Daily Domain Sales (4-05/06-2015): jij.com $40,000, Movie.io $6,500

dailyDouble report today with 3 5-figure and 19 4-figure domain name sales.

The Most Awkward Moment At NamesCon

.Sucks Registry Makes $200k+ Selling Domains To Taylor Swift, Apple, Google, Microsoft

Starting Dot Launches “PREMIUM TLD 50“

I can’t stand these people that think they deserve a domain name just because. “Now check to see what reverse domain name hijacking is or just look at the mirror.”

Are Domain Names Like Books? What do you think?

I Just Hate Moniker .CLUB Hits 200,000 Domain Name Registrations In Less Than One Year

Sedo’s Commission Increases To About 18% For Europeans Without A VAT Number

Click here to see all the old daily domain sale reports.

To newbies: these prices below are 99% WHOLESALE prices except for some sales at Sedo.

Here are the top domain name sales and auctions from Sedo, Namejet, Snapnames, Go Daddy, Drop Catch and Flippa (please note that a lot of the domain names listed below have not been paid for yet): Sedo Domain Sales:

Namejet Domain Auctions:
onetrack.com $2,387
dmll.com $699
tkeg.com $209
uoce.com $159

Go Daddy Domain Auctions:

zeku.com $7,300
hazprints.com $4,360
slangit.com $4,050
cutaway.com $1,885
mascorp.com $1,525
trendingnews.com $1,525
pinkmobile.com $1,125
gvg.net $1,100
reinventure.com $960
internetvoicesradio.com $873
yh7788.com $820
yh6677.com $800
greatersuccess.com $731
hg3533.com $711
yh2288.com $646
js855.com $602
hg1711.com $503
hg2272.com $502
oslr.com $427
hg2922.com $406
hg7557.com $406
hg1911.com $402
ourcash.com $365
chocolatedelivery.com $317
unicef-gis.org $305
yh1177.com $305
empleostaca.com $300
flaptor.com $280
wiqb.com $275
absolutedigital.com $275
rtaprojects.me $260
seedtotree.com $260
lddp.com $250
ttmq.com $245
aphroditewaterpark.com $240
lbzb.com $236
jrpe.com $223
colourforeyes.com $220
chrentals.com $220
health-minder.com $217
nknh.com $215
transwell.com $211
scrottrescue.com $205
barbioyunlari.com $205
0844.net $203
anultrasoundtechnician.com $197
iadesign.com $185
nomad2go.com $157
ohfun.com $155
09383.com $151
boxingbb.com $136
lockharthispanicchamber.org $135
nb8businessmobility.org $125
absoluteautocny.com $122
jasmintube.org $117
tt7788.com $116
aurbis.com $115
sportshollywood.com $112
gocrowdfund.com $111
mcbridefurniturevillage.net $109
bouquetcatcher.com $109
backfencemagazine.com $105
silverdollarcasinos.com $105
tobagotoday.com $100
seniordogs.com $95
boathouserestaurant.net $90
thegrandnewalbany.com $88
mountainmeadowtrailrides.com $85
painbehindkneecure.com $84
odfq.com $80
nellietravis.com $80
hunanone.com $80
theroadweknow.com $80
whiteoakorchids.com $80
bridgestexas.com $80
thejesusunderground.com $75
largerdallas.com $75
richard-kelly.net $75
culvercitynews.com $75
tinymasters.net $75
oncoreblueprint.org $75
westseattleyachtclub.com $75
whfv.com $75
viperpowersports.com $75
logicworks5.com $72
antikelifinder.com $72
visualvacationrentals.com $71
tvondvdshop.com $70
transbunko.com $70
bossh.net $70
ms-pacman.com $67
relationshipcurrency.com $59
birdsofwales.com $57
roadlessland.org $55
majg.com $52
transparency-bg.org $52
wallerconewscitizen.com $52
kravmagaclasses.com $47
cqog.com $47
chriscoretalks.com $45
imosaicconference.com $40
primitiveshoppes.com $35
inpeg.org $35
dm29.net $35
