Daily Domain Sales (3-23-2015): 2167.com $13,500, Pass.co 9,500 EUR

dailyFashion Brand Buys 100+ Domain Extensions & Creates Customized Websites (videos)

.UK Private Whois Domain Name Registrations Explode!

PeopleBrowsr (.CEO, .Best): “What’s great about GoDaddy Now”

Donuts Has Not Increased Domain Name Renewal Fees but there have been many reports about Minds & Machines.

.Ping Was Auctioned Today For $1,501,000 & .SRL For $400,000 (Google lost again)

Go Daddy Aftermarket: “There’s A Name For People Like You” (video)

HA Accepting Domains For A Dallas or New York Auction – Reveils It Sold Luxe.com For $173,000

8 Websites That Already Use A .Green Domain Name

Exact Match Domains (EMDs) Are Still A Better & Cheaper Option (“From SEO to SEM”)

Click here to see all the old daily domain sale reports.

To newbies: these prices below are 99% WHOLESALE prices except for some sales at Sedo. Here are the top domain name sales and auctions from Sedo, Namejet, Snapnames, Go Daddy, Drop Catch and Flippa (please note that a lot of the domain names listed below have not been paid for yet):

Sedo Domain Sales:
tkq.com $15,011
rxl.com 12,102 EUR
pass.co 9,500 EUR
ardx.com $4,000
yao.co $2,300
bba.be 2,000 EUR
collectivechurch.com $1,500

Namejet Domain Auctions:

Go Daddy Domain Auctions:

2167.com $13,500
meetmygf.com $1,525
moverschicago.com $1,480
gamingoutpost.com $1,304
topmortgages.com $1,125
research4development.info $1,006
officialphoraclothing.com $962
23568.com $787
pufs.com $710
msap.com $621
newsbcc.com $606
acelimousineservice.com $562
printmania.com $543
moodthingy.com $500
viados.com $387
moversdallas.com $322
vide.net $317
aquariumgarden.com $315
emirates-security.net $312
franchise-opportunity.net $288
jsdpn.com $282
mindfulmetropolis.com $255
kslfurniture.com $252
timesharelifestyle.com $238
tkle.com $227
dogspeed.com $215
papermoonweddings.com $205
jollyspianobar.com $185
lpmy.com $185
onlinemarketingseo.com $170
thetorchlight.com $165
dunevisitors.com $160
notthesingularity.com $159
myawesomebeauty.com $158
burgerkingme.com $150
ftjh.com $149
imcv.info $133
crjw.com $131
xwxr.com $126
ustraintravel.com $126
businesslitigationperspectives.com $125
pkui.com $123
bonus-baggings001.info $117
uauw.com $116
pmkz.com $115
latangara.org $114
salemcyberspace.org $112
savewesternoh.org $106
aasewhitedesign.com $105
onlinetradingplatform.com $104
pcuy.com $102
letgive.com $100
vseposto.com $100
organizeahome.com $99
lineagebridal.com $95
midwestcleanenergy.org $95
vdau.com $89
flappy-world.com $88
newmoneyforanewworld.com $86
sportsupporthotel.com $86
sportscardhaven.com $85
houseseeker4u.com $85
drurylanewatertower.com $80
puxp.com $80
idscforlife.org $80
secretsofaromatherapy.com $75
dashdingo.com $72
ociete.com $60
maine360.com $57
jewishterrorism.com $55
txstatedemocrats.org $55
tentshack.com $55
iwebguru.com $52
unityiowa.org $45
hvvf.com $40
albertoplacido.net $38
accreditationexperts.com $35
seobrandmedia.com $35
loverstop.com $32
patriottourboat.com $32
crunchythemes.com $31
tuljabhavanimandir.org $30
doxf.com $30
jordancarlos.com $30
poxv.com $27
security3d.com $27
cafe-180.org $25
hongluwenquan.com $25
jvty.com $25
blue-diamond-dance.com $25
bxug.com $25
tqro.com $25
magyarweboldalak.info $22
maddenholics.com $22

DropCatch Dropped Auctions:
KaHo.com $4,359
FishingHook.com $1,161

Flippa Domain Auctions:
FashionDeal.com $1,500
cupmatch.com $166
InsuranceLife.org $115
uudl.com $106


About Konstantinos Zournas

I studied Computer Engineering and Computer Science in London, UK and I am now living in Athens, Greece. I went online in 1995, started coding in 1996 and began buying domain names and creating websites in 2000. I started the OnlineDomain.com blog in 2012.


  1. Thank you for providing the daily list. Its a great knowledge for every one. Its good to know that meetmygf.com went for $1,525 as I own the domain Meetmybf.com

  2. “2167.com $13,500”

    Ouch. The buyer must have not known what 167 means in China. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numbers_in_Chinese_culture#Combinations

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