
Just bought the domain WithoutBorders.com. What do you think?

I bought the domain name WithoutBorders.com yesterday in an auction at DropCatch.com.

The domain name dropped and has a 2018 registration date. Yes, domains still drop these days!

The domain was originally registered in 1999 according to DomainTools.com. It then dropped in 2003 and was owned by a domainer up until 2008.

From then on the domain seems to have had 2 different owners and the last one didn’t renew it this year.

The domain was registered with blacknight.com, an Irish registrar, that apparently doesn’t send expired domains to auction but instead lets them go through the normal expiry cycle.

So the domain dropped and dropcatch caught it and I won the auction for $2,405.

I really like this domain and I believe I paid a fair wholesale price. I would have paid a bit more for it.

I think the auction price would have been at least twice that if it was at GoDaddy auctions.

I also own the domain WorldWithoutBorders.com for 10 years or so.

What do you think of this purchase?


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.


  1. Great name, and sounds like you got it for a great buy – Congrats!

  2. It is not a bad domain, but I would not pay more than $100 for it. You may be able to sell it to one of the non-profits that has that phrase in its name, but they usually don’t spend much for domains.

  3. Terrific domain and brand. The French variant, “sans frontieres,” retails for roughly $4k at Sedo.

    No existing registered marks. Some +”without borders” applications. Good value for the price you paid!

  4. Like Eric said these are a crapshoot, most of these organizations are grass roots, and will go with an .org or alt extension instead of spending money on domains, they will put that into relief.

    It’s a good news topic, but that doesn’t always translate into dollars. These kind of names could be had for $69, or a few hundred, but at almost $2500 you paid full wholesale on that, and then some.

    The issue with dropcatch is they have all these people who pile in at the end of the day to bid people up, and then disappear.

    If you feel good about it, well that’s all that matters, I saw it on the list, I think I would have paid tops $600- $800, and trust me I overpay alot these days, but 3X that, I will wait for other opportunities.

    Best of luck

  5. so you were the guy who put in a big proxy bid?

    • Konstantinos Zournas

      Well yes. It was one of the rare times that I was not available during auction end. So I had to put a big proxy bid and hoped I won.

    • If you have a big proxy on dropcatch, those guys like chgrskshjsaihahaak or whatever his name is, lawyer247 also will tax you day, and night, and push it up. These Korean bidders are relentless.

  6. This is absolutely great addition for you since you already have worldwithoutborders.com. It is for sure worth at least $1000 more for you than others.Now they both are more valuable, together. great catch.

  7. Nice grab. I was eyeing it as well…

  8. As a rule id say too long but this name is actually great for a non – profit etc Good luck.

  9. $2,400 is end user prices. I think you paid way too much.

    • Honestly it is inline with what the aftermarkets on a auction level are producing, lots of common bidders, probably 3-4 in the comments section would take a stab at it alone, let alone dozens more out there. It takes money to make money in 2018 aftermarkets. It was different 5-10 years ago, things have changed 10 fold. If you want to good names, you got to step up.

    • I have to agree with Jay $2,400 was too much for this WithoutBorders.com. I would have paid $100 max. But I’d rather take $2400, place it in my savings, and keep saving until I have $10,000 to approach a desperate owner looking to sell a premium dot-Com.

      But aftermarket prices are crazy in 2018. I see crap domains selling for $1K all the time. In fact, I rarely bid on aftermarket domains. Ill be glad when the recession hits to wash away the irrational exuberance…

  10. I have to be honest, especially since Konstantinos is one of my favorite industry luminaries.

    1. Yes, it is a great name, love it, so many great possible applications. But…
    2. It’s still a crapshoot, and I have to agree it may wind up being hard or impossible to sell in a cost effective way. Or not.
    4. Personally, this is the kind of domain I would have passed on, even for the price of a non-GD backorder, despite how intrinsically nice it is. I say that as both a domainer and an end user. Okay, well for the price of a < $100 backorder I guess I would grab it, but that's it.
    5. As far as org's go, no pun intended, the first that comes to mind is "Doctor's Without Borders."

    • P.S. And I may also turn out to be wrong on this one and it may well go for 5 to 6 figures before very long too. In which case I’ll need to recalibrate my buying habits.

      • Konstantinos Zournas

        Well I think I had an advantage by owning worldwithoutborders.com compared to others. I know the offers I had for it over the years.

      • WorldWithoutBorders.com is an extremely long name, I think many here if they got a $5K offer would sell it, not sure what you are looking for, but I wouldn’t hold on super tight to it.

      • Konstantinos Zournas

        It is a 19-letter domain with 3 words.
        I have sold a 15-letter domain with 3 words for 6 figures in the past.
        It really depends on the exact words.

        I would never sell WorldWithoutBorders.com for $5k. I am looking for mid 5-figures.

      • “I have sold a 15-letter domain with 3 words for 6 figures in the past.”

        You might want to delete your last comment and my quotation here, Konstantinos, or people may find out the truth about the value of good domains no matter how long or short they are. Some of your fellow zero-sum game luminaries who push the mantra of short-only may also be upset with you for spilling the beans and interfering with their winner take all hustle.

        And have I mentioned how I could show you a three word .com worth 9 figures if I was willing to point it out at least ten times yet by now?

  11. keepamericaopen.com that what I have…..

  12. Great name. There are so many uses for the name. Lowest value if used for political purposes. Good for international investing, international sales and manufacturing, travel and nomad enterprises. Live your life out of the box, without borders.

  13. Good name, thought not a steal either. Main concern is that the phrase would pretty much always have a word in front.

  14. Hate the concept.
    But like the Name.
    Immigration to those that only help advance a country and not parasite off a country.

  15. If i would owner of it, I could sell it under $1500 so you paid to much. DropCatch prices so high.

  16. interesting to see how even veteran domainers opinion can be so different. Eric says he wont spend 100 and another says it is a 5 figure domain.:)

    doing a quick google search shows tens of existing uses with .com and .org. he might have overpaid but it is not even a 100usd domain really?

    • IfI were starting a site/company that needed a domain like that, I would be fine paying $2500 for it. But as a domain speculator, if I buy it just to park it, it could take 5 or 10 years before I get a good offer so that is why I would not pay very much for it. I have lots of good domains like that I can’t sell. I would not be surprised if it eventually sells for $10,000+ but for every big domain sale, there are a hundred other domains that never sell and just sit there year after year accumulating annual registration fees.

      • @Eric

        Makes a good point, sometimes a domain like WithoutBorders.com is the most nerve wrecking of purchases, because it has value; but it is one of those assets without pure commercial meaning or premium keyword based.

        It will sit in your portfolio, and you will miss that $2400, when that is the difference between snapping up a true 1-2 word dot-Com with commercial meaning.

  17. Hi,

    I think it is a good buy because the right buyer could easily pay 5 figures for this domain. Add WorldWithoutBorders.com, and the domains become more valuable. if this is not out of context, I am expecting 5 figures for my three worded WesternClassicalMusic.com.

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