
The domain name Grinch award!

I got an inquiry the day after Christmas about one of my .com domains:

I guess this inquiry had something to do with the whole 2016 music death curse that was affirmed by George Michael, singer of the all time favorite “Last Christmas” song, dying on Christmas Day.

The offer for this 1998 aged domain was $5 accompanied by this comment:
yo how much dis page is/?“.

My immediate reaction to this generous (not!) offer and the poor wording of the comment was simply:
$5 x 5000.

Today I got a reply to my price quote:

Hi, first of all: rude. Second of all, what reference do you have for the price to be so high? How did you first come to own this website, was it inherited from a family member or wisped into existence with a flick of an internet wand?

My initial offer of five American dollars still stands, but I would be willing to pay it to you in ten monthly payments of $0.50 each. I could also trade you a domain name that I am in control of. Would interest you? Or

Of course these 2 highly desirable and short .com domain names are available for anyone to register!

First of all: a little rude but you deserved it. You gave a $5 offer together with a “yo” and “dis” comment. Price was right though.
My reference is my experience owning and selling similar domain names.
I inherited the domain by my grandmother that was a witch and flicked her internet wand back in 1998.
Although your dollar offer and the trade offer are tempting I have to decline.
Good luck with your domain fortune.
Merry Christmas!

I just loved his response so I will give him half of the domain name Grinch award of 2016. I will keep the other half for me.

Happy new year!


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the blog in 2012.


  1. I just delete / ignore those idiotic offers.

    Χρόνια πολλά Κώστα, Καλή Χρονιά να έχεις!

  2. Kostas,
    Probably that guy was kidding 🙂
    Have a Great Christmas time and a Joyful New Year! 😀

  3. The deal is dead. 🙂

  4. Well he has the whole .rip gtld at his disposal, go nuts

  5. LOL ……point him to .blog for his “project”

  6. 2016 smh…. ??

  7. Those type of offers make for a good laugh every time. 😀

  8. Saw a “For Sale” sign on the lawn of a house as I was driving today. Think I’ll call up the realtor and say:

    “yo how much dis place is? Give you $5”

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