Verisign made an interesting video on how the Domain Name System (DNS) infrastructure works.
It is mostly directed to a novice level but it is quite interesting to watch.
It is meant to be a Verisign marketing video as you can tell from the video description but nevertheless: “Find out how Verisign keeps the internet up and running day in and day out.”
The most interesting thing to me was the .com/.net uptime that is almost 20 years!
Hello Konstantinos,
Yes the time line, 20+ Years out. We sensed 20 years ago this present moment in history.
Now back to the present and future. We have always taught proper sales language. The key to closing sales is to know your clients thought processes. We suggest that all domainers, who carelessly call their (.Com Equimoditty Platform Assets)= (Domain Names), to stop this Boring characterization of these very valuable (.COM Equimoditty Platform Asset (TAX SHELTERS).
Most = 99% of the populations eyes, glaze over at the phrase (Domain Names) when they hear (Domain Names), in a sales presentation. Most people react to (Domain Names)as a Snooze subject. Whereas Savvy Institutional End Users imaginations are piqued at the very Savvy Institutional definition =(.COM Equimoditty Platform Asset TAX SHELTERS).JAS
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Intelligence Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master)