mike mann

Mike Mann is about to move his 300,000 domain names from Tucows to GoDaddy

Mike Mann said on Twitter that he is about to move his 300,000 domain names from Tucows to GoDaddy.

Mike Mann operates the DomainMarket.com marketplace.

Not sure what triggered his decision but it might be price related:

“Moving our 300K growing registration collection to godaddy unless better deal exists”

I would never do a registrar move based in pricing alone but it is certainly a factor. Security, control panel features, free privacy and pricing is a good start when choosing a registrar.

When I was starting with domaining in 2002 I was using several registrars but most of my domains were at Enom. Then I moved to Moniker like many the domainers did back in the day but had few domains when I first started there. Then I moved to Fabulous before the whole Moniker disaster happened in late 2014. Now I am finishing my move to Epik. So in 15 years I have made 2 big moves.

I have never used GoDaddy as a main or a secondary registrar because mainly of the bad control panel and their inconsistent and full of bugs accounting system.

Of course I am using a few other registrars like Dynadot, Namesilo and Uniregistry as secondary registrars. If you know a good and cheap registrar that supports many (if not all) New gTLDs please let me know. I am currently looking to replace Uniregistry.


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.


  1. Would you like to share the reason behind leaving Uniregistry? I keep all my domains there so curious to know what issue(s) you’re facing…

    • I don’t like the company’s ethos. And bad side businesses. E.g. involved in .sucks, with XYZ and with topcoin.

      • You might be facing trouble when dealing with new gTLDs at Uniregistry. Since I don’t own any of them and most of my portfolio contains .com/.net/.org, I’m happy customer of Uniregistry.

        I still don’t see any use of Topcoin especially when having no new gTLDs with them. Looks useless to me as of now.

  2. I consolidate all my domain names at Uniregistry and am happy there with service and price. GoDaddy and Network Solutions are the worst, in my experience.

  3. I do not suggest godaddy, old buggy control panel. Transfer of domains is a process and half the time codes are not sent when requested. The technology is so outdated.

  4. Miving to godaddy will be sad step taken by a great domain investor.

  5. Godaddy has been my primary since 2005 and Uniregistry my secondary since 2015. The control panel at Godaddy actually works relatively smooth these days.

    • Agreed, I’ve done things the same exact way. I’ve been at GoDaddy since 2011 for registrations and I like the ease of their control panel. I like Uniregistry, but more for their aftermarket sales platform than registrations.

  6. He would be smart to do so, and tap into their premium marketplaces, can only help him accelerate his sales. I am sure he is just breaking even in renewals, and repurchases, one step forward, two steps back kind of deal.

    Mike Mann has been at this for a very long time, ask yourself would you still be grinding away considering the exits, and some of the one word domains he owns?

    It is almost like he likes to torture himself, he doesn’t have his own backorder connections so inventory is probably costing him a lot now, I am sure the GTLD’s kind of put a kink in his business past 2 years to a smaller degree, but that is a huge renewal bill to keep covering.

    Hands down he takes 2, and 3 keyword domains, and gets amazing returns on them, like I have no idea, just put a price, and they bite?

  7. Hello Mike Mann,

    ” Your Integrity matters, Its Everything ”

    Really Smart move exiting Uniregistry, The many ethics violations at Uniregistry reflect indirectly on its Users. Bad Karma

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Intelligence Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )http://www.UseBiz.com

  8. MM is just trying to get a better deal at Tucows, or elsewhere, and I’m sure his 300,000+ names give him some solid negotiation power 🙂
    As regards Registrars, IMHO the worst are NetSol (e.g. 3 days to get an auth code …lol) and Enom (e.g. support can’t manually approve transfers to speed them up … ridiculous …), while I don’t like Uniregistry glossy and buggy interface, spammy emails and some brokers are really rude and unprofessional to say the least.
    On the other hand, as for our experience, GoDaddy is quite good, Control Panel is simple and intuitive, like their interface, good support, fast transfers (in and out), fast auth codes, but they have a relative price problem, they are relatively expensive vs some competitors.

    • While we are happy to keep working with GoDaddy, since their service is overall good quality, we stopped doing business with Uniregistry, too many ethics violations and questionable (and borderline) commercial practices for my tastes, just to use a euphemism. Jeff Schneider above is right on that.

    • Register.com does the same with the auth code. Then if you forgot to transfer for 5 days they change the auth code so you have to wait again!

  9. With 300,000 domains, you would think he’d have his own registrar!

    Going to godaddy sounds like a backwards step.

  10. We have seen price increases of up to 3,000% by Schilling for his new gTLDs , many Shlling`s lies, napipulations etc
    But some people still supporting him. I know domaining attracts often not very clever people but it is still beyond my understanding.

  11. Konstantinos, are you serious? You have to be nuts not to make Epik one of your main registars if not the main one.

  12. Hatchet job on onlinedomain.com against anything Uniregistry. Weakens the integrity of this forum. Unireg is pretty awesome IMO. Hard to talk down what they’ve built

  13. GoDaddy doesn’t have free privacy, so he should check into that first. He probably wants GoDaddy to buy them.

  14. Hello Mike MANN,
    You are separating the Mann from the boys. Congrats!
    You realized early on what the Really Smart Institutional money has known :
    ” ( .COM Equimoditty Platform Assets ) = Real Assets
    All Other TLDs = are just liabilities ” JAS

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) Former ( Rockefeller I.B.E.C. Marketing Intelligence Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed C.B.O.E. Commodity Hedge Strategist) ( Domain Master) ( UseBiz.com )

  15. The main reason why Mike would move his domains to Godaddy would be the price and/or finance deals. Anyone with that many names would get top support at any registrar, so I don’t think customer service would be the issue. Only down side to this would be Godaddy’s interface – which is not ideal for dealing with large portfolios.

  16. Dynadot and Namesilo should cover you for new gTLDs. Imo better to spend on ccTLDs and .com/.org.

  17. Uniregistry interface is terrible, bloat, laggy. Took hours to even get parking activated and working.

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