uclubct.com $34
sundayroutine.com $34
docmartinsmaui.com $33
rcux.com $32
odjx.com $32
thebestlibraryfriends.org $30
uxyc.com $26
anaphylaxiscouncil.org $25
mymoneylife.org $25
ixvk.com $22
hyperactiveart.com $22
verandaunveils.com $22
shipfreightrates.com $22
selfstocktrading.com $22
californiacup.com $20
successwithfred.com $20
redheadedskeptic.com $20
valleynv.com $17
cakepackages.com $17
frlodge.com $17
endteacherabuse.info $15
rcgreeksawboats.com $15
jadefountainduluth.com $15
acmedataservices.com $15
boilerwall.com $15
myedinburgh.net $15
acatacochico.com $15
jij.com $40,000
adsy.com $2,280
startupculture.com $1,277
ibk.org $1,003
fiduciary.org $780
89300.com $510
rtlt.com $417
youraffiliatelifestyle.com $393
2qo.com $380
seattleurbannature.org $371
counterdeal.com $310
mbzf.com $305
euroastuces.com $300
blackabsolute.com $290
raiseillinois.com $290
magazinesofamerica.com $280
bigsop.com $276
anaheimrvvillage.com $265
mgkf.com $260
toappomattox.com $260
50117.com $257
ultraluxfx.com $235
mtgq.com $235
optispace.com $230
q2m.net $225
flbh.com $221
spauldingauto.com $220
6z3.com $216
qbpn.com $210
africapunch.com $175
dannyglix.com $156
886788.com $155
870111.com $151
unmart.com $137
dronecell.com $135
gscastro.info $125
kojf.com $122
indianaequality.org $115
blesstravel.com $113
jeremykalin.com $112
wowrange.com $105
isint.com $105
interval.tv $105
75428.com $104
mamamexico.com $101
matrimonialonline.com $100
dlvrd.com $100
fyij.com $97
tantelouise.com $95
politicrat.com $95
beatrixfarrandgarden.org $95
lealynn.com $94
jfbo.com $90
driverimprovement.com $87
jsur.com $86
shortsburgerandshine.com $85
auxm.com $85
lugw.com $81
cljv.com $81
jljo.com $80
prepaidwirelessassociation.com $77
maccaferri-northamerica.com $77
jbtu.com $76
yauc.com $76
missfarah.com $75
literacyforyou.org $75
dommonaghan.com $75
sugarmrpoon.com $75
justunited.com $75
zufv.com $72
9txt.com $72
juvx.com $71
355688.com $71
visitcharlottetown.com $63
divorceattorneywestpalmbeach.com $63
cp03.com $58
tango8.com $57
lpuz.com $55
jackofheartspub.com $53
rackwebs.com $52
guizha.com $50
fussball-heute.net $46
elegantcourage.info $45
mibcom.com $45
xportx.com $45
interiordesign-ideas.com $42
filehi.com $40
seaglassorganic.com $38
pictures-hairstyles.com $32
naturisttreatment.info $27
bettercreditguide.com $25
commercialappliancerepair.net $22
sellingartnews.com $21
tweqs.com $17
urbanjunglesuv.com $15

DropCatch Dropped Auctions:
quanguan.com $1,420
TheStores.com $1,111
288Tyc.com $109
767Msc.com $220
CanadianDrugSaver.com $124
dp123.com $831
FemjoyAngels.com $265
GMZA.com $200
KuEgler.com $365
LeBonPain.com $144
PyBank.com $415
RwandaPaparazzi.net $285
SdInsurance.com $105
trainhere.com $104
UrukLink.net $164
WreckAMovie.com $350

Flippa Domain Auctions:
fzv.com $15,000
nvl.com $12,600
movie.io $6,500
AmazingReviews.com $3,200
SilkStockings.com $3,100
UsedGadgets.com $2,600
s70.com $1,500
Hjuv.com $250
IT-professional.com $200
GlutenFreeSweets.com $197

Sold Domains

About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.


  1. yh7788.com $820
    yh6677.com $800
    hg3533.com $711
    yh2288.com $646
    js855.com $602
    hg1711.com $503
    hg2272.com $502
    hg2922.com $406
    hg7557.com $406
    hg1911.com $402


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