq.com $15
misterjonjon.com $15
pokermm.com $15
cebiisi.com $15
socialsexo.com $15
lvnoble.com $15
fjjyyz.com $15
defensegamesforpc.com $15
wellhat.com $15
global7network.com $15
webcamhit.com $15
theleathershopofoatman.com $15
adpolar.com $15
noobsters.com $15
goplay.org $15
escort2.com $15

DropCatch Dropped Auctions:
Aleac.net $301
MirMebeli.com $264
Hz7777.com $151
MRPJ.com $104

Flippa Domain Auctions:
text.org $5,012
Thiamin.com $1,000
crowdfunding.io $510
zy0.com $361

Sold Domains

About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.

One comment

  1. Kim Kardashian should buy magicass.com 🙂

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