I got the usual spam email for a newly registered domain that I got as a joke. I was sure that this wasn’t a serious inquiry but I opened the email anyway. It came from “TLD Availability” and it advised me to protect my branding by registered other available extensions.
By the way the domain is passwordistaco.com! It is the password used by Taco, a character in the FX tv series “The League”. You might remember Taco as he sold the DallasCowboys.com for $250k.
This is the email:
Congratulations on your purchase of passwordistaco.com.
We advise that you take an extra step in protecting your branding. This can be done by attaining more popular domain extentions (e.g. com, biz, org, net, us). We have processed your domain and have listed the available extentions.
You can view the list here:
We wish you best with your domain name. For questions regarding your domain and website contact us at support@tldavailability.com
Rebekah Crowe
The domain name tldavailability.com just redirects you (with an affiliate code) to a domain availability checker powered by Go Daddy. Sure, I will protect Taco and register all the available TLDs. Not!
The funny thing is that on the day I got the email they owned the domain tldavailability.com and the .info. When I checked a few hours later someone who probably got this spam email had already registered tldavailability.net and had parked it at Sedo! Then the spammer then registered the .org, .biz, .us and .co.
So the spammer didn’t follow her own advice and got screwed. Even as a spammer you need to have some sort of consistency.
And seriously, what is the point of making whois private on your first 2 domains, when you don’t make private the next 4 on other TLDs? That is plain stupid and a waste of money.
Hilarious! 😀 But seriously, if you have the .com the other TLDs don’t matter much, with few exceptions e.g. trademarked brands.
We live and learn guys! I’ve made that ‘private mistake’ as well. When someone is new to the domain gamble industry and sign up with one of ‘your’ not-so-favorit registrars (cute-race-car-girl). At the ‘register’…you know…between the magazines and the chewing gum they tell you that all is ok but you can’t ‘private’ a US domain. Now, picture this….we all hate getting back in line! If we knew then what we know now things would be different, righ?…right!