Daily Domain Sales (11-19-2014): RIN.com $35,000, Tangibles.com $11,750

dailyTrademark Clearinghouse released its latest stats: 1,181 marks have already expired & 848 marks are not verified.

Heritage Auctions is now accepting premium domains for the exclusive February auction that will only have 20 domains.

I don’t know if you heard but world.estate was sold by Nokta for $35,000. The domain is not even a premium. It has a regular renewal price.

DomainHoldings.com sold luxury.estate back in June for $50,000. I am sure glad I have e.estate.

In the meantime .NYC announced its Landrush results: $1.2M+ Revenue, 10,506 Domains Sold, 145 domains sold for $1,000-$9,999 and 10 domains sold for $10,000+.

Here is my latest poll with over 300 votes so far: “Are You Renewing Your New gTLD Domains?“. You can vote here if you want:

[cardoza_wp_poll id=7]


Click here to see domain sale reports from the past week.

Here are yesterday’s domain sales and auctions from Sedo, Namejet, Snapnames, Go Daddy, Drop Catch and Flippa:

Sedo Domain Sales:
rin.com $35,000
pussy-lounge.com 6,000 EUR
emaildesign.com 3,000 EUR

Namejet Domain Auctions:
contractlawyers.com $1,875
docsign.com $1,422
cures.net $965
greenconnection.com $761
8kq.com $510
coolpoker.com $290
criminals.net $120
conversionrates.org $80
citiyofchicago.com $71

Snapnames Domain Auctions:
careerdesign.com $905

Go Daddy Expired Domain Auctions:

tangibles.com $11,750
biopro.com $3,150
peasandthankyou.com $1,427
mimiccreme.com $1,036
distracteddriving.com $1,000
goodtimessantacruz.com $910
femly.com $800
worldpropertylinks.com $800
xiaosege.com $748
majoronline.com $623
peekstats.com $570
logx2.com $522
pyeb.net $511
auto-trim.com $505
computernewsdaily.com $500
myots.org $489
calango.com $449
teachingforlearning.org $405
borsadoviz.com $404
orgdomain.com $355
freevideodownloadforpc.com $355
tetratechtesoro.com $354
mastbuildings.com $338
yorktonshortfilm.org $320
parishiltonzone.com $305
somewherearound.com $305
thefashionpatrol.com $301
thisweek-online.com $285
antiguatoday.com $275
knowband.com $262
1o6.com $260
39353.com $256
zeisgeist.com $255
halperncowan.com $251
georgetown-kentucky.com $233
twrnetwork.com $232
koreadating.com $227
ensobottles.com $225
jolewin.com $205
nearsightedowl.com $205
cbdclones.com $205
cbdstrain.com $205
kpbiz.com $205
myfat.com $200
lapalmarestaurant.net $195
sportsbookworld.com $185
flatrate.org $182
serialnod32.us $177
scribble-project.com $177
diegolatorre.com $170
manpollo.org $164
orlandofood.com $160
similans.net $155
businessastrologers.com $155
wma2013.com $150
techmanufacturexpo.com $135
2013expo.org $135
opensmartenergy.com $133
shanerpropane.com $130
miradalibre.com $117
cheapmortgageloans.net $117
answerblip.com $115
qoqy.com $115
stefvar.com $114
barginoutlet.com $114
bretzelforbush.com $110
gamerize.com $109
222275.com $107
yoursqft.com $106
jwyz.com $105
chattimes.com $105
collaborativelawatlanta.com $105
lolcandles.com $105
valuedreputation.com $105
izdm.com $105
atthebluehouse.com $105
raiderlaser.com $105
ewzf.com $105
theprojectawesome.net $105
minbusiness.com $105
exterminater.com $105
02231.com $105
stockmarketprobabilities.com $105
marinellispizza.com $105
betterthanevertools.com $105
saglikkutuphanesi.com $105
soaringeaglevacationrental.com $105
coorgholidayvilla.com $103
inkrefillinstructions.com $102
tripclothing.com $102
mpbata.com $100
llnx.com $100
exjet.com $100
skyaviator.com $100
dealables.com $100
filiuslunae.com $100
maxconnection.com $98
qrdo.com $98
userlinux.com $95
loudpopvoyager.com $95
reviewarticles.com $95
fxhawaii.com $95
sayeconomy.com $93
allurebeautyschool.net $92
krkf.com $91
votenoonone.com $89
qhpb.com $86
tzek.com $85
candyormedicine.com $85
voterudyhobbs.com $85
sendflowersto.com $85
selenasquirts.com $82
harfordaccounting.com $80
mobilesq.com $80
shadonet.com $80
socialchangemodel.org $80
qbwk.com $76
xnkp.com $76
lqfd.com $76
aigor.com $76
allopress.com $75
germanamericanclub-miami.org $75
proteinfoodsdirect.com $75
giveawaybetakeys.info $72
wwwucobank.com $70
gloli.com $70
gznv.com $70
myrvnetwork.com $70
g6bpeoplessummit.org $70
greystreetdesign.net $67
iloveherbs.net $65
qhlv.com $65
mkuhyd.com $64
royaltycarpet.com $62
omdw.com $61
kinocode.com $60
foburgneworleans.com $60
lxox.com $60
grabouw.com $58
qvyv.com $58
friendsofbigsouthfork.org $57
joomplaza.com $57
hatterkep.info $56
mcgroove.com $56
fijibuzz.com $55
penjanje.com $55
voluntourismgal.com $55
teachingarabic.org $52
skatingpa.org $51
noshie.com $50
xcpo.com $48
qeqf.com $48
goldencows.com $42
japaulplc.com $42
lhix.com $40
gainforex.net $38
boundary-idaho.com $38
qhki.com $38
moreirensefc.com $37
blakedaily.org $37
cvlj.com $37
xvxk.com $33
qgeb.com $33
fjlo.com $33
mandalar.net $32
cocukelbisesi.com $32
fine-casino.com $30
vzwz.com $28
qigp.com $28
muqp.com $28
qajq.com $28
qhcv.com $28
qfeh.com $28
peqh.com $28
oiqm.com $28
ovqh.com $28
nuqp.com $28
eqkv.com $28
ultj.com $28
qhbv.com $28
oxqb.com $28
ovjx.com $28
fvql.com $28
ijxh.com $28
peqp.com $28
qfbe.com $28
ocqh.com $28
qegp.com $28
qhvb.com $28
qfih.com $28
qgiz.com $28
vjrg.com $28
ucqh.com $28
qobm.com $28
ijxf.com $28
nomfc.com $25
nouveaucourrier.info $25
pythagorasconferenceglobal.com $24
simplyincredabull.com $24
ytvx.com $23
eqkl.com $23
gnqo.com $23
xufp.com $23
vkfr.com $23
pvwx.com $23
xikp.com $23
oiqf.com $23
puqp.com $23
iuqg.com $23
empresas-constructoras.info $22
jesusfan.com $22
flashingdogsupplies.com $22
ventureintomaine.com $22
ondao.com $22
dailydirtblog.com $22
casserolerecipes.org $22
significadodenomes.com $22
uzsg.com $18

DropCatch Dropped Auctions:
TianTianToU.com $125
NXHJ.com $124
QSSZ.com $124
Bfqk.com $104

Flippa Domain Auctions:
taxwork.com $905
WellnessApp.com $600
rvp.net $600
Buying.io $425
WallStreetNews.org $255
MassageParlor.com $3,001 (reserve not met)
travel.bz $3,000 (reserve not met)
Market.info $2,001 (reserve not met)


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.

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