Sahar Sarid: “#‎DomainingAMA‬ is dead”

Sahar Sarid announced on his Facebook account that his new #‎DomainingAMA project is dead before it even started.

#‎DomainingAMA‬ is dead, I’m calling it off. Bullies win, the industry loses. Life goes on.


He also said on a comment:

I’m not giving up, the industry gave up. I was doing this for others, very little for me to gain here. But since the rest didn’t support the idea, didn’t protect the idea, then why should I do it alone? Matter of fact, I can’t do it alone.I said all along “It’s up to US now” but if there’s no US, there’s no point.

Just a few hours before calling it dead Sahar had made a different post on Facebook:

A quick update on ‪#‎DomainingAMA‬. Got lots of feedback from last week’s ordeal, we’re moving forward, taking baby steps. We have few great guests coming on board on our first week, planning to put the site up towards the end of the week so you will be able to sign up and subscribe to our upcoming events. Our first guest will be on 4/4 at 12 EDT.

The platform is built in a way that the community police itself. The idea is really simple: To build a place to share, learn, debate, and explore.

It’s up to US now.


My guess is that more guests pulled out of the project following Frank Schilling:

30/3 Mike Mann
31/3 Adam Dicker
1/4 Alan Dunn

I wonder who else pulled out if not all of them? Could this even be Adam Dicker?

Here are 3 articles documenting how the whole DomainingAMA drama unfolded and has now ended:

Must See Video About & Sahar Sarid

Must See Video About & Sahar Sarid

Must See Video About & Sahar Sarid

Sold Domains

About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the blog in 2012.


  1. Comments by:

    Rick Wedzinga
    Geroge Verdugo

    Interesting characters that are in the Adam Dicker circle

    Takes one to know one

  2. And nothing of value was lost…
    Hopefully “poor, missunderstood” Adam is “bullied” for the rest of his life.

  3. Adam Dicker on the guest panel was a disaster in the making.

  4. Sahar crawled out from under his rock, discovered the Internet STILL never forgets, and crawled back under his rock again.

    Oh dear, how sad, never mind.

    • I agree Drewbert. Adam Dicker was part of the problem but Sahars history in the industry – the real one, not the one prettied up for conferences – is what caused this to fail. I don’t think it was ever really slated to happen. I think he was testing the waters.

  5. Who runs the so called Domain Hall Of Shame, time to clean it up, and kick some people out!

    Rick Latona?
    Adam Dicker?
    Sahar Sarid?
    whose next…

  6. Quitters never win. Winners never quit

  7. The doors never opened. How can he gauge the success or failure. If you fail because Adam Dicker was “part of” or fail because Frank Schilling was not “part of” than you had nothing to offer. And by no stretch can I see how this is a loss to the industry. Amazing how Sahar Sarid takes no responsibility.

  8. You invited domain scum, Adam Dicker as a keynote. And then told Frankie it was his loss when he pulled out. Use better judgement. Profit.

    • Sahar Sarid should be mindful of words and respect fellow domainers.

      He is talking about a guy (Frank S) who owns registrars, is a successful gtld operator of several gtlds, investor of more than 400,000 names.

  9. Andrea Paladini

    Sahar Sarid, the guy who was (and is) running the extortion business is talking about being bulllied … LOL!
    Hope someone will sue you soon under RICO, jail time for scammers …
    And Adam Dicker was involved in the extortion business as well, with his “Reputation Repair” and “Mugshots Removal” websites …
    Many cans of worms are opening … stay tuned, more to come! 🙂

  10. All of these so called hall of fame domain guys who rape the profit from others during their reign and then get out of the industry when it gets tough only to want to return when the market heats back up. Praise the everyday domainer that hangs in there whether it is good or bad.

    These guys don’t give a damn about their fellow domainers, they jut want to pump and dump. do i sound bitter? over 18-years of domaining I am sick to death of these clowns coming in and making a killing and then getting out. On top of it, then creating exhorstion websites to f8ck the everyday joe. keep your domainingAMA.

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