These Are The Types Of Domains That Heritage Wants In Its April Auction

A live domain name auction has been scheduled for late April at Heritage’s office in San Francisco.

These are the various types of domain names that Heritage Auctions is looking for and the submission criteria:

Short, punchy one word .com names, suitable for branding a company or a new venture.,, and are great examples. .com is ideal. Short is preferred. Generic words, with no suffixes are best. is not ideal. is not ideal. would be perfect.

Short acronyms of 2-4 letters.
.com preferred. Examples are,, and We do not have buyers for letter/number combinations like or Those are not ideal.

Other two word or geo names.
In the past we have sold two word names and geographic .coms. Names like and might be ideal for this auction, if priced well.

Names that match other categories at
Names that might be suitable for an affluent buyer in art, sports memorabilia, coins or comics may be a good fit. We cross promote these names to the big buyers in those categories. However, in the past, the overly expensive names haven’t moved ($100,000 and up). Try to keep it to $20,000 and under. Give these buyers a no-brainer decision. Visit to see our categories.

Remember who the target audience is. We will market the auction to our 950,000 client members, investors, VC’s and through traditional media. Send over names that are perfect for investment or branding. If it has value, and you want to move it, reach out to me. We will try to give your name(s) the most exposure possible.

Please send your names with your minimum reserve prices (if any). Since space is limited, we are looking for great names, priced well. This is a great chance to put your names in front of a large audience. Our sweet spot on prices is $50,000 – $300,000 for one word .com names, as you can see from past sales listed Everything can’t be a six-figure sale, so go ahead and send names valued under $50,000 if they are ideal for our buyers. Generic words and short .com names are what we’ve sold recently both publicly and privately.

A few domain investing (and submission) tips:

1. A common two word phrase, transposed in the wrong order, has almost zero commercial value. would have value. However, has virtually zero aftermarket value. Our buyers are not ideal for these.

2. Recently registered domain names have very little aftermarket value. If you registered a domain name last week for $10, the chances of flipping that name for a significant return are small. Please don’t send us new registrations.

3. Names with hyphens, unnecessary numbers or quirky spellings are nearly impossible to sell. I wouldn’t buy or submit names like, or These names have little aftermarket value.

4. Learn from the past. Nearly all of the historically significant domain sales have been short .com names. Look for generic words, short acronyms or category-defining names. .com is king. There have been some significant sales in the new extensions – but the supply is high and the demand (from end user businesses) is very low. The new extensions are interesting, but nearly all of the buyers are other investors.

5. Names with prefixes, like “i” or “e” aren’t in demand like they used to be. Names with suffixes are more limiting as well, in most cases. is a home run. is more limited. Singular versions of words like are perfect to brand nearly anything. Names like are more limited, as they can only be used for ecommerce operations (in most cases). is a category-defining name, it is still valuable, but it has a smaller base of potential buyers. The singular version,, is a great generic brand. This is what our buyers are seeking.

You can send Aron Meystedt, director of Domain Name and Intellectual Property at Heritage Auctions, your submissions at AronM at HA .com.

BTW is certainly ideal (at least for me) as it means something else entirely and not the act of putting a fence.

Sold Domains

About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the blog in 2012.


  1. From what I remember (and a quick Google search confirmed) the results of their past auctions are nothing special, in fact I’d confidently say what has sold at their auctions in the past would have sold for more through Namejet. Then they charge the buyer and the seller a commission. And they demand top of the line domains. Seems like they get everything while not really producing much value for anyone else. Pass.

  2. What about dot net , info , biz and org and pro all regod do get quite a few emais thanks

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