Daily Domain Sales (12-04-2014): Appearance.com $15,000, etfs.de 11,900 EUR

dailySo it’s official. I am going to my first domain name conference: NamesCon 2015 in Las Vegas. Are you going? Do you want to meet? Let me know!

Chinese Domaining Masterclass By TLD Registry At NamesCon 2015

Domaining Europe 2015 Will Be Held In Valencia, Spain on 23-25 April, 2015.

I published my renewals/drops report from October: My 476 Domain Name Renewals And 49 Drops (9.3%)

Namejet & RightOfTheDot Mistakenly Auction Turner Broadcasting Owned Domain Names

Here is my latest poll with over 400 votes so far: “Are You Renewing Your New gTLD Domains?“.

Click here to see domain sale reports from the past week.

Here are yesterday’s domain sales and auctions from Sedo, Namejet, Snapnames, Go Daddy, Drop Catch and Flippa:

Sedo Domain Sales:
etfs.de 11,900 EUR
beinmediagroup.com $8,500
cleancrawls.com $6,000
feste.com $3,000
super-yacht.com 1,100 EUR

Namejet Domain Auctions:
appearance.com $15,000
notice.org $795
yachtjobs.com $760
ukcollege.com $610
explorenewyork.com $491
preleasing.com $389
ukka.com $330
propertyresource.com $300
6y2.com $250
braincancer.net $155

Snapnames Domain Auctions:

Go Daddy Domain Auctions:

blizzboygames.com $6,049
ocesa.com $3,204
repuve.com $2,355
statsoftinc.com $1,601
ulow.me $1,252
verao.com $1,034
redcross-cmd.org $960
coveredcal.com $855
thephotomomma.com $830
betfantasy.com $811
zgqr.com $710
skysource.com $705
pinspot.com $641
oldcampcasino.com $600
interesjournal.org $523
thislosangeles.com $455
uwsandyrecovery.org $376
u4d.com $360
duraspace.biz $355
pawnshopsnearme.com $330
lambdastream.com $325
prenotare.com $305
villenkello.com $291
vauvamaailma.com $227
98372.com $225
amberheardweb.org $205
torrentcafe.com $205
fluidbluemedia.com $204
christiansinspirational.com $180
ocartsnet.org $175
woodgas.net $175
akredistricting.org $170
tqaj.com $160
cargames77.com $156
bunkbeds4less.com $156
trisite.com $155
mousepad.org $151
alostoorh.com $146
filmtree.com $140
legalsupportagency.com $140
chibuy.org $135
neukenporno.com $126
pinaddon.com $124
webhaldia.com $123
98466.com $121
americanlakes.net $116
rentalboatcharters.com $115
ierconn.net $115
la-ma.org $111
madeiraweb.info $111
rnzq.com $105
gamily.com $105
anjapparcanada.com $105
classhubz.com $105
panaceashop.com $105
chicagobadcreditloans.com $105
coolbpm.com $104
harplenders.com $102
timberland.org $99
doubleyourlikes.com $97
nthword.com $95
nwcovna.info $94
easygrader.com $90
spinfly.com $89
mjqb.com $86
pwqk.com $86
tqwk.com $86
pxqb.com $86
qymq.com $86
bbdi.net $85
yiras.com $82
rockapp.com $80
travelholidays4u.com $80
htworks.net $80
sonicmountain.com $80
openedhost.com $80
nqpj.com $80
mylawschoolrankings.com $80
tqjf.com $77
mobilemedialearning.org $71
tkema.com $70
mqwk.com $68
howtoworkthis.com $67
pk77.com $65
bragmedia.com $65
remoramarketing.org $62
qkxn.com $60
pwnq.com $60
tqnk.com $60
tqkh.com $60
wtsheals.com $55
tdmcorp.com $55
lopelstudio.net $55
qwpz.com $55
centermassrange.com $55
puntodeenfoque.com $54
studioandmore.com $53
summerkitchens.com $52
xqkg.com $52
planetaston.com $51
wepertoire.com $50
solarmodels.com $48
pqpi.com $45
shakespearechronicles.com $45
duracloud.biz $45
itsupportquotes.com $45
theshino.com $42
fresheyeproductions.com $40
mjuq.com $40
prostitutionprocon.org $40
jabbermouth.com $37
zrju.com $35
zmwu.com $35
ocmodelagency.com $35
xwtu.com $35
aurelus.com $35
biscetfreedom.org $35
ilansmusic.com $35
skinorsk.com $35
piggybankshop.com $35
esunlinux.com $35
followthecoins.com $34
77ku.com $33
cpphoenixaz.com $32
thecatalinaway.com $32
afinancespot.com $32
storymashup.org $32
zippybattery.com $32
pqov.com $30
pdfcreator.info $30
winduplist.com $29
pilotspeak.net $28
ojrf.com $27
bantamtools.com $27
comprarvigrxplus.com $27
vidacristiana.org $27
gyandan.com $27
advisorleap.com $27
howtoclearhistory.com $25
writersassembly.org $25
qijs.com $24
totaltennistraining.com $24
qzuw.com $24
tqju.com $24
qigk.com $23
keizerstad.info $22
neworleanscvb.info $22
mqji.com $22
secondstartravel.net $22
tqiz.com $22
cocukmodasi.com $22
rds.cc $22
compucenter.co $22
alnahdaschool.com $22
math44.com $22
canadagooseonline.com $22
hotelonbroadway.com $22
learntoplayguitarmethods.com $20
erapp.net $20
mentalitees.com $20
zejq.com $19
qkiw.com $19
rqiw.com $17
starwarsvii.com $17
rootini.com $17
cartier4us.com $17
pornomad.com $17
feedthedragon.net $17
medmaldefense.com $15
stopsylviabrown.net $15
hopalinks.com $15
flexolutions.net $15

