New gTLDs Reach 400,000 Domain Name Registrations (.email had a good first day)

According to there are now 391,420 New gTLD domain names in 49 New gTLD strings.

These numbers only include domain names that are in the zone files. i.e. they have nameservers. I estimate that about 2% of the domains don’t have nameservers.

If you count the 2 IDN New gTLDs that I don’t count or list here, the strings that are not yet into proper general availability (.camp, .education, .glass, .institute, .repair), strings that have not completed sunrise and of course the domains that are not in the zone files then the number is well above 400,000.

There are now 49 (latin) New gTLDs that are into the proper (non EAP) general availability. 43 are from Donuts. The leader is still

.guru with 46,458 registrations while .berlin is second with 42,827 domain names.

I must note that .berlin is offering free domain names to residents for the first year so it’s number may be off by a lot.

.Builders is now the worst performing new gTLD with just 1,342 domain names.

This Wednesday 5 more Donuts New gTLDs entered the proper general availability .training, .solutions, .support, .builders and .email. .Email had the 3rd best (from all 49 New gTLDs) first day with 11944 registrations trailing only .berlin that had 31956 after it’s first day and .guru that had 12435 domain names after the first day. Click here to see a few sales from the first week of .training, .solutions, .support, .builders and .email.

.Ceo enters general availability today March 28th 2014.

Here are today’s stats on latin New gTLDs that are into proper general availability:

.guru 46,458
.berlin 42,827
.photography 29,896
.tips 17,318
.today 17,302
.email 13,800
.technology 12,114
.company 11,661
.directory 11,084
.clothing 9,651
.land 9,549
.bike 9,468
.center 9,217
.gallery 9,131
.estate 8,267
.photos 8,123
.solutions 7,645
.equipment 6,783
.singles 6,231
.sexy 5,985
.ruhr 5,633
.ventures 5,228
.academy 5,195
.systems 5,159
.graphics 4,657
.training 4,421
.uno 4,355
.support 4,267
.holdings 4,123
.lighting 4,088
.plumbing 3,872
.construction 3,772
.management 3,745
.careers 3,695
.domains 3,676
.camera 3,561
.contractors 3,259
.kitchen 3,108
.menu 3,079
.shoes 3,070
.enterprises 2,646
.diamonds 2,530
.computer 2,077
.voyage 1,917
.recipes 1,854
.cab 1,707
.limo 1,509
.tattoo 1,365
.builders 1,342

About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the blog in 2012.


  1. Hi, Konstantinos,

    I like to read your blog.
    I think the .company is a cool extension. looks good and include keyword [.com] – it’s a good for seo.


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