Daily Domain Sales (3-21-2015): FootballMagazine.com $2,500, BuyBoxes.com $1,259

dailyDonuts Has Not Increased Domain Name Renewal Fees but there have been many reports about Minds & Machines.

HA Accepting Domains For A Dallas or New York Auction – Reveils It Sold Luxe.com For $173,000

New .XXX Domain Names Priced At $12.99 In April

8 Websites That Already Use A .Green Domain Name

Donuts General Availability Renewal Rate Is About 70%

This is How Tim Culpepper Got Domain.Buzz

Trademark Clearinghouse: 2,229 Marks Have Expired – Unverified Marks Increase!

Exact Match Domains (EMDs) Are Still A Better & Cheaper Option (“From SEO to SEM”)

I launched the “Deadbeat Buyers Database (DBBDB)”. The first one in is Mr. Henry Porter from London, UK (#1).

Click here to see all the old daily domain sale reports.

To newbies: these prices below are 99% WHOLESALE prices except for some sales at Sedo. Here are the top domain name sales and auctions from Sedo, Namejet, Snapnames, Go Daddy, Drop Catch and Flippa (please note that a lot of the domain names listed below have not been paid for yet):

Sedo Domain Sales:

Namejet Domain Auctions:

Go Daddy Domain Auctions:

buyboxes.com $1,259
tucloset.com $908
livinghealthfully.com $860
kxcd.com $586
0178.net $571
activescaffold.com $530
fortworth-injurylawyers.com $475
natcreole.com $470
craftandtech.org $425
varietyshac.com $405
booksweb.tv $405
cavn.com $365
fundacionguillermocano.com $355
northbrooksportsclub.org $321
carcinoma.org $306
thirdwheelgroup.com $305
photorog.com $290
vmdi.com $264
appsmarts.com $263
ipams.org $245
pcgd.com $237
millecentoresidences.com $230
thecruiseworld.com $225
tnehealthpros.com $224
xienan.com $221
fixg.com $206
artofpainting.com $205
lightboxsoftware.com $200
wararkasomalia.com $195
aggee.com $165
kenday.com $156
warrenwest.com $145
41918.com $133
casabellaapts.com $116
freshvac.com $111
decentcarandtruckrental.com $107
cognitivedaily.com $105
artisresistance.com $105
edgeflowmedia.com $105
gamehos.com $105
bossrocket.com $104
dhgu.com $101
thatcertaingift.com $101
sleepingmedication.com $100
tuclase.com $100
hamptonsfest.org $90
szih.com $89
radfiber.com $86
mughalgarden.com $82
gigharbormuseum.org $80
roadsideobx.com $75
joandavisart.com $75
privateequitylawreview.com $75
northbranchgolf.com $75
wwswa.com $73
regiondemurciasi.com $72
arrot.com $71
41857.com $71
vvmr.com $70
eps-cs.com $70
model-agency.ws $70
garibaldisrestaurant.net $67
fullhypnosis.com $65
relacje.net $65
roxw.com $57
marchfieldairfest.com $57
zened.com $55
cambodiacic.org $55
open-directories.com $53
zavh.com $50
restaurantsciences.com $47
pastperfectnashville.com $46
uaquarium.com $45
upstatebrewtopians.com $45
bxar.com $37
leftwing-christian.net $37
ifitransparencyresource.org $35
ipthome.com $35
tmw2.com $30
mountainviewranch.net $27
lenjerie.info $27
trattoriazooma.com $25
vimms.info $25
employeedevelopmentsolutions.com $22
biographical.info $20
brekenridge.co $20
37mk.com $20
showmethemusiccontest.com $17
demarkesports.com $15
freeinvestmentseminar.com $15
leadingtonmo.com $15

DropCatch Dropped Auctions:
tianmaohui.com $809
Pastebay.com $670
Makeb.com $105
shtel.com $304
TreeZone.com $400
Xujy.com $104
Zibu.net $124
Zincom.com $110

Flippa Domain Auctions:
FootballMagazine.com $2,500
w2.io $130


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.

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