Daily Domain Sales (2-17-2015): Pianfang.com $10,251, XV.net $10,000

dailyRightside Buys .NEWS Domain Name Extension

Here is A Domain Name Lesson Not Learned from NamesCon.

1st Year .College Registrations Are Free For Trademark Holders, Brands, .edu & .ac.uk Domain Registrants

1 & 2 Character .FR Domain Names Opening To The General Public Today

NOKTA’s Most Popular Domain Names Of 2014

Click here to see all the old daily domain sale reports.

To newbies: these prices below are 99% WHOLESALE prices except for some sales at Sedo. Here are the top domain name sales and auctions from Sedo, Namejet, Snapnames, Go Daddy, Drop Catch and Flippa (please note that a lot of the domain names listed below have not been paid for yet):

Sedo Domain Sales:
foxbar.com $6,500
isy.be 1,005 EUR
openbydefault.com $1,000

Namejet Domain Auctions:
retros.com $4,100
lumbersupply.com $2,600
realtime.org $569
edck.com $500

Go Daddy Domain Auctions:

pianfang.com $10,251
favicongenerator.com $7,600
reservable.com $2,550
mediascope.org $1,501
dtsl.com $1,009
theinterweb.com $660
mendozamaravillosa.com $570
illinoisrespite.org $563
sahillavingia.com $555
gastroenterology.net $449
todd-duncan.com $424
americanwinery.com $416
startcorp.com $404
altlitgossip.com $350
ncgp.com $350
xn--72czp5e5a8b.ws $320
itsc2012.org $314
fxra.com $293
zhanmian.com $287
cfln.com $278
planana.com $256
lengmeng.com $250
brotherwolf.com $249
jiglibflash.com $238
veganplate.com $216
593info.org $210
hellohanna.com $205
lotus.info $201
thegoodtoys.com $181
dmca-info.com $170
sutg.com $165
blueridgepride.com $165
5starmovers.com $155
gemablog.com $155
05176.com $148
maojue.com $138
45977.com $116
gamingfever.com $112
underthegrapetree.com $109
basiko.com $107
theoldportseagrill.com $105
shairun.com $100
kzdj.com $100
vdvs.com $99
knoxbeerweek.com $90
wecz.com $86
appetitetheatre.com $85
lummox.org $85
xaxv.com $81
resipsapoker.com $80
tanxdesign.com $80
homesecuritysanjose.com $75
homesecuritysacramento.com $75
homesecuritytucson.com $65
representlondon.com $62
evfy.com $60
bcstudio.tv $60
techhelpers.net $60
futurology.org $60
unitedhollywood.com $56
zaplife.org $56
lutarsoft.com $56
thewaronmoms.com $55
eminem.tv $52
everyonematters2012.com $50
janaiblog.com $42
ucyk.com $35
searchenginesuccess.info $30
vbzc.com $30
muchadoaboutsebastopol.org $30
iheartpets.org $25
charliedanielssoapbox.com $25
cowboybootsbygeorge.com $22
lbuz.com $22
blackmountaintownsquare.com $20
bodybuildingworld.info $17
avpack292.com $15

DropCatch Dropped Auctions:
Civileng.com $814
LilyCollection.com $417
KaMann.com $384
52662.com $350
Online-MovieZ.com $245
Veecee.com $245
Artny.com $200
GrandFestival.com $200
OhNatural.com $198
FOJT.com $174
HeatMeters.com $164
Filthcabinet.com $160
334999.com $120
Pj1314.com $103

Flippa Domain Auctions:
xv.net $10,000
carddebt.com $3,000


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.

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