DropCatch Dropped Auctions:
GsHotel.com $350
TxComics.com $321
RoflZone.com $320
Ahrn.net $224
RongzHun.com $222
Vantouch.com $169
CaigoUhui.com $124

Flippa Domain Auctions:
MortgageBroker.org $6,850
Dirt.net $1,550
Tornadoes.info $410
governmentcareers.com $400
basketball.es $200
Hours.com $13,000 (reserve not met)


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.


  1. Nokta Domains acquired Appearance.com $14,000 last year (October 2013) and I see now this domain sold through NameJet auction $15,000
    Take away the 15% Namejet auction commission fee……
    Nokta lost some money… lol 🙂

    It seems domaining is risky…

  2. It rather seems the dino world is waking up to a new era of domaining where .com is going to be just another tld to choose from 🙂

  3. Beside that i saw it in a vision while sleeping … 😉 i noticed overall prices of .com domains going down to a more reasonable level compared to just a year or 2 ago. Also alot more are on the market for sale. From my own experience a couple of .com’s i was interested in earlier this year were not for sale but got a month ago an email that they were for sale with a reasonable BIN price. So my feeling is things are changing and i believe the general domainer community will benefit from it.

  4. Well i guess we agree to disagree then. How i got that email for the 2 domains that were not for sale ? Well here is what i did:

    – they were parked, no BIN price, wrote anyway
    – reply came soon that they were not for sale at the moment

    – then email came with a BIN for the domains

    Hope that takes away the mystery

    Hope that clarifies it

  5. In general sales volume is up, that cannot be denied. The chance of an agreement between seller and buyer is higher because the market is flooded now with new choices. That has an influence, don’t know how much but it has and increases over time. The sellers will consider the new situation and adjust where possible. Ofcourse the ultra-premium .com domains might not be affected at the moment. Unless you are one of those people who believe .com prices will increase with each year and that .com is always better ? If that is true then i rather find a different topic to discuss 🙂 Although i don’t mind as about 30 % of my portfolio is non-new-gtld.

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