ParkingCrew announced that the beta version of its platform’s new User Interface is now live.
The new User Interface it is still being developed and what you see is not the final version.
ParkingCrew claims the beta UI will work faster than ever.
There are predefined exports of statistics, ready for immediate downloads at any time.
The refreshed UI is optimized for a variety of device types (desktop, mobile, tablet) and has increased accessibility.
There are some new and improved features, including adding and bulk-adding domains, uploading lists of domains from a .txt file, customizing parking and sales settings for individual domains, organizing and managing your domain portfolio with folders, previewing your parked domains, generating reports and exporting them to a CSV file.
What new features are currently under development and are coming early next year?
- Bulk edits of your domains
- Individual time filter and advanced search options
- Comparisons of the performance of your domains between different timeframes