Legacy gTLDs

Global TLD Market Report: 45% .com, 38% ccTLDs

The latest CENTRstats TLD Market Report has been published. It covers the global status and registration trends in all top-level domains (legacy gTLDs, new gTLDs and ccTLDs), with a specific focus on the European ccTLD market, and …

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.com price goes up on September 1, 2023


In accordance with the terms and conditions of the December 1, 2012 .com Registry Agreement, as amended, executed between VeriSign, Inc. and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Number (“ICANN”), Verisign has provided effective …

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The global domain name market in 2020

Overview of global trends and an analysis of the mechanisms at work during the health crisis. The global domain name market accounted for approximately 349 million domain names at the end of December 2020, up 1.3% compared …

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