mike mann

Mike Mann sells Ready.org for 6-figures

Mike Mann announced on Twitter that he sold the domain name Ready.org for a 6-figure price.

He actually announced the sale again a few days back but he deleted that tweet. I guess he was waiting for the domain to transfer. The domain was in Pending Transfer status at that time.

The sales price of Ready.org was $169,888. The domain was purchased by Mike Mann in 2005 for $347.

This is by far the highest .org sale of 2020 and the highest .org sale since Casinos.org was sold for $400,000 in June 2019 at GoDaddy.

The domain has now finished transfer is now registered with GoDaddy with the default GoDaddy landing page.

The domain is behind whois privacy so the buyer is not yet known. I wonder if this sale has anything to do with being “Ready” for the new Corona Virus. (or any other outbreak etc.)

If you feel the urge to question this sale then read this: Casting a doubt on all domain name sales


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.


  1. I guess he was ready to sell.


  2. There’s a government site on Ready.Gov and someone saw the opportunity to capitalize on that. My bet you’ll see a similar service provided on the .Org soon but from a for profit business.

  3. that is one hell of a return on his investment.

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